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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. I have one thing to say to that YT, always expect the unexpected!
  2. Is that directed at me? If it is, I have no absolute idea! I haven't been exposed at all with running an apache server at home, so, I have no idea!
  3. Your welcome Just google "free web hosting with PHP" and you will get loads! Just make sure it is free though, some web hosting companies try and trick you into inputting your credit card number and all that rubbish
  4. How do they measure how funny a joke is? Is it given a rating from 1-10 or something?
  5. Here is another one: An island had 20 people, one of which was an old woman. It started to rain on that island and thus, it caused a flood. A rescue helicopter came and told hte people that it only had space for 19 people. So, the people on that island told the lady to climb up first. They had left a young man on the island. When the lady got on, the rest of the 18 guys held on to the ladder and started to climb. No one was in yet. As they were flying away, the lady said, "turn back. I will sacrifice myself because I have seen the worls and have lived long enough. He hasn't, so, let him see the world". All of the guys on the ladder started clapping!
  6. Well, ozone is unstable as well. Even though we can make it, it would break down quickly. Also, the cost of electricity would be too much to make enough so that it would block the UV rays. Not a stupid question at all, I might add
  7. Nope, I read it in a mgazine that I subscribe to. It was the best one I ever read! Why?
  8. Here's one. A science teacher want to disect a frog in class. He has a sandwhich in his hand and the frog in his pocket. On the way, he sees a weihghing machine. He thinks"I want to weigh myself. But, to make it more accurate,I'll take off all my clothes". After he weighs himself, he puts everything back on. He disects the sandwhich in the class and eats the frog instead! If you guys are willing to go to other webistes, then, I have some good jokes on there. Blonde are REALLY recommended. Here is the direct link for you enthusiasts! http://dragonslair.europe.webmatrixhosting.net/Jokes/Jokesframe.htm Enjoy! By the way, here are two more, short jokes. A blonde is hanging from a cliff and has one of her arms chopped off. How do you kill her? Wave at her! ------------------------------- How do you stop a blonde getting out of her house? Build a circular driveway around it!
  9. aommaster


    Atinymonkey, you must really be enjoying replying to posts on this thread!
  10. Oh my! Where do you get ur jokes from! They are really funny! Let's keep it up!
  11. aommaster


    Man, how obsessed can you get! Its impossible!
  12. aommaster


    Well, I really am curious, to tbh. I have never come accross a person that crazy about something
  13. One question, how will you know if they have come back as a different name? HAve you blocked their IP?
  14. aommaster


    I'd like to extend on the topic about ninjas and atinymonkey's interest in them. Can you please explain in detail why you are so fascinated about them?
  15. What does RTFW stand for sayonara? Read the full ......?
  16. hmmm.... so it is travelling faster than the Earth rotates? The final speed, the resultant one. How come that doesn't break the sound barrier?
  17. Thanx YT. Great link!
  18. Makes sene totally! So, what have I missed out? Is it the fact the plane is still subjective to the Earth's rotational speed?
  19. hmmmm.... would aluminium oxide reacti with fluorine? I don't think so because it is unreactive. This leads me to think that aluminium containers would be good to store the acid!
  20. What metal wouldn't react with fluroine? And which plastic?
  21. There is something wrong with which I am going to say now, but I can't put my finger on it. Something must be wrong! The Earth spins anticlickwise when looking from the North. Let's say a plane takes off from Britain and heads towards India or something. It is now travelling with the movement of the Earth, does that mean it is moving faster than the Earth's rotation? Now, let's take the opposite. The plane is now heading towards the USA, it is going against the Earth's rotation. When it lands, shouldn't the plane, and its passengers be thrown backwards, because on the ground, it will be experiencing the movement of the Earth? Something is all wrong here! Can someone please shine some light onto this subject?
  22. hmmm.... lets wait and see
  23. ummmm... does that answer my question? If it does, could you please explain further?
  24. Who is that directed to?
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