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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. A blonde walks into a hotel and chekcs in. The night, she goes to the bar and has a drink. To her amazement, the tumbler is twice as big as a normal tumbler. With this, she asks the waitress, "Why is everything so big?" The waitress says, "Well, it just is. Everything in this hotel is big!" After that, the blonde gooes and tries to look for her room. She enters a dark room and suddenly falls into a swimming pool. The blonde cries out "Please! Don't flush!"
  2. I use Norton, as for Mc Affee, I think it is rubbish! As for McAffee ruling te market in the olden days, YUP! Now its just rubbish!
  3. Here is another one: A man and a boy are siting opposite to each other in a train. The man has $1000 in his pocket and the boy has $500 in his pocket. The man wants to get that $500 from that boy. So, he tells the boy "Ok. Ask me a puzzle. If I get it correct you give me $500. If I don't, then I'll give you $1000". The boy agrees and says "Then, you ask me a puzzle, if I don't know,I'll give you $500". They both agree and the boy starts first "What is green, has 345 legs, and 4 eyes, and a body the glows in the dark?" The man doesn't know and gives the boy $1000. The man asks "now, for your puzzle, what is the answer to your riddle?" The boy replies "I don't know, and gives him the $500!" If you didn't understand, the boy now ends up with $1000 and the man with $500, exactly the opposite to what they had started off with!
  4. Good one YT! Typical homosapiens! What do they know?!
  5. aommaster


    Well, its just impossible.Software protection can leep many people out, I am not denying it. But, the smart ones just don't get fooled. | | | v Murphy's law says: You can never make anything fool proof, because everytime you do, someone invents a better fool!
  6. Well, I'm kind of between A and B. I only come to check new posts (which is almost all of the time!). I don't really stay and lurk around except when there is an active conversation between me and someone else on a thread. Then, I wait till the other user posts! Otehrwise, I'm B, but I have gone for A as it is the type that best fits me!
  7. Please don't remind of it! Its so painful! MY whole hand feels electrocuted! Till the tip of my little finger!
  8. aommaster


    pity... people could never protect software against piracy!
  9. And another: A man goes into a rowing boat with a little boy who is doing the rowing. It was clear that the man was educated. He asks the boy "Do you know biochemistry?" The boy replies "No, sir". The man sighs "tsk.tsk. Quarter your life is gone". 10 minutes later, the man asks " Do you know calculus?" The boy replies "No, sir". The man sighs "tsk.tsk. Half your life is gone". 10 minutes later, the man asks again " Do you know physics?"The boy replies "No, sir". The man sighs "tsk.tsk. Half your life is gone". With this, the boy pushes the man into the water and asks the man "Do you know swimming?" the man replies "no!" The boy replies "tsk.tsk. your WHOLE life is gone!"
  10. aommaster


    But at least it worked at that time! Don't comapre it with now, as people are smarter now!
  11. Here's another one: It is the first time a villager has visited the city. He is amazed by the tall skyscrapers and buildings. A man sees this villager and realises that he can trick the villager into giving him money. The man goes to the villager and tells him, "ou know that building? You have to pay me for every storey that you look at! It's $10 per storey".The villager pays him $150. After that man goes with the money, another man comes up to him and tells him "That man tricked you!"The villager replies "Oh no! I tricked that man. I wasn't looking at 15 storeys, but 22!"
  12. Is it that feeling with parasthesia? Where your leg goes to sleep, and you get that 'needles' feeling?
  13. aommaster


    I don't! What is it?
  14. aommaster


    yes, that was the word. I forgot it. It was at the tip of my tongue!! Thanx!
  15. aommaster


    I see no one has answered this So, I'll talk about both. There are two types of serial key generators: 1.Press generate and the serial comes out 2.Enter information about yourself, press generate and a special serial comes out, which relates to all your details. The explanations are below: 1.This type is very easy. A database is built into the software that has either 1 or more keys installed. When the generate button is pressed, it pulls out randomly from the database, a key. 2.This type is more difficulat to make as the crackers need to actually find the code that the sofware is based on that creates the key. Tee software has a secret code that is used to relate all the information of the user in a key. This is like morse code, and the cracker needs to find the key to the morse. After that, he creates the key generator based on that code, so that it can convert the user's information into a key. Hope that helps!
  16. aommaster


    What? The ones where you press generate and they give you a serial?
  17. aommaster


    Its really a pity. I feel sorry for the hackers, others are just doing unjustice to them
  18. aommaster


    A good way of assuming it. All the bad stuff is related to crackers and NOT hackers, like what people think it is.
  19. How is there 2/3 chance of pickeing the WRONG door after one has been eliminated? Shouldn't it be a 50-50 chance of you picking the right door??? Anyways, I'd be happy with both
  20. aommaster


    To develop that point, hackers are just computer engineers that know a lot about computers. They try and find wormholes in operating systems and try to learn more about them As for crackers, they are the ones who crack programs and find serial numbers and create cracks for software. They are the ones who create the virusses that damage our computers and files! Hackers consider it a great insult if people called them crackers because they do not damage anything. It is the crackers who do. Nowadays, when someone refers to a hacker, we usually think of someone evil, much to the hacker's discontent!
  21. That's won't happen because as the wheel is going to pass the magnet with Bismuth, they would repel each other, stopping the wheel.
  22. ur welcome If you are wondering what pi can be used for, I think it could be used in places like nasa, where they try to calculate the area where rockets should be launched and speed of planets and other tuff. The more digits, the more accurate the calculation are! But, I don't think they would use it to that level of accuracy! The best reason I would think that would keep people going would be to see if there ever was an end of pi!
  23. Hmmm... the digram is not really clear. But, are you trying to say that the magnets on the side will attract the magnets on the whell, thus spinning it forward? In that case, then, the magnets would not really work, as the positive pole of the magnets would meet first with the positive pole of the magnets on the wheel, thus repelling it.
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