The idea behined 1000's of years of motoring is lifting petrol alows up to reach oil a pump can not.
A car tank of petrol is about 40 litres, so thats 40 litres of pollution per car, I don't think the world can handle this amound just blown in the air.
Too be honist I think we have to move to electric cars, I know we would have a dumping battery problem but dumping a battery every 5 years is a lot less than 5 years of 40 litres of pollution per week.
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Im using a 50cc engine as an example, if you just lifted 1 litre of crude that would take under a thimble's worth of petrol, it's near pure profit!!
scale this up to lorry size engines or larger and you could lift up tons of crude with just a cup of petrol.
Using a pump requires half a barrel of crude for every 1 barrell lifted. Its just plain silly to carry on with what we have left.
How long do you think before we can't pump no more? 1 year, 5 years, who knows.
Merged post follows:
Consecutive posts mergedI need some votes please to gain confidance my idea is getting across.
Please say yes or no if you believe lifting is FAR BETTER than using a pump allowing us 1000's of years of crude oil.