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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. hmm... Something very logical but i can't explain it. See, you know when you brush ur teeth with a mint toothpaste, then drink water? Why does the water appear colder than its actual temp.? And the same to hot (spicy) stuff. Why is it when you have something spicy, it burns ur mouth? It's a chemical inside the food, i forgot what it was. What is the name of that substance. And then, why is it that you can't have something warm after something spicy? IT appears that the something warm is about 500 degrees! And why is it that you can't have a soft drink like coke? Curious..... Thanx guys
  2. yeah. What is the school's website anyways? Or you could post it here! But i think its best to give us ur school's website!
  3. Yeah. ME too! WHERE ON MARS IS THE BEAGLE 2. What a lousy spacecraft!
  4. Hi guys, any news on the mars exploration of the Beagle II, Spirit or Oppurtunity? Well, post here! Any news that you have heard, rumours, anything, I need to know. MY newspaper doesn't have lots of info on this sort of stuff, so i thought that it would be best to keep it here! Thanx guys
  5. hmmmm.... I was doing some of the polls on the website (i had nothing better to do), and whenever you submit an entry to the poll, it takes you to the main page rather than back to the main thread itself! Hmm.. maybe it could be fixed, cause it is getting annoying
  6. yeah. I know. It does get a little complicated, but, its also easy if u understand the stuff. I'm doing GCSE, and I already understand a bit about alkyne,s cycloalkanes, alkadienes, diynes, trienes, triynes and a load of other stuff!
  7. hmmmm.... I actually LIKE organic chemistry LOL
  8. Well, I don't know about other genes, but a scientist called Francis Galton did some research and found out that intelligence IS inherited from parents, although motivation can affect results! In other words "People get their brains from their parents, but some don't use them!" So, intelligence is inherited, but it also depends on the environment, the amount of motivation you have, the skill of teachers etc. As for other genes, I'm not sure!
  9. The best technique in balancing equations is to balance one type of atom at a time, and "POOF" the whole equation is balanced. You just need practice. Remember, the more you practice, the better you get!
  10. oh ok. I was wondering how they separated it out. Thanx!
  11. Oh ok. Thanx guys!
  12. Well, then how do they get U235? And what is the nuclear reactor used for (i thought they used it for that reason)
  13. OH God, u guys are confusing me. Uranium 238 is more stable than 235. This is why peopel have to use a nuclear reactor. To fish out the 235 which can be used in nuke bombs! Because 238 just doesn't work to cause a chain reaction. Does that help?
  14. oh good. Cause i just got a heart atttack!!! I thought i needed to update my periodic table again! YIKES!!!
  15. what element number is BOo by the way? I have only learn the elec. configs to element 20 (calcium) in the order That's all i know about this!
  16. thanx. I think ill wait till A level to do it It looks complex to me!
  17. whoa. Now im getting confused yikes. Anyways. I going now. Thanx guys. Bye. I'll follow this up tomorrow as soon as possible!
  18. well, all i know is that from 1 to 20, it goes as and fills up gradually like that i dunno about the rest!
  19. Well, that's all well and good. I understand that concept. As for the transition metals, they have difference elecronic configs, so, i need to learn them, before i can understand that.
  20. yeah. I've decided to to A level chemistry (not only to learn about the transition metals, because i enjoy it). I'm also asking the teacher about it, he gave me a table of electronic configs. COOL!
  21. yeah. We have done electronic configs, but not of the transition metal, the teacher says it is too hard (yeah right...)
  22. Yeah? I really didn't know that, we haven't yet done transition metals! Thanx!!!
  23. yup. I've desgined the logo, its up already. U may need to refresh the browser to see the new logo!
  24. Well, first time I'm posting here. Well, here it goes! I have heard of lymphocytes that produce antibofies and phagocytes that gobble up bacteria. Are there any other white blood cells? What do they look like (e.g phagocyte has a lobed nucleus)
  25. What do u mean? I designing the logo for my website at the moment, that's just a place holder. Ik now its taking time, but, its nearly finished!
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