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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. well, it is really both, and not really easy to divide. Chemistry studies atoms becuase they are what chemistry about. Without atoms, chemistry wouldn't exist. Physics studies atoms, but only their nucleus, it does not really study the electrons. It studies them because they decay, emitting radiation, which is studied in Physics
  2. hmmm... like i said before,catching her is not the problem, cause i can follow her if i miss, finding her is a different case! How depp must you dig before you have a chance of finding her?
  3. hmmm.... you should be able to work out a theory for it. Just think of all the shemical compounds in its body and u should be ok!
  4. ok. Thanx alot
  5. The main problem is that I couldn't find that old woman! hmm.. there must be a way of luring her out of the nest! She has got to move somehow! probably making a more comfortable toilet!
  6. wow! Thanx for the facts!
  7. I have also heard, from my father, that hypnosis comes in stages, from 1 to i think 10 or something. 1 is a very simple form of hypnosis, where you look at a person and stae, and without knowing, he or she would look at you then turn away. Level 7 would be to actually erase memories and all that, used for hypnotherapy. This proves that it involves the inconcious mind, right?
  8. well, this will be possible, but the problem with this is to get the queen, and that is not easy. I'm just wondering whether the ants will build a tunnel without a queen and will be able to survive. Also, will a new queen apper after that? Some questions to ant-ologists
  9. lol. The thing is, proper hypnosis is obtained by a hypnotist just telling the person to relax. hmm..... Thanx for the explanation. Really useful
  10. Who's he? Also, the fact about learning hypnosis is a totally different subject
  11. thanx very useful, but i am talking about the hypnosis without seeing anything. The hypnotist just talks to you and puts you in a hypnotic trance.
  12. LOL! No, really, I am serious about this
  13. Like the title says
  14. Bad news guys Experiment did not work. The ants have NOT dug the tunnels. I don't think i have found the queen either. I am thinking of letting them go. Any ideas?
  15. those are REALLY RARE
  16. by the way, make sure the button saying 'stay logged in' is checked. The stay logged in for a specific time may has cookies that are refused by ur computer That should work!
  17. hmm... you have a very strange problem. Ok, login using the orange or yellow link that the top of the page. They don't have pics near them. Try that and see what happens
  18. I have sent you the password via Email. Have a look, and you should be able to log in!
  19. well, I'm the admin of that site !!! There is a problem with the registration system. I'll send u the password as soon as possible!
  20. yeah, possibly. I don't really know any of these languages really well, i know a little bit about CSS, javascript and HTML and that's about it
  21. they do. I think YT was talking about the ant!
  22. OK guys! Its done. I have a slight doubt about the queen though I was looking fo the queen, and I found an ant that was about twice as big as the others, in the area that I was digging in. I also found another one of the same size in that same area. On top of that, there were no larvae when i found that ant! Is that the queen? If it isn't, how far down do i have to dig before i actually find the larvae?
  23. I agree!
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