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Everything posted by sunspot

  1. The only thing required is to slightly redefine mass, distance and time as mass potential, distance potential and time potential. Mass potential is straight forward and is very similar to the traditional definition of mass. During nuclear fusion the mass potential will lower. Distance potential is associated with all things which express or interact via distance instead of being in static compression. This includes distance, force, charge, motion and entropy, etc. The electron needs to lose distance potential to become part of an atomic orbital. Time potential requires one rethink the nature of time. One needs to look at time as quantum potential. For example, the universe began will so much time potential. When it is used up the universe will end. This initial quanta broke down into the time potential within common matter. It will takes billions of years to use up their time potential via the forces of nature. These three variables can convert into each other, i.e., mass potential can change to time potential; time potential change into distance potential; and distance potential can become mass potential. Energy has no mass or no mass potential, but it has distance and time potential which is expressed as wavelength and frequency. With this simplification one can piece together the laws of phsyics using only these three variables.
  2. If one looks at energy moving radially from high gravity it will red shift. This implies that the energy will lose potential or cool into longer wavelength. Matter does just the opposite, if a given mass is moving radially away from high gravity, it will gain potential energy. If one lets the mass go, its potential energy would become kinetic energy as it accelerates back toward the gravity source. What this simple analysis implies is that mass cannot be composed of energy as its fundamental building blocks. If this was true, all the energy builiding blocks would red shift when moving radially away from high gravity causing the mass,via e=mc2, to decrease. This does not happen to stable matter, implying mass cannot be composed of energy based building blocks. In fact, any theories of matter that even uses partial energy to define the building blocks cannot be valid since the composite should lower mass when moving radially away from high gravity. The mass of protons, electrons and neutrons do not show this behavior.
  3. If we look at the equations of special relativity that only things that vary between references is mass, distance and time. While the laws of physics will be the same in all references. To put this in perspective, if one conducted physics experiments on a relativistic spaceship they would reach the same results as someone performing the same experiments on the earth. If after a hard days of experiments, one decided to trim their fingernails and exjected them from the spaceship, if these small protein fragments hit the earth, they would pack the punch of something from a supercollider. In spite of all the particles being so energetic within the spaceship, the three variables of special relativity will compensate such that the laws of physics remain the same. What this implies is that all the laws of physics can be expressed with just three variables, mass, distance and time.
  4. If we look at the initial expansion of the primordial atom, the energy that expands should red shift due to the high gravity. The red shift of energy to longer wavelength implies that the energy will lose potential or cool as it becomes longer wavelength quanta. Using the conservation of energy, since gravity caused the red shift of the expanding energy, then the gravitational energy potential should gain potential. This is reflected by the mass increasing within the rapidly cooling energy field, i.e, more mass means more gravity. If energy escaping high gravity will red shift, then the reverse should be true. Or energy flowing into high gravity should blue shift. The blue shift of energy implies that the energy is gaining potential as reflected by its shorter wavelength, i.e., getting hotter. Again, applying the conservation of energy, this gain of energy potential implies that the gravtiational energy potential will decrease. This is reflected by the mass decreasing as it melts into energy. As the energy continues to blue shift, the mass and gravity will continue to fall. At a critical energy/mass ratio, the blue shifted energy and the mass/gravity of the primordial atom will reach a balance. The only potential, using the conservation of energy, that could allow the primordial atom to expand from this balanced state is entropy. To maximize the entropy into space will require the primordial atom break up into big chunks that expand from center, instead of a continuum expansion. In other words, a continuum expansion at a distance D, will express less entropy than the primordial atom splitting into two at a distance D. Both express the same mass times distance but the continuum contains more entropy within its higher particle diversity. As such, to express the same entropy potential, the big chunks need to define a higher D than the continuum expansion. The big chunk expansion by moving farther/faster from center allows the primordial atom to expand.
  5. One way to explain most orientations of philosophy is connected to the two hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere is more rational and 2-D or based on cause and effect. The right hemisphere is 3-D or spatial. The conscious mind is primarily in the left hemisphere while the unconscious is in the right hemisphere. The unconscious mind can absorb higher data density and stores it within 3-D memory. 3-D memory can be seen as spatially integrated data. This memory is too fast to be conscious within humans. Within the creative rational imagination, what we get is a 2-D rational plane from the 3-D memory. Being flat or 2-D it can not fully express the integrated nature of 3-D. Philosophers, appear to be able to generate many 2-D planes from particular 3-D memory and can begin to approximate the volume.
  6. I think the highest or most evolved animal is at the top of the food chain. Humans eat all the other animals including beetles. If certain humans were not stopped they would hunt and kill all the large preditors for sport and destroy the narrow ecosystems of more dependant animals. Irregardless, there should be a potential between the cerebral and the brain stem since the cerebral evolved last. The shear amount of neuron firing in the cerebral and the axum bundling within the center of the brain outlines the direction of current within the brain. From the brain stem, nervous tissue the goes into the body. Again these are axums going into the body from higher to lower potential. If one changes the blood potential the potential between the nervous tissue and the blood supply will change. This will change the potential seen by the center of the brain and alter its potential with the cerebral. The cerebral matter appears to be drained by the potential. This makes neurons fire and allows continuous consciousness. Although the brain is drained, the neuron recover quickly. Sleep allows the cerebral potential to increase again creating a potential for the forward integration of memory.
  7. I would like to present a new model for the brain. If we look at evolution the highest animals have the most cerebral matter. This is the brain matter at the highest potential. This can be deduced from the branching structures of neurons. The fine branches imply higher curvature and therefore higher surface tension. This surface tension is indirectly related to their surface potential. The core of the brain at the top of the brain stem is much older in the evolutionary sense and represents brain matter at a lower potential. Between the brain's core another potential exist; with the body. For example, if andreniline is release into the body, the potential between the core and the body increases, which in turn, increases the potential to cerebral matter. The result is a higher flux of neuron energy output going into the body. The core of the brain can alter the potential between itself and the body and/or between itself and the cerebral matter. It effects the potential of the body via glands and the blood supply. While its effects the potential within the cerebral matter via the ventricles and the cerebral spinal fluid. The natural potential between the core and the cerebral keeps at least some neurons firing at all times. Within this constant energy flux, from cerebral to core, the ego appeared and has an impact on the potential between the cerebral, core and body via memory and will power.
  8. Another way to explain sleep is connected to lowering the potential of the brain. During waking hours our consciousness, sensory organs, and body causes neurons to fires. This implies the average membrane potential of the neurons are lowering. During sleep the brain attempts to increase the potential back to steady state. With the days memories stored within branching and synapses, the restoration of potential will require a slight alternation of the wiring into lower potential configurations. The result are dreams and a forward integration of memory. The next day the wiring is better optimized and the brain/neuron potential restored for another cycle of interactive/learning.
  9. Right and wrong are often viewed as relative but there should be absolutes of right and wrong based on natural human nature. In other words, a wild animal acts on instinct and survives by being true to its inner workings. Humans can supercede or subcede what is natural within themselves. One can not depend on the superego for natural behavior since there are too many hidden agendas. The relative nature of right and wrong allows both progressive and regressive behavior to exist side-by-side within the indivudal. That which is regressive and unnatural sets a potential with what is progressive and natural. This potential is expressed by the shadow and archetypes. The natural archetypes are at the core and the shadowy archetypes are at the perimeter slightly below the ego and periodically overlap the range of ego consciousness.
  10. Global warming and cooling is a natural part of the earth's cycles. The subjective panic helps the media sell soap. The polititians also want attention so they buy into it to get votes. Science buys into it because it means research dollars. The ambiguous results and the gloom and doom scenarios fuel the panic. Inspite of the emporer being naked, the social dynamics has lead to our energy and polution policy improving. Maybe the ends justify the means.
  11. sunspot

    how come...

    The skin temperature is slightly cooler than the body core temperature. This allows heat transfer. What is interesting is that if one goes into a hot tube set about 95F one will initially feel warm but will get cooler within time. The same air temperature will make one feel hot all the time. It comes down to heat transfer being better in water than air.
  12. The electronegativity of an atom is connected to the ability of an atom to accommodate electron density. In the case of F- or Cl- these can hold one more electron than it has nuclear protons. Charge alone can not explain electronegativity. Something has to cancel the negative charge repulsion for F- and Cl- to remain stable anions. Without getting too fancy, the EM force is the electro-magnetic force. The electro aspect of F- and Cl- are both net negative charge repulsion. As such, the lowering of magnetic force potential needs to be stronger than the increase in electro charge repulsion for these anions to be stable. Highly electronegative elements allow a higher reduction of magnetic potential within their orbitals than an increase in charge repulsion. Metals have a low electronegativity and usually become cations. Cations implies less electrons than nuclear protons. In this case, electron charge repulsion within the orbitals is not a problem since there is extra nuclear positive charge. The electro aspect of the EM potential within the metal is attractive, but the magnetic aspect of EM is subtractive. Gold atoms stay neutral so there is no electro attraction or electro repulsion within its orbitals. This implies a zero magnetic contribution. Silver will tarnish implying some slight magnetic repulsion that overcome charge neutrality to make a cation.
  13. This sort of makes sense but something seems wrong. If I was to make a molten bath of magma and throw a piece of iron/nickel into it, it would dissolve into the bath. Chunks of iron hitting the earth might takes days or even years to reach the core, slowly moving within the dense mantle. In the mean time, they are flowing through something far more severe than subcrustal magma with a temp higher than the melting point of iron/nickel. The core is assumed at 10,000 K so the mid mantle may be 3000K. Iron/nickel is also a good conductor and should heat quickly. How does the iron survive and stays as iron without dissolving. It would appear to me once the iron/nickel dissolved high in the mantle, they are part of a hot high pressure mantle solution. Solutions stay uniform unless there is a potential created. If the iron precipated below the crust, that would make sense because of the thermal gradient. Most materials that dissolve at lower temp do not precipate at higher temp. Is there any example of this besides the iron core in nature?
  14. If we look at DNA and RNA, the hydrogen bonding along the DNA occurs between the two DNA helixes. While the RNA can form double helix, loops, hairpins, and single helixes, etc. This implies that the hydrogen bonding potential defined by the DNA is higher than that defined by the RNA. In other words, if RNA had the same potential to form hydrogen bonds, it would lose its variety and try to become a double helix since this is the most efficient way for minimizing the hydrogen bonding potential within all the hydrogen bonding hydrogen on the bases. If we add the more reduced state of the DNA to its greater observed hydrogen bonding potential, there should be a correlation between the two. The question becomes how can the extra reduction within the DNA cause the DNA to increase hydrogen bonding potential so it needs to more efficiently hydrogen bond than the RNA? The extra electron density defined by the extra reduction of the DNA implies more electron density sharing within the hydrogen bonding. While the lower reduction value of the RNA implies less electron density sharing within the hydrogen bonding. This suggest that the primary potential within a hydrogen bond is the electrophilic potential of the hydrogen; the more available electron density that the H has to share helps the hydrogen lowers its electrophilic potential better. In RNA, the nucleophilic potential of the O and N are higher, yet the hydrogen bonding potential is lower because the electrophilic potential of the H is the primary potential. This anomaly makes sense if one considers HCl in water. The Cl- is a very weak base while the H+ is a very strong acid. As such, HCl has more electrophilic potential in its H, in proportion to the amount of nucleophilic potential within its Cl-, even though the charge dipole might suggest their being equal. This is primarily due to the much higher electronegativity of the Cl-, allowing it to hold extra electron density and become a stable anion that does not need much positive charge to be stable, i.e., very low nucleophilic potential. The higher electronegativities of O and N, relative to their covalantly bonded H (hydrogen bonding hydrogen), should do a similar thing, but to a lessor degree, giving the H more electrophilic potential, and the O or N less proportional nucleophilic potential. This irregular distribution of potential with a hydrogen bond explains why the extra electron releasing groups within DNA can increase the potential to form hydrogen bonds, i.e., better lowers the electrophilic potential of the H via the increased electron density within the O and N. In RNA, the opposite occurs, with the O and N having less electron density to share, this lowers the potential with the hydrogen bonding hydrogen. The result for RNA is looser H-bond variety.
  15. If we look at these two distinctions, object recognition and knowledge and memory, knowledge and memory is done within the imagination. Object recognition requires sensory input in conjunction with imagination. The sensory imput can only consciously overlap what is in the conscious imagination. If we consciously separate from the sensory input, i.e., staring at the object but our consciousness drifts into the mind's eye, so we can think about it within our imagination, new relationships will appear. This allows the same sensory input to overlap the new more advanced image we created in the imagination. The unconscious mind stores all the data from the sensory organs. Consciousness filters within the imagination. What is sort of interesting is that the link between the conscious and unconscious mind can have an impact on what we see. For example, in the woods at night, trees can become shadowy figures. The sensory data overlaps our conscious imagination, which is also being overlapped with unconscious content. The ego will make sensory comparisons within the aberated imagination to create scarey distortion of sensory reality.
  16. I agree with you in the sense that this is the classical explanation but in practical reality there are many acceptions. For example, if the superego of culture was the philosophy of Nazi germany during WWII, right and wrong becomes relative. The ego and the Id will now be able to team up. What is tradtionally thought of as the natural desire impulses of the Id would now be programmed with ununatural superego input that is reinforced by the ego. It is easy to corrupt natural instinct with unnatural superego and ego programming. Modern American culture is not based on purely moral law, it is watered down with the desire needs of Capitalism. It is right to maximized profits even if it means cutting jobs. The pleasure principle of the Id sounds appropriate to the life of a person of means and time, like Freud. The average person without means and time is more motivated by fear and hunger than desire. Desire/pleasure is more directed by culture to escape the anxiety of a difficult life. It also maximizes profits for those who can pursue pleasure/desire. Jung could better accommodate the norm instead of the upper class ideal. The Id appears to be a combination of the shadow of the ego (superego and ego modification within personal memory) and the archetypes of the collective unconscious. These are also modified by the ego and superego from their natural states to create collective compulsions. They represent the range of human instinctive and/or emotional potentials and are not limited to desire/pleasure.
  17. Maybe the garbage of today is the science of tomorrow. Not everything in physics is curved in stone or else there would not be so many scientifically acceptable alteratives. Sometimes the difference between bad consensus theory with data and good theory without data is access to resources.
  18. I remember seeing a demonstration with holographs. After a holographic slide was produced from the interference of a divided lasar beam, the demonstrator took scissors and cut out a pice from the slide and the whole image was still prodcued within the fractional aspect of the slide.
  19. That would account for the iron core but that raises another set of questions. First, if the iron came from spent stars where were these stars located and where did the rest of the iron go, seeing that spent stars should produce way more iron than needed for just the earth's iron core? With all this iron present near our solar system, why did only the earth get so much iron? Shouldn't the larger perimeter planets get first picks?
  20. I read something very interesting concerning the moon. I do not have a link since this was months ago. When the moon is at the horizon it is not uncommon for it to look larger to the eyes. But if one takes a picture of the larger looking moon, it willalways appear the regular size in the photograph.
  21. There is probably a grain of truth in these early models. It is something the average person can understand. More advanced models start to go outside the range of the average person. This may mean the models get too deep or they miss the mark because they are no longer intuitive. Simplicity is often closer to the truth complexity is for the experts. The way I understand it, the ego is center of the conscious mind, the Id is the personal unconscious and the super ego is cultural programming which impacts both the ego and Id. Jung goes further and says there is a deeper collective layer of the unconscious mind called the collective unconscious. This is genetically programmed and what makes humans human, independant of culture or time in history. Whether one is German, American, or ancient Greek falling is love is basically the same for all human and is based on an archetype of the collective unconscious. The ego, Id and superego will influence the gifts and the social constraints but the falling in love is timeless human.
  22. I would have to say the second diagram. The reason I say this is that if the first was correct one could not see just dots if there was a line present. I believe the memory is arranged in layers but in a parallel fashion which allows us to jump between layers. The best example of this are abstract drawings with hiddened objects. Many people are often stuck on the dots or lines until they see the object, then that is all they see. The imagination must start at the top layer of dots and work downward. The optic nerve has plenty of bandwidth for all these parallel layers to flow into the brain at the same time.
  23. Somethings has always confused me. It is currently assumed that the earth has a metallic iron/nickel core. The question I have is where did the reduction potential come from to make an elemental iron core when there was so much oxygen present? In other words, if one took the average composition of the earth, i.e., mostly oxygen, and heated and pressurized it, it would form a solution of sorts with the iron becoming iron oxide. To make metallic iron phase separate, one would need to add hydrogen or carbon to reduce the iron. With the earth's core 1000 times larger than the oceans, where did all the hydrogen and carbon go? Venus can support a dense atmosphere. Shouldn't the surface, crust and mantle of the earth have way more hydrogen and carbon?
  24. One of the most exothermic reaction is Al and O to form Al2O3. I believe the solid booster rockets of the space shuttle are aluminum powder.
  25. Alcohol lowers conscious inhibitions and allows what is under the mask to have freer expression. Cigarettes, are a stimulant that helps relaxation. These appear to parallel each other. The alcohol releases emotions that were consciously repressed due to fear or inhibitions. Men get animated and women get warmer. This causes some anxiety for the ego behind the mask. The cigarettes lower the anxiety allowing the ego to be more relaxed. It is sort of primative burnt offering to scare away evil spirits.
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