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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. Isn't it Bovine Spongiform encephalitis? Sorry about my spelling
  2. well, its ok to have it within a certain limit. I'm sure u already know what it is. Its a slight curvature of the spine, so ur spine isn't straight. I have it too, all you have to do is to keep ur posture straight. That is what i was told. It should be ok then. I'm no doctor, but that is what I have been told to do about it.
  3. Yup! Count me in as well! I could actually help u to design the website I'm also designing my school's website!
  4. oh! I got it now!
  5. hmm.. doesn't look like it though, cause it looks more to me like a list!
  6. I was just thinking, for part B, won' the atom be negatively charged? If so, then why did sallylonglegs19 say that she wants an atom with NO CHARGE?
  7. well, what are you exactly looking for?
  8. one of my brilliant ms paint diagrams It gives a good idea on what is going on. I was actually going to explain it, but found it too complex, so, ol' ms paint comes to the rescue!
  9. Well, from what i know, it slows down becuase of the change in density, but, you'll need to make sure. This is the diagram i was given. You can also imagine a car instead of this, if one side of the car enters sand from road first, those slow down, turning the car slightly. This is what i know about it
  10. Yeah, I also heard that there were polar ice caps on mars!
  11. ummm. in simple language please??? lol
  12. yeah, i'm still trying to figure out the reason. Why can't it echo, it should. Shouldn't it?
  13. well, I also heard that a duck's quack doesn't echo. I don;t know why though. As for normal echos, the property of sound is that it is a longidudinal wave that can bounce back. When you shout in an empty room, the sound bounces off the walls (not all of it, some of it) and you hear it. Hope that helps
  14. Here, see if it works and then tell me. The graphics are not really that good, this is just to show u how i would do it blooddripping.zip
  15. well, there are many ways you could do it, I use the XP version, and i don't think it has anything about blood, but, if u want to do it, then you'll need to create an animation. Ill try and make it!
  16. oh. I didn;t know that Thanx!
  17. Thanx alot guys!
  18. oh ok. thanx alot guys!
  19. WHOA!! please don't get too complex!
  20. A very confusing topic to define in a category. How do photochromatic lenses work? You know those glasses that are transpaerent and when exposed to sunlight, they darken? How do they work, from the name, I can guess that it has something to do with light, other thatn that, i have absolutely no idea! How do they work? What chemical do they have in them that makes them behave like this?
  21. Okay, in case u guys don't know about it, there are 2 types of insulin. One is short acting which takes effect after 20 minutes after injection. The other is long acting with takes effect after 2 HOURS. How does it work? What do they do to it to make it start working after 2 hours?
  22. Oh yeah talking about fingerprints, don't identical twins have the same fingerprints?
  23. You sure about that Pinch Paxton? I don't want my laptop screen to be messed up! Or I'll blame u for it
  24. yeah, they should increase the number of parks, wildlife sanctuaries etc. Just some place that should be untouched so that they can help the endangered species. As for the number of people...REDUCE IT!!! I know that Chine gives extra benefits for people that only have one child. If they have two children on purpose, then they have to pay tax, schoool fees etc. A good idea indeed!
  25. That's what i was thinking also, I always thought that only the meat was affected by it. But then, someone told me no! Thanx alot guys!
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