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Everything posted by Saryctos

  1. well, if you only make minimum wage, AND have children, you get a good number of tax beneffits*.
  2. this may be interesting for this topic? http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/9/8/13/1
  3. yes, you would see the light from your source. It would just be delayed as the light SOURCE is moving, not the light itself. I'm not exaclty sure what all this redshift talk is about... As for the scenario with space expanding; I believe that in this case you would not see the light since it never overcomes the speed of expansion.
  4. Is it at all possible that light particles are in everything, but can only be observed when they move, i.e. lightwaves? making light a particle, but also a wave in a sense?
  5. I hardly think the lottery is magic. Now maybe if you used a psychic to get your numbers
  6. you could cover weeks of Tax bonuses for having a child and being married
  7. the economy is fine. The current chaotic feelings about it are a product of a socialistic mentality. you might as well take out the partisan refrences and just say that blatent socialism is the problem. wealthy people do not just make money apear magiclly. People with large sums of continual income may not work as hard as someone with a lower pay level, but their decisions clearly have a larger impact. Outside of that judgement, why should you be payed less simply because someone else isn't making as much money as you? a single worker does not build a bridge. it takes many workers following a plan, that plan is executed through the orginization of workers. that plan is worth more than the effort of the workers in most cases as the worker is fastly becoming obsolete due to automation. that is an outright impossibility this is a clear limitation on success. Capitolism works in the way that it does. Socialism may work someday, but not with such a strong emphasis on the labor force. The clear sentiment to redistrobution of wealth leads me to think that you want communism without the ramifications of using the word.
  8. What is the reasoning behind choosing 10 years for your time frame?
  9. Time having an effect on an object has always been one of the things that turned me away from modernized physics. Time is just a mechanism for evaluating changes relative to something else. Example: You have a conveyor belt accelerating very fast(veeery fast), and on this you have a runner moving in the oposite direction at the same speed, you also have an observer who stands off the conveyor belt next to the runner. there is a watch on the runner, on the conveyor belt, and on the observer. now, the question is, when the watch on the conveyor meets the runner and the observer on it's return(underside of the belt) what will the watches read relative to each other? observer --> conveyor: the conveyor watch accelerated relative to the observer, and should read a different time. runner --> conveyor: the runner accelerated relative to the conveyor watch, and should read a different time observer--> runner: the runner did not accelerate relative to the observer, their watches should match. Problem: The runner accelerated twice as fast relative to the conveyor when compaired to the observer. Therefore, the conveyor's time difference with the runner should not match the time difference of the observer. If you were to take into account that acceleration affects the watches time keeping ability, and not time itself, then you can fix this problem. Unfortunately, what I've been told is that just isn't true.
  10. I fail to see how allowing people to invest 2% of their social sec. as they see fit is a "skeezy scheme." It's a fairly smart move seeing as the market outperforming interest rates is almost a guarenteed fact.
  11. Although time does not exist as an entity, the use of time in equations and calculations is still very valuable. The idea of removing time from physics just won't work.
  12. "You know what, I was wrong"..from the mouth of a liberal
  13. 1. The trade center towers were constructed much different than conventional buildings. This allowed for their specific collapsing patern. Watch the history channel special on the towers, which was originally taped before september 11th. 2. The pentagon was also an abnormal construction project. If i remember correctly the thing might aswell be a giant block of cement with windows. From that information I can easily say that any example of a plane hitting a building and leaving an explotion footprint is going to differ from the pentagon.
  14. The ability to use incriminating evidence is growing ever closer to an impossibility. With this, there is also a social change evolving from that fact. Any attempt to bring the reversal of this detrimental policy will meet harsh resistance. Noone likes having their freedoms taken away, even if they should not have existed in the first place.
  15. Saryctos


    All your professors already come 'pre-bribed'
  16. Knowledge is power, hide it well =)
  17. Personally I feel the massive ammount of coverage is an attempt to dwarf the critisism of Al Gore's comments in Iran.
  18. screw hippies, although I did not read the actual artical at all =P
  19. Automate the world. Depose the illusion of time. Bring about a social revolution. Break the flimsy bonds of mortallity(although the strong ones may still persist). Goals for this life. Many other lives may I see, but I wish to live everyone as if knowing it will be the last.
  20. Has it been illustrated as to whether it was a point blank shot? bird shot has quite a large spread at a distance. Figuring that I've heard he has wounds on his face, neck and chest(shoulder?) I assume it wasn't very close, or he should be ownated. Plus Cheney is old, if he has good vision reguardless, then disgregaurd this sentance. I must say however, to anyone in a hunting accident like this..."Dumbass!" as I would to anyone else, and would not give him a reprieve* due to his vice presidential status. p.s. <3 pcs in multiple topics I've read today Edit: Praise revoked due to change in argumentative posture
  21. My comment was more directed at the fact that I am against almost all socialist properties in a capitolist economy.
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