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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. in the absence of light, i wouldn't expect it to want to reflect the light back. It would want to be able to see more won't it? I think it must have something to do with the pigmentation. The pigment maybe decompsees or seomthing with the absence of light. This means that it does not reform after the light is switched back on. What will the fish be called then? A white fish? I think enough of my silly jokes!
  2. hmm. maybe u can try onion butter and see what happens! Just a little bit, if it does not go bad, then u know what is causing it!
  3. well, it can't be, because it is permanent! I told u, maybe it is firghtened or something
  4. oh. Thanx!
  5. what is sulmafic acid? And what's the formula?
  6. oh man! i remember those days!
  7. lol! well, its true!
  8. yeah. I had one of those when i was about 7 ( the watches) man! I used to be a disaster! Switch channels! FUN!
  9. 8 quid, mine is like 3 pounds and it gets it right! I think you would need to enter in like 21^(5/3) Thats how i put it on mine and it worked! ITs a casio fx-82TL
  10. oh nice work! I was wondering what could have caused it!
  11. wat does pmsl stand for, im not good with abbreviations
  12. oh yeah! Now I remember, suicide bombers and other people carry a cyanided tablet on them, so of they are caought and don't complete theor pbjectives, they take it and kills themselves. Thanx for jogging my memory! I knew i had come across it before
  13. no, it wouldn't have an effect on it. It looks to me, like what sayonara said, like it hasn't completed. I suggest, you tell her to remove the google toolbar (add/remove software on control panel) and then to reinastall it
  14. thanx alot YT!
  15. lol! Why would someone want to make it? And how do they extract gold from it, it doesn't react!
  16. Which thread will that be in? Oh yeah, what exactly is Hydrogen cyanide exactly? what's its formula?
  17. lol. Thanx alot!
  18. So, it works with both, the activation energies AND the energies that are involved in the reactions?
  19. Isn't this just a calculation for making sure whether a reacton is exothermic or endothermic?
  20. in which way exactly, don't u use bond energies for this?
  21. ok, something new to me, so sorry if i look a little stupid. What is gibbs equation?
  22. I have heard of the following: Two headed snake Two tailed scorpion Two headed calf But never the three headed thing! Must be a mutation!
  23. Yup! True! To make a perfect vacuum, you must have absolutely NO matter or any subatomic particles in a space. To make something like that is impossible, cause no matter how hard you try, there will yet be a little bit of air or some matter in it. Also, actually containing it is impossible. Glass doesn't work! Its impossible. Even space isn't a perfect vacuum!
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