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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. hmm... but couldn't u count the NO green as the opposite of green?
  2. what does the 6 have to do with it? I yet didn't get it. I thought of cucumber!
  3. Don't worry, I canr prove u wrong. Cause i would have been dead by now Don't worry, i can also prove to u that ghosts exist!
  4. Yup YT, so, does it go in this order? Turgidity---Flaccidity---Plasmolysed? And what is protoplasm? Is it the vacuole?
  5. well Faf, i read that thread, although my shakespeare isn't good, i could understand bits of it! hmm..... in the FAQ it only said that u guys don't take in new members in the science forum. Well, that means me!
  6. I am REALLY getting confused. Ok firstly, we have to make up our minds, what is the opposite of green? BLACK or THE ABSENCE OF GREEN FROM WHITE LIGHT?
  7. I paid a small visit the the AV science forum. It looked very UNmaintained. It was SOOOO messy! It had like 25 buttons for advertisement. I prefer a forum, that is tidy, neat and organised, like this one
  8. But of course, one bad person spoils it for everybody. Its just a rule somehow. Its the same in schools, colleges, FORUMS!
  9. That was just a thought I probably won't be able to moderate even a fraction of Science forums!
  10. hmmm..... i think i need it in lots more detail. YT may be able to explain it to me!
  11. hmmm... I'm wondering whether i would be good enough to moderate in a few years time. Don't you have to be a very active member to do so?
  12. yeah! Its good to be that way. I wouldn't like a YT who hates normal members! lol!
  13. hmmm.....YT seems to have disappeared from the conversation!
  14. maybe ur folders are taking up the space And by the way, about the moderation. I think I'm too young to do it! You guys are much older and more experienced!
  15. oh ok. Then, i'll give it a try! Sayonara, may i be a mod Sayonara replies: UR TOO YOUNG! GO AWAY!!! I run off, crying to mama!!!! lol
  16. lol. Why?
  17. oh no. I wouldn't do that! He would BAN me!!!!
  18. Ok, i know what turgidity is: it is when a plant's vacuole is full of water What is the difference between flaccidity and plasmolysis
  19. oh. I didn't notice that! lol. What does it take to become a mod? ( i want to be one of this forum. Probably in a few years time)
  20. Hey sayonara, why do't u make YT a mod, he is a mod for my forums, and is really good at it!
  21. thanx man! i wanted to do that after what YT said, but since you were really mean to us members (only joking) i was not able to do that. Thanx for doing it for me!
  22. what do you exactly mean by 'viable', my vocab isn't really of high standard!
  23. i have to say.....very diplomatic! lol
  24. i really hate it when people argue which way to spell it. I wonder how the majority of the people here spell it...I''l make a poll right away!
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