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Everything posted by Saryctos

  1. Had there been planned 'pro-life' text message groups that were allowed to go through before they said no to the 'pro-choice' messages? If not, then it isn't all that easy to say that they took a stand against a political view, as opposed to seeing an 'abortion anything' message, and saying no thank you.
  2. If she hadn't reached the security chek point I don't really see a difference between an airport and any other high foot traffic area. Why should she be treated any differently in the unsecure airport sections than say, a shopping mall? Granted, one should be aware of the hightened paranoia warrented by going into an airport, and wearing this thing was quite foolish. I would have at least expected to get a talking to by a security guard if I had seemingly random electronic components exposed on my person.
  3. thinking...
  4. Considering that college campuses are breeding grounds for liberal idealogy, it only makes sense that the two would appear connected. Since the longer you're in college learning(getting smarter hopefully), the longer you're exposed to a heavily liberal environment.
  5. You could just...not post @ all
  6. curse the power of the purse!
  7. Still on about the missle defense... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070714/ap_on_re_eu/russia_arms_control_treaty;_ylt=ApLPjvWNSzTHU1hMVpHxSvCs0NUE
  8. Absolutely, and most advances are from the private sector. The biggest problem with healthcare is the lack of competative pricing really. Noone's out there trying to get the lowest cost MRI service to get more customers. Insurance will just pay for it.
  9. Just stop watching TV imo. It'll only get you riled* up. Besides, anything worth noting will be available on the internet, where you won't have annoying people spouting crap you don't care about for 30 minutes before they get to something important.
  10. And your wages
  11. I think this is just a genorational divide bwtween russia and "the west". They stil feel that the US calling them out as "no risk" is an insult when infact that should be a compliment...saying that they're part of the UN 'aka the 'civilized world'' which russia resents as they were the primary force next to the us, which they aren't anymore as the us has become more on the side of the rest of the world contrary to the view of their domestic polotics...russia has to save face you know, and that is showing that they have the power to cause the other super power trouble.... the problem here is transfering the fact that being enemies has made them allies and the fact that they are no longer the under dog, but the acomplise in world security...being someon's bitch is no easy task but russia will have to submit sometime, but I doubt they will considering their willingness to 'pose a threat' to the west to save face... If russia can't succeed in afghanistan* why should anyone else? This is indeed a trying time for russia as they attempt to merge into the 'western' aka UN culture and become one of the important factors in world peace, rather than world compeditors. Their actions now more than ever shall reflect their intentions.
  12. Saryctos

    Vote caging

    Why would republicans supress votes from the military?
  13. Well you're not looking @ the problems here. The deep retarted problems. Designated driver holds the keys, goes into the bar, on attempt to leave either has his keys revoked, and everyone's screwed, ooor the guy who looks sober gets out with his keys, and becuase the bouncers now have the responsibility to take keys away, they now are able to be sued for negligence. Stupid things like that can and will happen. Ontop of the fact that I would more than likely be driving to the bar in the first place, so yea, leaving keys at home would be quite annoying. The ammount of possible hassle it passes on to the non-idiots is far greater than the effect it would have on the drunk driving problem. There are all kinds of ways a drunk can get around giving up his keys. Not nearly as many ways for those who obey the law to not be inconvenienced.
  14. Well I guess it's a good thing I can have my car keys confiscated even if I have no intention of driving then, isn't it.
  15. your 60,000$ car ends up on the tracks as opposed to getting your ass beat.
  16. Have faith in the design team, I'm sure there's ways to make it work.
  17. the only way to 'solve' this problem is with computerized compensation. they already have technology that puts the breaks on if a collision appears imminent, why not simply have steering wheels that detect when someone is swurving, then attempt to keep it a little straighter by putting some artificial play in the wheel. Fixing the drunk driver problem won't likely happen with preventing the drunks from driving, one can only attempt to lessen the effects their stupidity has.
  18. Smoking emissions standards? =P
  19. The only reason I keep coming up with is, the intense emotional response that's hardwired into a lot of people. Certain words will just get you angry, and it's not comfortable to be angry for no good reason.
  20. 23? (car falls fro mthe sky killing me mid senta
  21. That hmm was about the notion that a majority stay home from parents' fear of evolution. Implying what the quote said about yourself. Blinded by the anti-creationist movement ideology. That's not a comment about the 'debate' of creationsim, just the attitute of those from your position.
  22. I don't understand what people see as evil, or nasty about a corporation. It sounds like everyone is just bad mouthing the certain people involved. If you want to make large ammounts of money, you're going to have to be aware that there are people out there that are going to want to take it from you any way possible. Growing a large business in that reality tends to make you a bitter old miser.
  23. How are illegally obtained fire arms irrelevant to this discussion? Places like, LA, Chicago, Washington D.C....they have pretty low gun crime for outlawing handguns right? Training is most certainly encouraged, but we aren't about to have the gun control gastapo* go home to home checking if the owners keep their guns locked. Now, I most certainly agree that some sort of training course be required prior to owning guns. I'm sure the NRA would love to help out in that reguard, as sited in the link. I'm quite sure it IS required for most conceal carry liscenses aswell(it is in Michigan). This is an amazing link you've got here, it'll help me so much when telling off other gun control advocates. Also, note the wording, injure or kill, in self defence. Says nothing about scaring off an intruder, or just keeping them subdued untill police can show up. The whole suicide thing really does skew their numbers greatly aswell. It's over half of their figures, and that just shouts shady numbers game. Please refrence a few lines up where you said the same thing. Why exactly would legislation tell me what needs to be on the gun I'm using to defend myself? Well almost everything you said there is already in place. The only things you'd like to add, are the training(which is highly encouraged, plus what democrat would sign a bill that gives the NRA money?), and the mandatory safety features(which is a terrible idea, not to have them, but to force them onto every gun. There's a reason those without safety features are selling). Take note of the things they're already doing? You must have a sensless sense of sensibility. Learn how nothing he said realisticly supports you?
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