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Everything posted by aommaster

  1. Thanx wolson. And YT, your hypothesis looks okay to me. It makes sense
  2. aommaster


    It's very interesting. I take music GCSE so......... i find all music interseting.... LOL
  3. Ok, i THINK i've finished my organic chemistry section of my website. Now, i need YOU GUYS to give me some suggestions on what i should put next. Have a look: http://www.dragonslair.co.nr Anything that may be a little interesting, tell me. I really need it. By the way, if u r interested in maths, join my forum http://masterdragon1.proboards19.com/index.cgi and then go to the puzzles section of my website. There, is a maths challenge that you may want to try, After you get the answers, post them in the forum! Have fun! p.s: IF you find any mistakes or inaccuracies on my website, please post here, so i can do the changes and ammend them. Thanx
  4. Thanx. Although last year, i got a 97% on chemistry!(hard to beleive really) I got worse in chemistry and better in physics. Last year i got 67% in physics!!! YIKES!
  5. Oh yeah, by the way. I got a 93% in both physics and chemistry mock GCSE exams!
  6. YT u are starting to worry me. LOL
  7. Yeah. The diagrams are pretty good. They explain the whole topic in detail. Well drawn, i have to say I edited the post cause of a stupid spelling mistake "Duagrams"!!!
  8. Thanx YT. See? I'm learning something. For the first time i got it right! Thanx wolfson for your reply. I now understand all the suffixes. So, if a substance has let's say 5 double bonds, it would be called something diene 5?
  9. Well, you never know. someday, it may come true. With all the knowledge you have!
  10. Okay. Don't worry. I'll eventually get it ! thanx alot for your help
  11. Here it is:
  12. And correction, Cycloalkenes only have ONE double bond. then comes cyclodienes for two etc. You get the point, the same prefixes and suffixes By the way, in esterification, which part is the ethanoate part and which is the ethyl part? I've circled the part which i think is the ethanoate part, am i right?
  13. This is related to the free H+ ions moving about in the solution, right?Is this similar to water potential, only with Hydrogen ions?
  14. Thanx, but what are the # for?
  15. What do u mean by, that it only exists for a short time? Does it collaps? And what is the difference between Cis-cyclo-something and a normal cyclo-something and a trans-cyclo-something
  16. Is there a difference in their pH? And what does it stand for anyway (pH)?
  17. I'm sorry to annoy you, but, i really don't understand . What is a substituent
  18. Wolfson, i have a smalle problem Well, you know these dislayed formula, the one with the zig zag line, what is tha supposed to me, does it mean that at each bend, there is a carbon atom, and where are the hydrogen atoms? Thanx
  19. Wow YT, you come up with the WIERDEST experiments! Nice observation, now I'M also curious!
  20. Ok. I was looking up something about cycloalkanes when this question popped up : Is it possible to have CycloalkEnes? So i looked it up, and there was something about trans- and cis- , can u please explain this to me, i read about it but i couldn't understand it! ok. One more, this substance looks EXTREMELY familiar, what is it? I know it looks deformed! But i'm not picasso. I drew it myself, using my own powerpoint presentation!
  21. Whoa. U guys REALLY know alot. Thanx. And i always thought that hydrofluoric was dangerous! Ok, some other stuff, what does amalgam look like, i know i asked it before, but it got removed. And, what is the difference between chloric and hydrochloric acid?
  22. yeah. Its a really good magazine. I started to subscribe to it only last year. I saw the magazine at school, and i really liked it.
  23. Well YT, what is the top strongest acid then. I wouldn't like to be near it !
  24. oh LOL ! Well this is what happens in a conversation, it metamorphasizes (long word) quickly. Check the jokes on my site, you'll like them! I've chosen the best ones http://www.dragonslair.co.nr
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