1. Taking an exact number of strides I can walk 9.49 metres. What is the length of my stride?
2. Make a copy of a triangle like that shown with four circles along each edge. Use the numbers 1 to 9. Put one number in each circle so that the four numbers along each edge add up to the same total. Find two different ways of doing this.
<IMG height=238 src="http://www.rashidschoolforboys.sch.ae/pages/Maths%20Website2/photots%20for%20maths/trianlge.JPG" width=266>
3.If you multiply together all of the factors of 100, how many zeros will there be on the end of the answer?
4.In this multiplication problem: ?? x ? = ??? all of the digits have been replaced by a ?. The missing digits are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. If each digit is used once only find the correct version of the problem.
5.When my age is divided by 2, 3, 4 or 6 there is always a remainder of 1, but when divided by 7 there is no remainder. What age am I?
6. How many squares are there in the diagram below?
<IMG height=100 src="http://www.rashidschoolforboys.sch.ae/pages/Maths%20Website2/photots%20for%20maths/8squares.JPG" width=102>
7.In what year (in the 20th century) would a person have been able to say “My age this year is the square root of the year in which I was born”.
Have fun!!!