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About navynuke

  • Birthday 04/17/1946

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  • Location
    Western USA
  • Biography
    Techie Junkie
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  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. Is there a good site on-line for the families who have someone suffering from an inoperable tumor? Our 6 year old granddaughter was diagnosed last week with one that is causing fluid pressure build up, so they immediately made a new hole to replace the one that was blocked by the tumor. She is out of immediate danger, but faces chemo and/or radiation treatment for the rest of her life. They give her 10-20 years depending on controlling the tumor. It appears to be a low grade, slow growing one, pending final lab results, so we are grateful for that. I don't have the actual name of the tumor yet, will get it when I can from our son.
  2. As I understand this, most dogs could detect cancer, but have to be trained to indicate such to the dog's handlers. Just as when they are trained to detect drugs, they have to be taught what smells are of interest to us humans. First I heard of this was a long time ago, when a dog kept sniffing a spot on a woman's leg and just wouldn't leave it alone. So she said something to her doctor, and they determined that it was a cancer. Fast forward to today, and we actually have dogs being trained to sniff out cancer. There are also new tests being developed based on the chemicals that a given type of cancer produces in the body. A profile of unusual chemicals in our blood can be an indicator that is far more reliable than current tests. I believe that prostate cancer is one of the first being considered for this kind of test. So it appears that dogs can sniff out those chemicals as well.
  3. But a lot of areas have poor ridership, and taxpayer subsidies are the only thing that makes them work. In the Phoenix area, the buses are often full, but only in the downtown area. Go out to the fringe communities and the ridership is low. Still, we need them, and they help mostly the poor who can't afford cars, and the elderly who shouldn't be driving. Phoenix is getting a light rail system, and hopefully it will help with our pollution problems, but our growth is outpacing all attempts at keeping up. The smog lately has been worse than ever, and lots of people are getting respiratroy illnesses. We haven't had a good cleansing rain in almost 4 months. And almost all of our pollution is from cars. Gas is $2.40 a gallon and still people will not carpool. Yes, we need a new Manhattan project, and the first effort should be to change some attitudes and habits. Street racers should have their cars impounded and licenses revoked, their should be a gas guzzler tax on non-commercial vehicles getting less than 20 MPG (hiway), and an environmental impact tax could be levied on sales of gasoline during high smog conditions. Until we start feeling it personally, Americans will continue to waste energy without thinking about it.
  4. Good point, but with some corrections. We don't use carburetors anymore, but computer controlled fuel injection. Ethanol in carbs was a disaster, but in fuel injection it is a lot more feasible. Public transportation only works in high density population areas, such as large cities and major metropolitan areas. But I agree that reducing consumption should be given just as much effort and funding as finding new sources of energy.
  5. Rain Forests, or plants in general, take in CO2 and emit O2, while they are alive. Something I read recently that hadn't occurred to me before. When a tree dies, it releases its CO2, and I think that it doesn't matter if it dies a natural death, falling down, and rotting in the forest, or it gets burned, the same amount of CO2 gets released. Leaves that die and fall off release their CO2 as well. So it would make sense to burn it to produce energy rather than just let it rot away, especially if it could be burned under controlled conditions, with exhaust stack scrubbers to reduce particulates. Does that make sense or am I missing something here?
  6. Last chemistry I took was in 1966, so that is why I am asking how it is made, or why it does that.
  7. Memory foam pillows will freeze stiff as a board if exposed to the right cold temperature. You don't want to get whacked with one in a pillow fight, even warm, as they weigh quite a bit. I just made a trip to northern Utah and had one in a box in the back of my truck, and it got STIFF. So there must be some captive water molecules involved. Anybody know how they are made?
  8. Top tier universities are probably very expensive everywhere, so lets exclude those. What would be the comparison for public colleges, universities, and community (2 year) colleges?
  9. It is one of yours telling me that the USA is cheaper, the young friends never said expense was the issue, so I was asking you guys.....It was about 15 years ago.
  10. A few years back we had some young people from England visiting us while they were vacationing in the southwest USA. They were all planning on moving here because opportunities were limited back home. One was told to go on the dole after public school, but he wasn't interested in that. One of the girls was told to just get married, but she wanted a career of her own. Is the UK really all that bad for opportiunities to attend college? (post high school, or over 18) How does your system work for advanced education and jobs for the younger set?
  11. Take him for a walk along a street where he is hated, let him see that he is hated, then invite him to talk or get put back out on that street without an armed escort. Make sure the Arab TV networks are on hand to see what happens to him.
  12. Your link doesn't work for me. I have spent more than a few years in a metrology lab, so I know where high accuracy is required. I suppose navigating in space would need extreme accuracy, tho.
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