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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. Everything that has matter has mass. So, yes it does have mass. Even though it is tiny. Nut not for the scale of atoms. There must be millions of atoms in a piece of string!
  2. Well, this is what I have learnt: -Alpha particles: No good, cause they are stopped by the skin. They do not reach the cancerous cells -Beta particles: No good as they are not strong enough and, sometimes get stopped by the body. -Gamma rays: Perfect. Even though most of them go through the body, the ones that DO hit causes damage. Take a look at the digram below:
  3. I have something to add to that. A covalent network is also called 'Giant Covalent'. It is subtances that have high melting point, and do not conduct electricity NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM (melted etc.) Examples of these are diamond and silicon dioxide
  4. 1. An element is a substance that contains only ONE type of atom. A compound is a mixture of two or more elements THAT HAVE BEEN CHEMICALLY BONDED together. A mixture is just a mixture of two or more elements, without the bonds. 2.An ionic subtance conducts electricity when molten or dissolved in a solution. A covalent subtance that is molecular has a low melting point. I don't really know what is covalent network. 3. I don't know 4. I don't know
  5. Well, the high pitched sound that comes from your TV (correct me if I'm wrong) is from the Tubes at the back of ur TV. They are the ones that fire the electrons at the screen so that you see an image. When the TV is switched off, you don't here the high pitched sound, because they aren't working.
  6. I use that website quite a lot, amazing that i hadn't had a look at it this time Something out of topis, i had answered ur maths challenge, please check whether it is correct or not!
  7. oh ok! Thanx
  8. oh ok. Does that mean that they heat up the food faster, because they have more energy in them?
  9. What difference is there if the microwaves are shorter/longer?
  10. Hmmm... I don't know where he got THAT piece of information from. We can clearly see that it is a computer hard disk!
  11. How can that be?
  12. well...:shrug:... ok. You got me! But then, why are we taught that it was a different form of energy? And what about Infrared radiation, THAT is heat as well!
  13. Doesn't the kinetic energy CHANGE to heat energy? Kinetic energy is movement, and heat is.... heat!
  14. Well, like i said before, none of them caused it!
  15. That, i can help u with. That I can't Well, when microwaves are beamed down onto the food, like you said, the water molecules obsorb it and start to vibrate. This causes an energy change from kinetic (movement) to heat. This is what warms ur food up. If yo put an empty plastic bowl in the mocrowave, there is no water in it, which means that it does not heat up. It may heat p slightly however, because mostly everything u have contains a tiny bit of water in it. Hope that helps
  16. oh ok. Thanx alot guys!
  17. well.....yeah! It could be used for something else in the future!
  18. Nice scientific reasoning!
  19. Ok. Thanx alot guys. Thanx for the info!
  20. By the way, how does a catalyst work to speed up a reaction?
  21. lol! I just didn't think about it that way! I used that only once to be honest, then, i just used developer solution!
  22. You horrid man!
  23. I know that is is sometimes caused by damaged hearing. But it doesn't come to me when i hear a loud sound. Just when walking along it happens!!!
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