Hi all
Many companies or organizations do risk assessments to figure out what could go wrong. They then assess the likelihood of things going wrong, the impact they would have on the organization, and then they take preventative action, devoting more resources to those risks that are expected to have the worst impact.
If it is a good idea for companies or organizations to perform risk assessments, it follows that individuals should also apply risk management to themselves.
I intend to do this.
I have begun brainstorming a list of threats to my survival. It is below. I am worried because maybe there are some risks that I have missed out that are not on the list. I am interested in hearing whether any of you have any risks to survival that you think exists. It doesn't matter how unlikely it is or how trivial. In the second stage of my risk management assessment I will look at likelihood and impact, but for now I just want to brainstorm a list of risks to my survival.
If you could add to the list, that would be very helpful and I would greatly appreciate it!
Current List of Threats to Individual Survival
* Road traffic accident
* Social risk
shame from failure
* Employment risk
Losing my job.
Being tortured or bullied at work.
* Shelter risk
Being kicked out of my parents’ home, in which I now live.
Being tortured or bullied at home.
* Being a victim of criminal behavior
Being a victim of a scam or hoax
Having a loved one kidnapped and tortured with ransom demanded from you
Someone taking a picture of you naked and demanding ransom (i.e. extortion or blackmail)
* Being attacked on the street by thugs
during a Friday night out with friends
while commuting to and from work/school/uni
* Health risks
getting cardiovascular diseases
getting Type 2 Diabetes
getting cancer
poisoning (e.g. from alcohol)
getting an infectious disease, e.g. a deadly virus
getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI)
mental deterioration due to e.g. watching too much TV
getting old and falling
* Harmful addictions
gambling addiction
finger cracking addiction
television addiction
* Macroeconomics risks
breakdown of civilization
collapse of the stock market and bond market
economic depression
* Political risks
invasion from another country or internal or external terrorist group
nuclear attack
biological attack
conventional bomb attack
* Natural disasters
biological epidemic