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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. the simple answer is that ALL atoms are looking for FULL outer shells (the interior ones are laready filled up). And THAT is why they form metallic bonds.
  2. covalent bonding requries electrons to be 'shared' between atoms. In this case, they cannot share electrons between atoms because the numbers just do not match to make a full outer shell. They could in one way, but, it would take too much energy, and the atoms are too 'lazy' to do so. Ionic bonding has the same story, they have to give too many electrons or take too many electrons. It just doessn't work That is where the metallic bonding kicks in Does that help?
  3. Well, its no good for other members to tell them how good of a member u are!
  4. ok. So just tell him that it is not a vaccuum anymore, but an area of low pressure? That seems good enough!
  5. well, that is to do with the strength of the bonds. Molecular covalent bonds are weak, that is why the substances that have them have low melting and boiling points. The metallic bonds are strong bonds, causing high melting and boiling points
  6. yeah. That's the best way. Also, make sure that it doesn't go above 40 or something, otherwise, the enzymes in the bacteria don't work at all (they get denatured) and they won't grow properly!
  7. ok guys! This is what he says: According to scientists, you can stretch atoms. There are some atoms in a vacuum, a very few, but there are a few. SO, you can stretch those, you stretch the vacumm. Well guys?
  8. i would say both!
  9. Bacteria grow best at something like body temperature. Room temperature should work ok. But, if you want fast growing bacteria, then, body temperature is the best to use
  10. well, my opinion on this is, DON'T TRY IT!!! AVOID IT!! i think this is the right policy to have
  11. can the bacteria that is being grown be harmful in any sort of way?
  12. good example YT. I remember those days where we thought light years was a measurement of time! The name is misleading though!
  13. yeah. Mods can't really do anything about it. The admin can add the feature in so that the mods can see it as well. Well, hope it works out good
  14. aren't u worried about that? Scary! By the way, isn't there something the doctors could do about it?
  15. oh, only for mods, good idea. For members, NOT a good idea. IS there any way u can do that?
  16. hmmm.... it does get pretty annoying at times. I hate it when my fingers crack because i bang my hand on the headboard of the bed while walking by!
  17. I acutally can't do it for my fingers. I used to do it a long time ago. If i try to, it pains a lot!
  18. My science teacher also says a smimlar thing to what that site says. All the teachers do in my school. So do some of my friends. hmmm.... makes sense, and since everyone says so, including students my age, it looks true!
  19. But won't that stir up trouble between members?
  20. thanx alot wolfson. Really helpful! I understand it now
  21. hmm... can u tell WHO gave it to u? Maybe mods have that facility?
  22. Well, some non metlas have different types of bonding. The metallic bonding is ESPECALLY for metals. Other non metals may have bonding like molecular etc. Hope that helps
  23. Although this is a very simple question, I yet can't understand it. What is the difference between speed and velocity? I know that velocity has a direction, but what differnce does that make? Till now, I learn it off by heart, can anyone explain why does the velocity change as the direction changes?
  24. very nice YT! Nice work!
  25. thank you! I didn;t know about that transition metals bit!
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