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Everything posted by sunspot

  1. That may be a job for dark matter and all the matter going into space from all the stars and galaxies. Consider this angle. If we assume the microwave background is from the original expansion, it is not going to just sit there. Things were denser at one time, meaning that these microwaves should have bounced off things and/or been absorbed for billions of years. If one adds this absorption and bounce to the current microwaves that are assumed to be more pristine, space should actually be colder. However, the heat from all the stars keeps the universe 2.7K.
  2. It seems very possible to rewire the sensory systems into other parts of the brain. The data signals from all the sensory systems are probably within the same range of neuro-input parameters and the neurons of the brain are fairly uniform with respect to form and function. As an analogy, one can plug all kinds of things into a USB port. Usually most computers have many such ports and once the computer is set up most people do not swap anything around. If one decided to switch all the devices to different USB ports, the computer and software would take a little time to adjst but would recognize the new order and let them play from there. This is probably the analogy of a small child. As one gets older. It should still possible but would add confusion that needs to be overcome. For example, if an audio input device, i.e, hearing, is wired into the visual area it would trigger visual imagery. Eventually one would recognize the visual parallel to sounds and be able to interpret the sound within the visual imagination Eventually it may become natural enough where an outsider might not be able to tell the difference with respect to what is going on inside that person's brain.
  3. I good experiment is to do the opposite and see what happens. There will be an inner resistance not to go along. There will also be a change in the feeback coming from the environment both imaginary and real. In other words, the prestige or magic of objects is not fully a conscious choice. There are unconscious things also at work that are very primative. LeDDeNHeiMer sort of summarized it up in that at a rational level it seem sort of silly, but at an irrational level there is a difference set of dynamics.
  4. The phenomena is fairly straight forward. What has happened is that personality software has become activated. It will force forward data within the imagination that puts you in the infaturation mode. One good analogy of such software activation is insomnia. Although the ego would like to sleep the software is feeding forward ideas and fantasy that are hard to shut off often requiring drugs for many people. The infatuation software works the same way but has its own agenda connected to bringing two people together. The problem is that it will be projecting from within to satisfy your unconscious expectations making it hard to see the full reality of the person. That why it is not uncommon for people in love or infatuation to only be able to see the goodside when they are in love. They will not be able to see objectively but will see what the software wants them to see to asure the goal; bond. Maybe a good stategy is get a second opinion. Have a girfriend sit nearby to look objectively at the same person to see if the inner projection is the same as the person. It could well be or not.
  5. Most people when they think of a big crunch they go from a lot of matter into a blackhole. The big crunch of a cyclic universe might correlate to the reverse of the forward expansion of the BB. If one plays inflation backwards you get a different termination point that is not a blackhole.
  6. During the expansion up to the hydrogen atoms, the innards of the universe were opague. However, the surface of the expansion has an open side into empty space. I don't think that the photons at the perimeter will remain stuck with such an open excape path. So energy is lost during the entire early opague expansion at the perimeter. With the ratio of surface area/volume maximized at the beginning and lowering over time, the earliest opague expansion should actually lose the most radiation into empty space. When it becomes transparent even more gets lost. The material universe is only a fraction of its original stuff. This lost fraction may close the universe. The idea of fractional quanta may not be that far fetched. When the hydrogen is still ioniized but not yet atomic the electrons are actually sharing with many protons in a giant pseudo-molecular state. Such a state could accommodate many fractional energy levels not defined by a single hydrogen atom.
  7. One could demonstrate this. If I had a hot air balloon with five different heat sources at five different temperatures and/or mass transfer rates, the IR signal from the balloon would reflect the sum of the five no matter what combination I use. That assumes sufficient time for mixing. I could also suspend a molten piece of metal, a few vapor phase chemical reactions, even a plasma cutting torch. Wit a little mixing the IR signal will still reflect the average temperature defined by all these affects.
  8. I personally believe in the red shift and the relativistic expansion of the universe. I know from personal experience ideas require proof. I don't have the means to generate data to prove many of my ideas, so by default I am screwed unless logic is sufficient proof. However, physics does not have this practical excuse. Unless all the wavelengths in the EM spectrum are demonstrated to red shift at the same rate, the jury should still be out. With a little imagination one can come up with alternate scenarios to explain a narrow band of the EM spectrum. This challenge is good, because it creates a logical need for further exploration.
  9. I am not sure of a single god gene. If genetics were involved it should be a complex grouping of genes since one gene/one protein is not enough to define an entire complex behavior. One gene/one protein would make one chemical, that may alter one's mood, but that does not constitute everything needed to define a complex behavior. A gene grouping or cluster could be associated with one aspect of the personality software. I could see some people being more genetically dominant in certain areas of the personality software giving a greater inclination to particular things. Our response to art may be conditioned if one is knowledgable about art and the various art movements, etc.. But people who care little or know little about art will still be subjectively affected by good art. The response from, such people as these, will not be pigeoned holed around a collective conditioned response. Their response will tend to be more original. We are social animals. Part of our social behavior includes the subjective influence from objects. Objects gain a certain "je ne sais que". This allows humans to be on the same page within physical cultural reality. It would be hard to convince everyone to love science since many like liberal arts or religion better. But the subjectivity of objects seems to affect everyone in all walks of life. The liberal arts person loves books, the scientists love gagets, the archeologist loves ancient trash and garage sales, the religious person loves their holy statues or their religion book, the pimp love his purple cadilac. These things are easy to condition because this lower level personality software is close to consciousness in almost all people. Where people begin to divide is more connected to the subjectivity of ideas. This is an extension of the magic in objects. If one goes back to history, Moses and the Jews, were among the first to downplay the magic of objects. They began to abstract god in an intellectual way, apart from pure or even connected object worship. This reflected the next higher level of the personality software, beyond the subjectivity in objects, connected the subjectivity of ideas. That is what all the different cultures are based on. Being subjective, and not fully rational, allows for endless possibilities since cause and affect do not necessarily have to apply. One may wonder about injustice in the world, etc.. This is an attempt to rationalize the irrational nature of culture. There is never a good answer because one is mixing apple and oranges. However, this lower than rational level personality software is something most people are consciously aware of. This is why it is so dominant in human culture. The rational personality software is even higher still and is fairly new at being conscious on a large social scale. The cause and affect relationships tends to narrow down subjective reality. This is where cultural subjective diversity becomes more narrowed until only logical relationships appear. For example, before people knew about chemistry there were endless speculation about the nature of matter. Each group would cluster together within their irrational dogma or speculations. Once chemistry became rational all the groups combined into a single group using a causual way of looking at chemical reality. There is still fringe thinking both below and above the rational even within chemistry. This makes chemistry more culturally inclusive. For example, we teach lay people about the atom in terms of planetary orbits. This is not rational or true but it nevertheless allows less logically minded people to participate in chemistry. Just a little bump further and they will be able to see the logic that science has found. At the other extreme are those who see new things that do not logically correlate with existing data. After scientific experiments such ideas often turn out to reflect rationally reality.
  10. The tired one would probably continue to sleep. The vulcan sleep hold would act like a tranquilizer. I like your natural tranquilizer. The one who is aleady refreshed from sleeping would probally awaken sooner to continue their day.
  11. I would like to show how it is possbile to create a red shift without requiring relativistic speeds. If we took a balloon of nitrogen gas into space, that is heat to give off a certain IR signiture, and then popped the balloon, the expansion into space will be endothermic, due to the entropy expansion, and the IR wavelength signature would expand to reflect the lowering in temperature. Even nitrogen gas heading toward us would appear pseduo-red shifted. If we use superheated water vapor instead and popped the balloon, the expansion will also show a pseudo-red shift. If there was enough water, the hydrogen bonding would cause a smaller scale enthalpy contraction into liquid water, then ice, superimposed onto the extropy expansion. This would cause a few plateaus that would alter the temperature or IR profile of the pseudo-red shift. The red shift is not due to expanding gases but is measured via electron emission changes of particular atoms. So, if we take a ball of plasma or highly ionized atoms, analogous to what we use to measure the red shift, and cause these to expand, they would also cool and drop energy level. If molecules or even ionic crystals are forming from the ionized atoms it could create steady plateaus and give us intermediate energy levels. The surface of the star could therorectially radiate steady, but a plasma buff would appear to be red shifted as it expands into space and cools. The only way relativistic red shift would be different from expansion type pseudo-red shift is if every single energy emmision within the entire EM spectrum from any source, all red shifted together.
  12. The mechanism I visualize can be observed by looking at the sun. (Don't look directly!). The sun is outputting a wide distribution of wavelengths from radiowaves through x-rays-gamma. The sum of all this energy flowing through the surface ends up with the surface of the sun being an average temperature which radiates at yellow/white. The sun is not just producing white-yellow quanta but is also producing everything above and below yellow/white. the average of all this creates the thermal signiture of the surface, which radiates at that yellow/white. One can see the same thing in empty space. It has sparse matter, dark matter as it were, and every possible type of energy quanta. If we average it all together it creates 2.7K, which radiates at the microwave range. The slight observed geometrical difference within the background microwaves is simple due to a slighty different percentage of all the quanta. This sort of lines up with the expansion and shows the history of average emmision.
  13. The 2.7 K microwaves implies the thermal signature of space. Something that is white hot looks white. The radiant output of space due to its 2.7K temperature is below IR into the microwave level (microwave hot). In other words, the early expansion gave off heat. Everyone agrees on that. We also have to add the heat from all the fusion, supernova, etc, that occurred since then. The sum of all these heat sources gives us a nice balmy 2.7K temperature in space. I finally understand my confusion. I assumed the microwaves were the cause of the 2.7k temperature, but they are actually an affect stemming from the background radiate energy signiture of space. Slight directional pertubations in the CMB reflect warm (loosely speaking) space zones due to the local thermal output distribution.
  14. I wouldn't drink from that keg, methanol will make you go blind. It used to be a problem fermenting corn with too much woody husk. One gets both methanol and ethanol. What this observation suggests are carbon, oxygen and hydrogen being outputted by the local stars. There should also be nitrogen in there. These are all the stable small atoms of life stemming from nuclear fusion. As they leave the hot surface of stars they deionize to form stable molecules like methane, methanol, cyanide, water, annomia, depending on the atomic output distribution of the star to that point in time. The early sun probably made plenty of the small atoms of life. As its equilibrium fusion output shifted the atomic output blend, a ever widening variety of the building block molecules of life formed. We don't need aliens or asteroids.
  15. I guess I should never say never. It dawned on me that the original post was making a cell from scratch, more or less. Now that I have build background, let me add some equilibrium detail to show the logic of cell building. The implications are provocative to say the least. As a teaching example and logical experiment of integrated hydrogen potential, I would like to begin with two complementary strands of DNA. If we place the DNA double helix into a beaker of neutral water, the DNA double helix might coil and uncoil somewhat, but for the most part, it will remain a double helix that stretches out within the beaker. The negative charges along the phosphate backbone will repel and cause the DNA to assume a minimum potential expanded double helix configuration. Next, let us take the DNA and transcribe two long strands of RNA from the DNA, which reflect all the exact template relationships and ordering on the genes. If we place these two long strands of RNA into a second similar beaker, the complexity of RNA folding would be higher than the DNA. Some sections of the RNA would remain a double helix. Other areas would exist as two separated single helixes. Still other areas would have each single helix folding onto itself or onto new areas of the RNA to define new sections of double helix, etc. The net affect is that the hydrogen bonding equilibrium of the RNA, with the same hydrogen potential water will result in a much greater packing variety, in spite of roughly the same number of negatively charge phosphate groups. Next, let us make two long strands of protein translated from the two RNA helixes such that the two long protein strands reflect all the ordering of the template relationships. If we place the two long protein strands into a third similar beaker, the two protein strands will form an even greater variety of hydrogen bonding induced packing relationships than the RNA, in its attempt to form an equilibrium with the same water. This greater packing variety is due to the greater variety of amino acid side groups along the two long protein chains, compared to the simpler four bases of the RNA or DNA. Let us return to the first beaker that contains the DNA and carefully separate part of the double helix in the middle somewhere. The exposed reduced pentose sugar moieties on a single strand of DNA will increase the surface tension within the local water and therefore increase the hydrogen potential within the local water. The increased local aqueous hydrogen potential, in turn, will increase the hydrogen bonding potential of the bases along the DNA. The overall potential is minimized via the DNA double helix reforming. The double helix lowers the hydrogen bonding potential of the base pairs along DNA. It also lowers the surface area and surface tension of the sugar moieties that are in contact with the water and places the negatively charged phosphate groups near the packed sugar moieties thereby minimizing any residual aqueous hydrogen bonding potential. Any separation from the double helix will increase the local aqueous bonding potential. The RNA differs from the DNA, in part, in that its pentose sugar moieties has an –OH group exchanged for one of DNA’s pentose sugar’s hydrogen atoms. This adds extra available electron density to the sugar moiety thereby lowering the surface tension with water relative to the DNA. The lower surface tension lowers the local aqueous hydrogen bonding potential, and therefore the hydrogen bonding potential induction onto the bases of the RNA. This will weaken the hydrogen potential of the base pairs along the RNA double helix making more packing variety possible with the same aqueous hydrogen bonding potential. The substitution of the base uracil of RNA for the base thymine of DNA has a parallel effect. The loss of the methyl group on thymine in exchange for the hydrogen on uracil implies a lower surface tension effect stemming from uracil relative to thymine. This will allow the RNA single helix to define an even lower hydrogen bonding potential compared to the DNA, resulting in more packing variety. The third beaker with the two long proteins strands will have the greatest variety of packing because of the wide variety of amino acid side groups available. In cells, many of these protein segments containing hydrophobic side groups would bind with lipids. Without the lipids, these organic side groups will increase the surface tension in the water and will thereby need to assume positions that will help minimize the hydrogen bonding potential within the water. This will result in the hydrophobic moieties clustering and/or becoming the interior regions of proteins. In many places surface tension will remain. While the crude protein packing will result in steric hindrance that prevents every hydrogen bonding hydrogen from minimizing potential. The net result is the aqueous hydrogen potential will increase with the two protein strands defining residual hydrogen potential equilibrium packing states. At this time, I would like to add some lipid membrane material to the third beaker, which contains the two long strands of protein. The initial addition of lipids will further increase the surface tension within the water. Some of the hydrophobic protein segments along the two long protein strands will associated with the lipids to help lower van der Waals potential and surface tension. Other protein aspects will be repelled by the lipids and will try to move away. The lipids themselves will cluster as a bi-layer to help minimize potential, i.e., lower surface area with water for lower surface tension. The minimum hydrogen bonding potential shape will be a spherical bi-layer shell surrounding the protein strands with hydrophobic protein segments embedded within the lipid bi-layer. After the membrane material surrounds and integrates the two long strands of protein, I would like to insert some mitochondria. Because many of the proteins along the two long protein strands have innate ATP active areas, the increasing concentration of ATP, due to the mitochondria, will eventually begin to hydrolyze on these roughly packed protein segments. The ATP site firing will add a snap to these proteins that will shake them into lower hydrogen bonding potential states, i.e., ATP and phosphate will induce decreasing hydrogen potential inductions onto the active proteins due to the negative charges on the ATP and/or phosphate. Under optimum conditions the ATP will quickly find the sodium pumps and begin to differentiate them from the protein blend. Their cation firing/exchange will cause them to repel each other and break away from the mother strands, until they all end up in the membrane. The firing sodium pumps within the membrane will lower the hydrogen potential within the water volume contained by the membrane due to the three to two exchange of sodium ions out and potassium ions in. The lower internal aqueous hydrogen potential induction will loosen things up by lowering the equilibrium structural hydrogen bonding potential of the remaining proteins. This will form a new blend of active ATP sites, due to the ATP active sites now being able to more easily share electron density with ATP. This will increase the differentiation of other enzymatic proteins. The membrane potential will also help establish a simple protein gradient within the water volume, where the higher hydrogen bonding potential proteins will move toward the negative charge stemming from the inside of the membrane to help lower their hydrogen bonding potential. The lower hydrogen bonding potential proteins, by being crowded out, will move away from the membrane to form an equilibrium aqueous volume. This protein gradient will help minimize the internal aqueous hydrogen potential. When steady state is reached, we next add the two strands of RNA. Because the RNA defines a different hydrogen potential equilibrium than the proteins, it will assume its place in the gradient while also altering the gradient by its massive presence. The negative charge phosphate groups will make the RNA repulsive to the inside of the membrane, due to the sodium pump potential, causing it to go to the center. The dual negative zones within the volume, due to the membrane and the RNA, will alter the protein gradient causing the higher hydrogen bonding potential proteins to divide with some grouping both near the RNA and the membrane. The lower hydrogen bonding potential proteins will group in the middle thereby minimizing the aqueous hydrogen bonding potential. This new dual gradient will eventually allow the RNA to associate with the proteins that it normally integrates with. Other proteins in combination with ATP will help to break the RNA down into smaller sections. The optimum results are crude ribosomes and the rough machinery needed for protein production. These will extend down the structural gradient toward the central protein zone between the RNA and the membrane. When a new steady state is reached, we then add the DNA double helix. The DNA will also find its place in the gradient and will alter the gradient by its massive presence. All its negatively charged phosphate groups will make it avoid the membrane. The association of the RNA with protein by neutralizing some of the negative charge along the RNA will skew the DNA toward this central region near the RNA. The addition of the extra negative charge of DNA within the center of the volume will once again alter the bulk protein/RNA gradient bringing more high hydrogen potential proteins toward the center near the DNA and RNA. When the histone packing proteins find the DNA, the DNA packing will simplify the number of available genes open for possible transcription. This packing will also result in less repulsion between the RNA and DNA causing them to increasingly associate. The packing of the DNA will also increase the hydrogen bonding potential of the DNA and alter the gradient potential between the DNA and the membrane, with the DNA moving toward increasing hydrogen potential. The net effect is that the DNA packing will increase the gradient potential between the lower hydrogen potential membrane and the increasing hydrogen potential bare bones nonpacked genetic configuration that will slowly emerge. The RNA will help lower the increasing hydrogen bonding potential of the DNA by associating with the barebone genes. When a new steady state is reached, the final step of our experiment will be to induce our pseudo-cell into a preliminary cell cycle using the mitochondria. Because the pseudo-cell has only bare bones genes exposed and no reliable machinery for the cell cycle, the first replication cycle will primarily cause the mitochondria to divide and accumulate. The latter will have an evolving impact on the protein gradients that will reform and be better integrated via the mitochondria. One of these teaching experiments should create a simple viable life form, which is centered on the mitochondria, which will gradually integrate itself with the bare bones genetic differentiation.
  16. A good example of nonconditioned subjectivity occurs in the viewing of art work. If one goes to a museum and sees a particular artwork for the first time, if it is good art it will induce a subjective reaction. Some love it, some hate it, other drift off in their imagination to many different places. It seems to show something inside humans connected to human object subjectivity. The conditioned response may make use of this subjective affect stemming from objects. The ancient idol worship often began with a good work of art that would appear to have a magical power to make people feel something. The religion would then condition everyone with an explanation of who the power was coming from; the stone god. That would get the imagination working even further until everyone would be wipped in histeria, until some clumsy person breaks the statue, breaking the spell. Fashion is not an idol religion or is it; is it based on the same primative affect? Don't get me wrong, fashion is a fun part of life and adds fresh feelings. This topic is useful to begin understanding the spell behind the feelings and the group dynamics.
  17. There are aspects of the unconscious mind connected to surrealism. These are among what are called the archetypes of the collective unconscious by Carl Jung. The archetypes amount to personality software that is common to all human. It is what makes humans, human with respects to needs and behavior. There is a range of archetypes and each subcategory will output to consciousness, via the imagination, at various levels of perception. Being collective the ouptut in one person's imagination can often be related to by other people. Good authors are the best example. Surrealism creates an illogical relationship between objects. This type of output is based on lower level archetypes that output thought perception below the logical. It is not higher human potential but more primative human potential before rational output was reliably perceived. The activity of the personality software is hard to explain with existing theory, so it is assumed not to exist. The way it works is connected to the extrapolation of existing memory. Memory organization that is not quite rational but more subjective can be extrapolated by the personality software into new memory organization that is still not quite logical. For example, a talking rabbit has a watch. The talking, the rabbit and the watch are all solid data from visual input or learning. These are extrapolated into subjective personifications and then the three extrapolations are extrapolated together to form a relationship that is not quite logical. The archetypes last for a finite duration of time allowing the fantasy to continue to extrapolate, unfolding the story. Authors help the fantasy by adding connecting pieces here and there, but the archetype projection will often be what is fueling the imagination with the surrealistic relationships. These often induce spontaneously or can be activated with strong drugs like LSD. There are also higher level archetypes which extrapolate rational data into new rational relations or even into spatial relationships. It works the same way, but these start with rational memory organization and extrapolate from there. A mystery writing may use two levels simulataneously to add fantasy to a complex rational story line.
  18. sunspot


    Actually the foundation of life is the hydrogen proton. It is hydrogen bonding and hydrogen potential within hydrogen bonding that defines the equilibrium within cells. Hydrogen is also the primary material within the universe. I don't know about Hado, but it might be referring to hydrogen.
  19. The CMB is generally is considered a remanant of the eariest expansion of the universe. There is another explanation for the CMB. In simplest terms, it stemmed and is still stemming from the stars and the galaxies. This would also explain why it is everywhere, with irregularities being due to the distribution of stars and galaxies within the universe. Below is a microwave image of a galaxy. Microwaves work similar to electron fields and affect charged atoms, molecules, ions, and particles. When we microwave water, the dipole charges (oxygen and water) cause the water molecules to rotate in the microwave field creating friction heating. If we look at our sun, the solar wind is full of charged particles. The changing of states as charged particles combine, is at the microwave level. The sun has been giving off microwaves and the solar wind has been doing this for billions of years. Multiply this by billions of stars in our galaxy alone and one can get a handle on the amount of microwaves being contributed by present day objects in the universe. Does anyone have any idea what percent of the CMB is from primal sources and what percent is from the stella sources since then?
  20. This topic of discussion is not concerned with primative worship of idols but with the psychology behind the affect. Before posing a question, I would like to create a little background with an example. The easiest example to see is cutting edge fashion. Every generation of young people have certain styles that are the cutting edge. These clothes create a subjective enhancement of the individual both within their minds as well as via feedback from others in the environment. This affect is not fully logical but is mostly subjective. If one was to get a dog to look at the lastest styles, they would probally just sniff at the object to see if it was food or maybe piss on it. They would not become involved in the human subjectivity. If one looks back at the leisure suit fashions of the 70's and early 80's, this was cutting edge in its day. But today it looks rather silly. This clothing still creates a subjective affect, but usually one of humor. The magic of objects appears to be a human subjective reaction. The object has this magical power for good or bad and by wearing it, the individual recieves the magical power of the objective. One may feel better about themselves, while the feedack from other humans in the environment will give one an extra bonus of subjective magic. The person under the object is still the same, with or without it, but they become veiled with its subjective magic when they wear it. The magic, is like the story of Cinderella; eventually the clock reach twelve the magic dies. The question is, is the subjective magic of objects a conditioned response or is it an internal human subjective reaction or a combination of both?
  21. This is a good demonstration of unconscious sensory projection. Although the eyes are wired to input data into the brain, current can also flow from the brain into the eyes and then bounce back into the brain to the visual sensory area, at the back of the brain. This current may be what causes the rapid eye movement during dreams. The unconscious mind is still active and partially conscious when we awaken from dreams and is still projecting the dream images and symbols. If one walks in the woods at night, sometimes real environmental visual input data will overlap subjective internal sensory counterflow. This can make shadows look like animals or sinister figures. Projection can be more than emotional overlay, it can also be subjective sensory overlay. In another forum topic I talked briefly about sensory expectation. This is the process of using a subjective sensory overlay to compare reality data. When the two data sources overlap, the real sensory data will meet our subjective sensory expectation.
  22. This will be my last post on this topic. It is hard to stay motivated not knowing if I am reaching anyone or whether I am making my ideas clear enough to understand. Like I said last time, hydrogen potential is the future of the life sciences, those who get a jump will gather the spoils. What I would like to do is discuss some of the main hydrogen potential considerations of cell cycles. One of the observations that begins the cell cycle is the increasing unsaturation of the cell membrane. This will make the membrane more fluid and will increase the cationic leakiness lowering the cellular membrane potential. The lowering of the membrane potential makes the inside less negative and the outside less positive. The outside lowers its food attraction/equilibirum potential, while the inside of the cell increases its aqueous hydrogen potential. The equilibrium trigger that causes the unsaturation is connected to the accumulation of food reserves needed for the cell cycle. This will cause a local change in aqueous equilibrium that will alter lipid production toward unsaturation. What unsaturation implies less surface tension due to less reduced hydrogen on the lipids. This suggests the food reserves will lower the local aqueous hydrogen potential shifting the strucutural equilbrium of the lipid production machinery. The lowering of the membrane potential will increase aqueous hydrogen bonding potential within the cytoplasm. This will increase the top end of the mitochondria's proton pumps as well as the electrophilic potential of all the metabolic enzymes. The result is an increasing metabolism and ATP production rate. There is sort of a paradox at work at the DNA. With the cytoplasm hydrogen potential increasing, due to the lower membrane potential, one would expect the DNA to pack. Instead more and more genes unpack to form the materials for the two daughter cell. The reason this occurs is due to the increase production rate of ATP and other RNA triphosphate monomers, which flow into the nucleus. These will have alow aqeous hydrogen potential affect, that will lower the nucleus hydrogen potential. The increased production rate of RNA and proteins needs to form two daughter cells implies the accumuation of moderately high hydrogen potential materials within the cytoplasm. The result is the aqueous hydrogen potential of the cytoplasm steadily increasing. This steadily increases the metaboliic rate and ATP production rate. The eventual shift from RNA production to DNA duplicaiton occurs due to the increase aqueous potential within the cytoplasm. The DNA monomers define a higher surface tension affect than RNA monomers. The shift from RNA into DNA monomers is due the higher aqueous hydrogen potential equilibrium due the affect of the accumulating daughter cell materials. After the DNA is duplicated there is still a lot of monomer triphosphate and ATP in the nucleus. It begins to realize that there is no more reaction here and a better chemical potential can now be found within the cytoplasm (recycle). During the period of indecision these accumulative materials help maintain the moderately low nucleus water potential. The enzymes that correct defective base pairing will see the higher potential nonequilibrium zones on the DNA where base pairing is not optimized. They combine there to help the DNA define equilibrium, fixing the DNA in the process. Fixing the defect creates nonequilibrium for them causing them to drift to another nonequilibrium zone on the DNA. As the DNA monomers and ATP exits the nucleus the nucleus potential begins to increase. The equilibrium state of the DNA is maintain by the flux of packing proteins that pack the DNA to condensed chromosomes. These are the highest hydrogen potential structures of life. When the condensed chromosome form, the nuclear membrane will define nonequilibrium causing it to disperse. The high hydrogen potential signal from the doubled condensed chromosomes is so strong that even the structural proteins and the Golgi apparatus will disperse due to the high surface tension created within the cytoplasm. These maximized potential structures equilibrium break up cellular structures for easier distribution between the two daughter cells. The centriole, as inferred by their normal position within the cell, are at a lower potential than even unpacked DNA. Their positioning at the poles of the cell sets up a dual gradient within the cell. The spindle is a structural way to connect the gradient between these structures, almost like wires. The flux of ATP, which works the spindle, is a way for the cell to lower the nonequilibrium potential defined by the double condensed chromosomes. The result is the separation of the chromosomes. This lowers the structural potential defined by the DNA. The poles of the cell, which align the centriole, are structures of lower hydrogen potential value than the centriole. The position between the separated DNA, where they formly were, defines a zone of high hydrogen potential. This potential is lowered with membrane flowing into this zone.
  23. Sorry for going a little overboard. After thinking about it I realize that there are two valid approaches to science; an integral and a differential approach. Sorry for the new terms. The many points of view around a phenomena, like the human mind, is what I will call a differential approach. All these approaches are useful for seeing different angles of the same phenomena. Each by approaching the phenomena at a slightly different angle provides new data and new insight. The integral approach was what I tried to do. My early perception was that each differential approach is expressing truth but noone is expressing the whole truth or there would be no real need for other points of view. The idea for the integral approach was to gather the various theories and try in integrate them into a relationship that could accomodate the truth in all the points of view. An integral approach is not just another differential approach but is treated like it is. It is a lot harder finding compromises than focusing on a single angle. This is where nomenclature gets tough. If I speak of the ego as the center of the conscious personality, there is a tendancy to equate word ego with a Freudian orientation, even though this term is being used in a more comprehensive way for the integration. There are other orientations that look at the conscious center of the personality but none are complele. If I call it the oge (that's ego spelled backwards) to help differentiate a more integrated interpretation nobody knows what I am talking about. It is hard to use standard nomenclature without shifting the center point to a differential point of view. One of the models I presented a little while back was thought dimensional theory, where various types of human thoughts, perceptions, instincts and behavior can all be plotted on one diagram and modelled as thought analogies from 0-D to 4-D. This analogy model could be used by any orientiation to plot its theories and ideas, because it is fully integrated. I came up with this many years ago when everything was fresh in my mind but it was treated as another differential approach. It is hard for 2-D thinkers (cause and affect/differential) to understand the validity of the integral approach. The senses are all the sensory systems. Each of the sensory systems, at its data collection point, I called sensors.
  24. I have seen the same thing happen with beer. You put the beer in the freezer for a quick chill and forget about it for many hours. The beer looks like ice cold liquid. But when you open it, it fizzes over and turns to slush.
  25. This phenomena may be cultural. In many Arab countries, the women are required to stay very plain with the males much more decorative. Some of the gay men in our culture are very decorative, many more so than the majority of the females. If one lives in the "hood", the decorative reverses between male and females.
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