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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. well, the higher the number of dots, the more effective u r, and the higher u stand. Its like a general scale. e.g. 1 dot = from 1 point to 100 points 2 dots= 101 points to 200 points etc. it just shows u where u lie!
  2. well, i beleive u. And ur right about asking for danger. If you can live without it peacefully and happily, then why do it?
  3. On the home page, there is a list of threads. I have seen the one with 'new materails' about twice now, and yet, nothing shows that there is a page view on that. Is this normal?
  4. yes, but they are trying to give a reason why it won't work. They just don't give the answer!
  5. Hmmm... i remembered it about 2 days ago, but now, i have forgotten it. There is an astronomical effect called mercury .......... . It affects mobile phones. It happens about 3 times a year. Can u please tell me what it is called, and some more info about it?
  6. oh please wolfson.. I haven't yet taken all this stuff. I'm at GCSE level, but i have asked my teacher about this stuff. He said it was too complex for me, but he have a breif explanation of it. If you can explain it to me at my forums in detail, that would REALLY be good!
  7. I would say scary!!!
  8. hmmm... then i do the cracking of the joints. I can't beleive that someone can actually pop a joint!!!
  9. how long have u incubated it?
  10. what should he actually see when the bacteria grow properly? I did an experiment simimlar to this one using agar, and i saw white 'spots' of colonies of bacteria. IS that what he is supposed to see?
  11. yeah, it can have disasterous effects! Especially if someone like swansont disagrees with someone. HE HAS THREE GREEN DOTS!!! It would probably take out all the points a person has!
  12. hmm... according to me, i would say that you should wait for a few more days before jumpping to conclusions! But, I'm no expert in this... ask YT!
  13. Thanx for the good detail!
  14. oh ok. Thank u YT!
  15. Doesn't anything thinner mean that the heat source is close the the area that he want to transfer the energy to?
  16. question YT... the thinner the metal, the better in conducts heat? is there a sort of 'heat resistance'??
  17. wow! You must have one hard-working PC! I read ur first post and immediately knew what it would be!
  18. well, since non-metals have more than 4 electrons in their outer shell, they do covalent bonding and share the electrons. Its easier for them to do that!
  19. what exactly are pathogenic organisms? Fungi?
  20. welll.... yeah! That's the problem with metals like the transition metals...unpredictable!
  21. hmm... i don't think most of them though! Otherwise, we could sterilise ourselves with light! no, not really, unless you are going to culture plant-like mono-secll organisms, which i don't think u r. They only need light if they are plant like (they have chloroplasts and hence cholorphyll) otherwise, i don't think it makes a gigantic difference!
  22. could u please explain that further? I think i may havve gotten confused with that?
  23. That was EXACTLY what i was telling him!
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