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Everything posted by Saryctos

  1. I don't see much going wrong 'round my neck of the woods(wait...Ford motor company, heheh). But that seems more of a logical conclusion to the building fall of the union state.
  2. Saryctos


    I was just answering the question on the psychology of the matter. And I think I am in agreement with you aswell?
  3. Saryctos

    Irony in Islam

    But a large misconception for most people is, that is a good thing. In the end we should wish that all will repent and be saved, rather than give into a sense of vengance and damn those who cause us worldly harm.
  4. Yo, name's mike. From Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA(near UofM). I got my assossiates in Robotics Technology at the same time I graduated from highschool in 2004. With the robotics background I am heavily interested in the idea of automating the world, and changing the economic and social structure to adapt. I am interested in Neurology with respect to human enhancement, and integration with IT systems. Nano-technology, and bio-technology will probably become my next degree goals as I am very interested in the future of the engineering sciences. I am slightly scitsofrinic* and as such converse internally so I often can understand multiple sides of arguements rather easily. I don't upset easily, so don't be afraid to say anything offensive as I rarely become offended =) I feel it is important to get outside opinions to be able to grow your own, so I've come to this forum to just get the feel of how people think outside my own circle of friends, and to hear new or opposing ideas.
  5. Saryctos


    What is an example of something that doesn't match up?
  6. If there were to be a procedure that allowed a person to transfer their brain to a new body how would one be able to know if the original person died during the swap? Would there be a way to tell? Would we even care? Assuming all brain function transfered and the body worked the same as before, just no actual person inside.
  7. "Iran's president ordered his commerce minister to study canceling all trade contracts with European countries whose newspapers have published the caricatures, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060205/ap_on_re_mi_ea/prophet_drawings Also, don't take the idea that this is an actual conspiracy to heart, It was intended as more of a thought provoking joke.
  8. (Over the top conspiracy alert) Perhaps the anger against the reprinting of the cartoons was planned as to have Iran impose economic sanctions on themselves?
  9. Saryctos


    If the actions in one universe affect those in another, then they are not seperate universes, only catagorized as such. Since then there would have to be a larger system governing their interactions. That may not coincide with a actual multiverse theory, but I do not keep up with that theory, so please excuse my ignorance on the subject.
  10. What about harnessing the power of osmosis? All you really need is to make a U shaped tube with a film in the center of the curve, and have a tube connect the 2 on a downward slant from the solute side to the 'clean' side with a filter keeping the solute in solution.
  11. Saryctos


    1. The orange is arranged by the tree into what we call an orange, but it is not created in the basic sense of the universe, although the same word is used in every day terminology, it is true that nothing has been "created" only rearanged*. 2. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/thermo/seclaw.html "For an isolated system, the natural course of events takes the system to a more disordered (higher entropy) state."(at the bottom of Entropy) http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/therm/entrop.html#e2 In this example here( the gas example) it asks which comes first, the organized or the disorderly. The answer would be the neat square of molecules in the corner, and it is stated that it is because disorder is the way things turn out. But the problem with that is both are very orderly, as the seemingly disorderly is controlled by diffusion. (if this is not a good example, then I'm sorry) I'm not really familiar with Entropy(which I hope was what you were asking with #2, otherwise 'oops'). But from that example I can see I don't care much for it. Yes it was only one example, and my agreement can be swayed by persuasive arguement. If I missed the point of it completely, just send on back in a more understandable by less knowledgable people on the subject. If only 1 choice of the options is to be made, then there is only 1 choice made, and thus 1 future outcome becomes the present.
  12. Saryctos


    That statement specificly was accounting for that the future isn't a specified thing, only a conceptual analisys* of the outcome dictated by the laws of physics. I was trying to seperate the events of the present as being the only events that have, and will occur.
  13. Saryctos


    There is nothing more to time than what currently IS. Time is not the cause of anything, and nothing can cause time to change. The past only exists in any form of memory. Even calling that "the past" is a stretch, as to maintain a memory often requires a continual source to keep it in its current state. The function of time is nothing more than an intuitive tool for the accurate estimation of future events. On that note, the future doesn't even truely exist, as it is just a concept of events that can/will happen. This makes the question of time "travel" useless Time is by all means a vary useful tool in mathematics and physics, but it seems that the scope of the reality of the situation is being overthrown by the numbers game.
  14. Saryctos


    If it was possible to regrow(or reconstruct) limbs, would it be so bad for cannibalism of a living person? Assuming with their consent. Kind of like being able to mold the gamey and fatty quality of your own meal heheh. You could be anestnatized* and then have a new limb regenerated while you dine on meat of your own quality.
  15. You are probably going to need servo motors(for moving parts) A good aquisition would be a PLC with a processor and a few I/O boards, a Allen Bradley is a decent brand. I don't believe these run over 1000$, but I have never paid the bills for these things so I can't be sure =) you'll also need input sensors, these I can't help you with since the exactity of the workcell isn't described. If you're seperating "earth materials" i suppose you are going to be looking @ a vision system for identification. The best advice I have is to break down every process into as simple as it can be. Break down everything by what you have, and what needs to be done in as basic a sense of the work you can get.
  16. I have been silently reading these forums for a little while now, and although I don't say much, i will say this. The speed of "time" doesn't exist. not that it can't be proven, but it doesn't exist to the point that there is not even a reason for disproving it other than to feed the curiosity of the human mind. Aslo, the real reason noone has created a time machine is that travelling through a medium that does not exist is quite hard to do. I suppose if you were to restore all the relative matter and velocities to a more than picture perfect "moment in time" in the past you are going to be as close to time travel as there will ever be. Also, going "forward in time" is a relatively human term. as for the going faster than light idea, I cannot argue against your case with facts, since there are none to speak of, but I doubt getting somewhere in a hurry really constitutes traveling forward in time. If anything you may perceive it as going back in time as the light waves which you passed begin to catch up to you all over again. When talking in that sense it is hard to forget that it is mearly light waves, and not the events catching up to you. I'm usually open to new ideas, but when it comes to theories about time I am staunchly opposed to the standardized views. Mainly to the point that it creates a view of mysticism in the field of science that should not be.
  17. please dissect my design and make these flaws known. I would very much like to know what is exactly wrong with this, that is the main reason I have posted it here.
  18. The idea behind this device was to generate electricity from the piezoelectric material by oscilation of the switching valve combined by way of the pressure spikes. Unfortunately I do not know any hard details on the elasticity or the electrical output of a real world piezo material. But I do know that the energy is created during a change in pressure on the piezos. So, if the valve were to be switched repetedly, the spikes in high and low pressure would be creating voltage changes during the transition. The main thing that is to take advantage is the static fluid. To overcome the ammount of input energy, you simply add another piezoelectric into the container to produce more output electricity. Since the piezo is no more compressable than a fluid, the ammount of energy needed to run the pumping/switching system remains the same. This 'should' allow for the ability to increase the ammount of piezoelectric material without needing a larger input force to maintain the same ammount of force, which will generate a higher output than than input required to run the hydraulics. I didn't really want to start off by saying that this was a design for a "free energy" machine, as that would easily discourage anyone from reading about it. =/ I ask you to please review the facts, and to the best of my knowledge, I have not been given a reason why it will not work, other than, "It breaks that law of thermodynamics, idiot!"
  19. In this post I will describe a hydraulic system. For argumentative reasons, please observe that non-compressable means very limited compression to the point that the numbers are irelavent. As in all Hydraulic systems you need a pump, an actuator, and a resivior. The actuator in this case will be a container that is filled with piezoelectric material and hydraulic fluid so that there is no air in the container once connected to the hydraulic system, forming a hydrostatic environment. The piezoelectric material is connected to a volt meter. The pump is connected through a switching valve to both the container with the piezoelectrics and the resevior. There is of course a releif valve so that the pump does not burn out, or rupture a fluid line. When the pump is switched on with the valve set in the resevior position there is bearly any pressure in the system, as the flow from the pump is going directly into the resivior. When the valve is switched to the container flow position, the pressure spikes to the relief valve setting, as the fluid has nowhere to go, the pressure builds until the emergency valve is opened. I'd like some thoughts on my little setup here. A main area of interest should be the volt meter attached to the piezoelectric material. If you have a question ask it, I am very open to critisism as it gives me a view to re-evaluate what I have said. Also any information you feel is lacking, say so so I may fill in the gaps. thank you =)
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