A peer in another science class @ school was given this challenge which was passed onto me...however Im not sure how to contruct this...
Any ideas/suggestions/tips on how to create the paper boat so it meets the requirements?
Materials: Each final design (i.e. the boat, bridge, and airplane) must be made out of a single sheet of 8.5" x 11" copier paper. You may use the staples and tape provided, but the quantity of each will be limited. You will not be limited in the number of pieces of paper that you use to converge on a final design but only one final entry will be accepted. Scissors will be supplied. For each final design you may use at most 30 staples and no more than 50 cm of tape.
The sail must propel the boat to the other side of the water tank (~ 6' long) the 'wind' will be supplied by a fan. The boat must carry a load of 50 g, which will be supplied, and the load must remain dry (i.e. it may not be submerged).
You may fold, cut, tape, staple your airplane. An attachment point must be provided at the top of the airplane so that the plane can be easily held by a clamp. The clamp will be released to let the plane glide.
Thanks Much. Cheers.