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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. and does the milk produced by those cows contain any of these prions?
  2. lol. I think yes, for the land available to us. We are cuttong down rainforests to make homes for other people, ruining other animals habitats!
  3. I would like to know a few things about BSE 1.What causes BSE 2.What are the symptoms of BSE to the cow and the human 3.What parts are affected by BSE? Is the milk affected? Thanx guys!
  4. i think it does already ummm... i think it is used in fluorecent light
  5. hey, thanx alot man!
  6. Yt, how many times have u opened a battery before?
  7. yt, why don't u add this stuff to ur website? It would make it really interesting
  8. oh, cause at about 8:00 AM GMT, i can't seem to access the site
  9. it keeps on telling me that the server is too busy only when i login. What is the problem?
  10. WHOA!!! I have never seen so many indices ever in my life! Where did u get THAT from??!
  11. yeah i agree! By the end of 2400, we may have 500 elements!!! LEARN THEM ALL WITH THE SYMBOLS!!! Yikes!
  12. its sad that these elements only last for less than a second! ...sigh...
  13. hmmm... I know that sound travels at about 1500 m/s through an average solid not really the densest. I would say, something like metal.
  14. WHOA!! I've TOTALLY lost u guys!
  15. I was joking lol, when i tried to do it, i got x to the xth root = y to the yth root I dunno how to write it out tho
  16. ur welcome Anytime!
  17. oh yeah! sorry, if u stop accelerating, won't ur mass be back to normal? Even though u are moving, there is no extra force exerted on u! Well, that's what i think! Ask a pro here!
  18. i thought u would actually loose mass, won't u?
  19. one more thing to add, look at ur post and blike's post! SAME TIME!!!
  20. hmmm... looks like its correct It makes sense to me! Thanx alot YT
  21. oh ok! But i dunno if i get it over here!
  22. MnO2 + 2H2O2 = O2 +2H2O + MnO2 DEFINITELY! The manganese oxide (MnO2) only acts as a catalyst. It remains unchanged but speeds up the decomposition of H2O2(hydrogen peroxide)
  23. ok. Thanx, that sorts a few things out! Now, WHY does the mass change when ur speed changes? That is the question!
  24. ooohh, so THAT'S why EM waves travel at the speed of light, they have no mass! That means, if i am travelling at a speed of 10 km/h in a car, will i have a greater mass than that if i was standing still? Should be, or I'm confused!
  25. lol. I just realised where this thread has gotten to! I was talking about mass, it has now gone to impurites! sheesh!
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