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Everything posted by Ferdinand

  1. Number of letters in the longest word in the latest edition of the Macquarie dictionary = 31 dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
  2. You use two flower pots. I use one and a masonite drill to make a larger hole. Why two flower pots? Instead of sand I have used a bucket of water. The cooling is very quick and spectacular for my students and me! The product iron is brittle of course and not very magnetic -perhaps due to thermal shock cooling and impurities. My wick has been a top layer of KCLO3 and sucrose mix(carefully grinded) with a drop of conc. H2SO4.....but lately I like the use of magnesium ribbon mix...I would really love to know any hints on how I could improve my thermite reaction in terms of ignition, recovery of iron,....Thanks
  3. Perhaps copper II acetate is sweet as well? I once bit my fingernail(as I am prone to do) and my tongue turned numb. I actually became quite concerned because I fear dentists and dentists' needles. Feeling to my tongue did return, and I did confirm with controlled testing that I had residual Copper II sulphate under my nails from recent handling and it was responsible for the numbness(and no doubt some poisoning!)
  4. real rotten potato; real rotten uncooked eggs, ethyl mercaptan used to be the guinness book's world's worst smell(cannot verify this); my farts after eating broccoli 6-12 hours before; my fly trap that's been primed with fish head matter after a few days of flies; Anyone lnow how to make HCN small quantities from natural procts to experience it?...I'm guessing Almonds in an acidic environment?
  5. Ryan, thank you for your advice. As I've said, I have made nylon, slime and casein plastic successfully in the past...with high school procedural chemistry. The cleanliness and contamination is not an issue. My interest in increasing my repetoire for my students is. Does anyone know of the "sticky rubber" recipe, or other polymermaking procedures?
  6. On a similar vien, are ozone molecules bent or straight? If they're bent, does ozone dissolve in water easily? Using some high school physics, octet ruling suggests bent, but no permanent molecuar dipoling? Comments?
  7. "....shells wanting to be full."... implies anthropomorphistic tendencies in atoms...unlikely.
  8. Hello..thank you to all for your contributions. I enjoy reading them. I have on regular occasions had reason to produce nylon, casein plastic(though formalin is now banned)and slime goo - using guar gum and borax. I would be very eager to find a process (procedure)which could be used to make the sticky rubber that's found on novelty toy insects or on the rolling lint remover, or even the rubber stuff that's used to stick your ATM or credit card on the letter that you are posted with it. In addition, does anyone else have any other polymer making recipes?
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