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Everything posted by silkworm

  1. Do chemistry. Any CS people I know lose it after awhile.
  2. Also, via personal experience, about half the people I know who habitually do the hard drugs - like meth, coke, LSD, etc. - don't smoke marijuana at all. And I know more than a few who did do hard drugs and have been hospitalized/institutionalized for it smoke marijuana to stay relatively sober.
  3. Lighter fluid is butane isn't it?
  4. Cap'n, everybody knows rats are junkies. I don't know how social rats are, but there is a similar study in cocaine use in chimps. The chimps were strapped to a machine that had a button that would give them a dose of coke whenever they hit it. All the chimps loved it and would hit the button over and over and over again, with one exception, the alpha male, who hit it once or twice to check it out and then lost interest. I'm sure if they switched the drug to heroin, I'm sure they'd get the same result, the alpha checking it out but not that interested and the other chimps as fiends. I don't like the study (with the rats), I think it's weak, and I think their interpretation of the results was a bit unqualified. Drugs are drugs, and the only gateway part about it comes from the illegality. When your used to breaking the law to get high, you understand acceptible risks and ways to make things happen that you wouldn't have otherwise without the experience. Drugs sell themselves because they work, and all usage long before biochemistry becomes involved, are based in social factors.
  5. A corresponding point should be made, that he wears red briefs on the outside. Now, in my day, I've seen odder dress than a man dressed in blue tights and a cape with red briefs on the outside and all was cool, but if he approached me when I'm with my nieces I'd punch him in the face and call the cops.
  6. Now it all makes sense. The place itself is 4.
  7. We can move a warhead, don't worry, and while we can only do sub critical tests, we still have a working arsenal of nukes. The smartest thing we can do is take over their media for awhile and show all the people of North Korea how badly their missles have failed, sponsored by Viagara. I'm sure he's telling them something different than what actually happened. Everybody seems to forget a few things about ICBM's. The first of course, is they have to leave their continent of origin before they can be considered "intercontinental". The rest amount to, it's not the easiest thing in the history of the world to build one, and is actually more difficult than building a warhead. Luckily, the only regime apparently more incompetent than the American one is the one in North Korea. We're in luck. Only 2 more years everybody, and we can get a regime in there capable of handling this problem.
  8. You can never stop evolution, unless of course you kill everybody. I myself am a bit of an evolutionary enigma. I have a bone condition that would have kept me from reaching maturity back in Neanderthal times, but I can see that I have other capacities that keep me from being the "weak." The ultimate answer to this question, and you don't have to worry about killing anybody mooeypoo, is answered by a woman's right to choose. Basically, if I wasn't worth having future version, I wouldn't ever get laid. Everyone gives women a lot of hassle for being "gold diggers" (about money or status) but really, what else do they have to go on to make their important decisions? We won't not fit our environment, because it will always be there, and while most of our lives are wasted in buildings, we still have to have a certain ability of making it outside or we'd die. Natural selection still works.
  9. Yeah. The guys probably innocent. Little girl's are crazy, he was probably surprized by it.
  10. They'd have to get off of IRC first, and I don't see that happening. Silkworm fstabs your mommas.
  11. The world is the same as it's always been, only the weapons are better. Watching the news to determine the violence of the world is not a good idea. The news wants to put the bloodiest stuff on the news, because fear sells tickets. Go ahead and look at the news from Vietnam til now and you'll see a lot of the same stuff, and you're also see the reporters getting progressively prettier, dumber, and in chorus as time passes.
  12. The moon gets hit all the time. Your assumptions are correct that the moon is unprotected due to it's lack of atmosphere, and also can't cover it's scars because it's geologically dead. If you look at the moon it's covered with craters. Here's a NASA video of a relatively small meteor hitting the moon: http://www.spaceweather3.com/swpod2006/14jun06/movie760.gif If it hit the moon I don't think it will significantly change the moon's orbit. It will probably just make a crater and then the Earth's pull on the moon will probably cause a series of seismic events as the moon readjusts.
  13. Jesus Christ, that thing is enormous.
  14. Ok. This is a must see. Snake eating an egg. Make sure you watch the whole thing. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=603040711025579039&q=eating
  15. silkworm


    Little shop, baby.
  16. As Mokele mentioned: Octopus eating a shark: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7004909622962894202 We need to dedicate a thread to disturbing/interesting videos of stuff eating other stuff.
  17. Hey, yeah. That sounds pretty cool.
  18. I heard about this, but I heard it's a mile wide. I don't know how close it will be, but I think it's supposed to be inside the moon's orbit. Here is NASA's Near Earth Object (NEO) program: NASA NEO, but I didn't see anything about it there. There's actually a much scarier looking one projected for 2029, that's supposed to travel within 20,000 miles of Earth and will be visible to the naked eye as it passes. http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news148.html
  19. That does it, I'm calling for a mamallian war against centipedes.
  20. I'd suggest basing it what it's based in - evolution. I wouldn't get molecular, and I'd stop at the cell. Microbiology labs are generally pretty cool. If it's the same group of kids, they may understand what science is - run with it.
  21. George Washington Carver may have been the messiah.
  22. If you draw out the molecule it gets pretty obvious. Take just your normal carboxylic acid, the carbonyl and hydroxy, and you have this: O=C-OH, with carbon bonded to something else, which I can't show here because the people who program these things hate scientists. Between those 2 oxygens that carbon is in the middle of a tug of war match between 2 oxygens (made even greater by the double bond). It's this tug of war, along with electronegativities and ionization energies, that will rip the electron from the hydrogen of the hydroxy group. I hope that makes sense, I've literally been up 4 minutes.
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