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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. oh wow! We have gone from talking about goldfish to talking about ninjas!
  2. LOL!!! Good one! I always though goldfish were birds!
  3. I wonder if they would send a beagle III to look for the beagle II (!!!)
  4. Oh, don't worry, I won't be ABLE to!
  5. Nope, i mean the level of knowledge that you are at. Amazing!
  6. yup! I think so too. I just can't imagine how long it has taken for u to get to the stage you are at!
  7. exactly! The only way to learn is to make mistakes! By the way, I don't think ur a mad scientist! Just a guy with lots of knowledge!
  8. nice going YT! U should have taken that into account before making it! Oh God! Must have made a horrible mess!
  9. How did it catch fire? Doesn't phosphorus catch fire only when lit?
  10. That's what i tohught as well, i tried to to it with 5, and then, multiply everything by 11 (is this the right approach?), and it couldn't work. I just couldn't get 11! You can get 15, but, as i said before, it gives u a horrible decimal!
  11. Well, it tells robots not to access the site. I can write one if u like!
  12. huh? :confused:
  13. One thing. I was looking around in the users online, and i saw a guest EDITING A POST! That isn't really a guest is it? Is it a person with moderation privillages?
  14. Thanx YT. U should be proud of urslef! I am the one who has learnt from you!
  15. lol! *Oops, i killed someone by mistake!*
  16. I don't think so! I think so
  17. Well, here is something that you can try. 1.Take a jar, and filll it with vegetable oil 2.Take LOADS of iron filings and put it into the jar. 3.Close the lid of the jar 4.Put two magnets next the the jar,opposite each other, and move them up and down until their magnetic feilds affect the iron filings 5.You should see a good 3d view of a magnetic field lines! I haven't tried it myself though, best the show me the results
  18. where did u find this puzzle?
  19. well, something that may help. This puzzle cannot be solved by using positive integers only. The closest u can get to the answer using positives is 54, then it is 57. Hope that helps!
  20. lol! Well, i think its a mutation!
  21. are u being sarcastic? or is that a serious question! That's that problem with the net!
  22. cause, i was having a look up on the net, i found 15, and it can't be multiplied to make 55 without getting a horrible decimal
  23. Did un manage to find it? Is it solveable? cause i had a go at it, and i don' think it is
  24. oh ok. Thanx alot yt, I appreciate the fact that you are doing this for people's safety
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