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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. sorry guys! I was tired when i wrote that! Of couse 1 to the power of two is a hundred!
  2. yeah, i used dogpile once, and HATED it. It is soo annoying, in so many ways. One is the ads, TALKING BUDDY KNOWS ABOUT.... Then, as Dudde said, there are so many repeats, and that there are things found not related to what u are looking for.
  3. nice one YT!
  4. hmmm.... i wonder what happens when i light THIS!! lol. Thanx for the warning. Don't worry, im not going to blow up my house!
  5. hmmm.... good point!
  6. I was just looking for a science forum, where i would get the answers to my millions of questions. And i agree with greg
  7. nice. Its really good that you know all this. Because it means that u don't depend on others for ur experiments. You can make them all at home! Keep the good work up!
  8. lol. All i have to do is to find a free willy tshirt now!
  9. how about x=1 and y=2? Won't that work
  10. what about boiling it, doesn't that work as more acetic acid will be there? Or maybe boiling the acetic acid and then condensing it. More like simple distillation!
  11. YT, do you have every method for making every single compound on this planet?! I was reading ur threads, some showed me how to make copper sulphate, sodium iodide! Did u actually learn this or just found it form experience? Very impressive! Good work!
  12. lol YT. hmmm... couldn't u make the ethanoic acid more concentrated, by maybe boiling it and releasing more water?
  13. what about vinigar? or is it too dilute?
  14. I can't imagine how your fish tank would look. I hope you aren't experimenting on those poor fishies!! lol
  15. yeah. I haven't watching the news lately, i only read the newspapers. *Sigh....*
  16. LUCKY MAN! Nice, maybe u can give us some feedback!
  17. Yeah. Now let's wait and see what they find. I also heard that the ramp that was blocked by the airbag was the ramp where the rover would have to go by. Now they changed plans to take a more DANGEROUS route. COOL!!!!
  18. Well what luck, i'm in my second year of gcse (so any problems, send me a PM) you can even add me to ur buddies list of u like!
  19. hmmm.... good question. yeah, and what IF the bacteria landed on mars, wouldn't they have died anyway?
  20. Oh ok. I got my asnwer. And YT SPOT ON! That was the chemical, it completely slipped my mind, cause i read in a magazine article once! Thanx alot man!
  21. yeah. That was quite a long time ago. I also heard that there would be a mission somewhere near 24 jan or something. What is that anyways?
  22. hmmm... possibly. I really don;t know, that's why I'm asking u guys!
  23. yeah. But this is just for ANY information, usually, the news section only has the important stuff! This one is just for tiny litle things that people don't take account of!
  24. yeah. This happened to me in the polls section only!
  25. Well, good question. I'm waiting to find out!!!
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