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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. Its ok. Thanx! the ony one negative that i have is the one on 'Do strings have mass'. I didn't know the started was aling about the string theory
  2. lol! Do u know why that won't work? LED light up red in one direction, and green in another. When an AC current passes through it, it produces a yellow light. I don' think it is ppossible to produce a blue led light. Maybe. they would just use the lightling effect of an LED with blue cellophene paper!
  3. not the GIFs, that wouldn't take a long time. I'm talking about this on a bigger scale. Like the TV and all of that stuff! I have my main website of 500 pages. And now, I want to change the navigation in all of them! Imagine how hard that is! Especially because i get bored very quickly!
  4. yeah. you are right. BUt now, everything has been made, it would be near to impossible to change it!
  5. yeah! that's a good idea. Or even a black or white square!
  6. yeah, like i said before, i have it to. I can't trampoline as it has some sort of effect because of the impact on the feet or something!
  7. Well, usually red is chosen because it is and was always used as something negative. This goes the same for green, which is positive.
  8. A crumple zone is an area in the front of the car that is made especially to be weak. This way, when the car crashes, this crumple zone reduces the amount of energy given to the driver. So the kinetic energy is reduced! Hope that helps!
  9. And what do u mean by hold it down. Just move the ponter over it? or click and hold? WHen i do it' date=' i don't see anything! Maybe they haven'et made it yet. 'Cause its a separate thing. It doesn't come with Vbulletin
  10. To tell you honestly, i don't know what 'green thing' u r talking about. There are loads of green buttons around!
  11. Me? Nope! 1. Red color: LOL 2. Green color:Is excellant and a great help to the site
  12. Is this directed at me, or to someone else?
  13. YT2095's reputation: infinite. He deserves it though!
  14. I mean, what use is it for a member, other than giving him more influence over other points?
  15. I posted a new thread in the general forum. What is it for?
  16. Don't u need to draw a probability tree for that?
  17. What is it for? I have six points on that!
  18. No thank you IT all depends on the surface area of each face, that's all to make it simple!
  19. Whoa! I would have been amazed if u said that u typed it out!
  20. Well, this is what happens. 1.Evil gamma ray comes along and hits DNA 2.This damages the DNA beyond repair. 3.There is a trigger in cells that tells them 'start reproducing' and 'Stop reproducing'. The one that says 'Stop reproducing' gets damages. 4.When the cell starts to reproduce, it can't stop. We now have cancer. As you can see, the gamma rays are focussed at the point of the tumour, so they are more likely to be destroyed than the other cells. I am not saying that those cells don't get damaged, because they do. And this starts off another cancer. If u r lucky, you would get the cancer destroyed and those cells won't be affected
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