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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. Well, don't worry Yt. It happens to me alos. I think too complex, especially in maths. I mess up completely, then to find out that the solution was very simple
  2. aommaster


    I agree with YT. It is usually a temptation to try and fool the administrator. I happens in my school also. There was a student who actually accessed solitaire and all the other games that we weren't allowed to access from the network. Of course, this isn't to as big as a scale as the one crash did (obviously because of the outcomes), but it lies in a similar category. To be honest with you guys, I was very close to doing it!
  3. umm... I would think its about 80-90 decibels!
  4. Very interesting stuff. I haven't heard of it too. Very interested in knowing what you found out. Post as soon as you get it!
  5. Hmm... what about making a lump of it, it would be then like aluminium, with an oxidised covering at the top, but, completely pure in the middle!
  6. Where is the diagram? Is it in the same file? Also, how can you be sure about the lengths problem that I had come across?:
  7. Well, when I mean deaf, I mean the loss of ability PERMENENTLY to listen to high pitches of sound, not the very high ones, the common ones that everyone can hear. As I also said in my question, the sound would be like a loud disco. So, after that, what do you think?
  8. aommaster


    I asked that same question. We'll wait till he comes back, and see what he says. It can't be so serious that it would have led him to do it!
  9. aommaster


    oh yeah! I reckon!
  10. yeah, I would go for flash. It has an easy tutorial on how to start you off. Then you can take it further. Many companies offer flash teaching but not director.
  11. what a pity...
  12. aommaster


    Won't that get him into BIGGER trouble?!
  13. aommaster


    Why did you do it in the first place? I don't think that was a very good idea! hmm.. I'll tell you if you tell me the reason why you did it!
  14. I just want to clarify this. What is casues deafness? Below are the reasons which I have been told, but, which one is it? I am talking about permanent deafness! 1.Exposure to a loud sound (let's say 20 minutes), not on a frequent basis 2.Exposure to a loud sound (let's say 8 hours), not on a frequent basis 3.Exposure to a loud sound (let's say 20 minutes), on a frequent basis 4.Exposure to a loud sound (let's say 8 hours), on a frequent basis The loud sound is not something like a jet fighter taking off a foot away from you Its like loud music at a disco or somthing! Which one is it? {edit} Could this thread be moved to a biology forum or general science forum? i think it suites it better there!
  15. The diagram is not that clear. The numbers are obviously lengths, but, looking at the side 8 and 18, is the 8 length part of the 18, so the total length is 18, or is the total length 26?
  16. Just thank God that there are only a few atoms in the world! Could the numbers increase? Because of all the meteors that are falling on earth?
  17. ahh... that was the one I was looking for. The 'technical' name for it!
  18. Thanx alot for your reply, I understand it now MUCH better!!! I have some questions: How will it affect it? What is radical polymerisation? IS it the same as addition polymerisation? What chemicals are used for radical polymerisation? Also, if the answer to the question above was "No, it isn't the same as addition polymerisation", then, what about the chains in addition polymerisation? And what about the chains in condensation polymerisation? Thanx alot for your time!
  19. hmm... just wonder how high it could get. There's got to be a lmit before someone says "I've had it! No more primes for me! Not even for a billionn dollars!"
  20. Which exam is this in? The end of year ones?
  21. Yeah, I was reading it thinking he was serious, until I read the end of the first line! I was thinking that he was going against the rules of the science forums Nice one!
  22. Again, the language that has been used is of a very high scientific standard, which I can't understand Could you please explain it in simple language? I have a nightmare with language like this!!!
  23. Yup, you understood correct! I said it in my first post... Thanx for the reply. I kind of get a breif idea on what you are trying to say, but could you please explain this part in simpler language so that I can understand? Correct me if I am wrong. You mean that as the reaction goes on, the molecules at the end of the chain still have open, reactive bonds. These react with more monomer molecules and make the chain bigger. The part that I didn't get is: What happens when there are no monomers left? WHat will happen to those open bonds?
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