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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. oh yeah! i use those when i make circuits!
  2. Thanx YT! Someone was also telling me about fibreglass. Is there any relevance?
  3. hmmmm...... fishy! :scratch:
  4. Now i will need to erase my whole memory!
  5. in which reaction does it take place?
  6. It is actually called a cochlear Well, they last about 5 seconds or something. As for the intesity, it is soooo long between two of them, that i can't ever remember!
  7. Well, it may. This won't work however if the solid is completely submerged in the solution. Is light a factor?
  8. yeah! especially when u can't get rid of it!
  9. Yay!! !i am finally beginning to undersand u guys! Are there any others?
  10. Hold, on i think i got it! Are u trying to say whether the solution is shaken or not?
  11. WHAT? :confused::confused::confused: Is this a joke? Or is there a communication gap between us?
  12. Astronomers have detected what could be the Solar System's 10th planet. It was first seen by astronomers using California's Mount Palomar Observatory, and has been given the name "Sedna" after the Inuit goddess of the ocean. Observations show it measures about 1,180-2,360km (730-1,470 miles) across, making it similar in size to Pluto. Astronomers now say they have evidence that Sedna has its own moon, although this needs to be confirmed, and is also very red in colour. There is likely to be some debate about whether it qualifies as a true planet, but some scientists are already saying it re-defines our Solar System. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3511678.stm
  13. so THAT'S what it does! I was wondering. Someone told me that it gets rid of nitrogen dioxide and that sort of stuff!
  14. nope. I actually get it like, once in a while. A looooooooong while! Wierd!
  15. oh ok. Thanx alot!
  16. Well, here is it, as promised! You may need to add links to the admin functions and all that sort of stuff! robots.txt
  17. To add on to that, it is called incomplete combustion
  18. ok. I get the brief idea. What is AP and QM?
  19. At times, I hear this funny, high pitched ringing sound in my ear. What is it? What is causing it? It does NOT happen when i hear a loud sound.
  20. I was thinking about factors that affect the rate of reactions So far, i know about: -Catalysts -Surface area -Concentration or pressure -Temperature Are there any others? Please give examples in which they occur. Thanx alot guys!
  21. well....... yeah! But it doesn't mean we go on and talk about ninjas! That should be on another thread!
  22. aommaster

    2 questions

    It is the reactivity of the products. The catalyst speeds up the reaction and the surface area does so as well. The surface area causes more particles to be exposed to the reactants. This goes the same for the concentration
  23. Could someone please explain to me what the string theory is? Please use simple language! I find it hard to understand what you guys say at times (but in the other hand, i learn something new).
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