I'm rather curious, I know that people who undergo sex changes would have to go for HRT(Hormonal replacement therapy) but I have a few questions about it:
How would it work since the additional hormones would have to override the natural body system?
I mean, for lets say a person changing sex from male to female, s/he would have to take estrogens/anti androgens but the thing I do not know is will the body produce a negative feedback and produce more testosterone until the levels of testosterone and estrogen equal out such that a plateau is reached?
(I know that people taking anabolic steroids would produce a similar effect with the hormone cortisol and would result in Cusher's syndrome. This as a result would limit the effect of the anabolic steroid since an increased amount of cortisol in the bloodstream would compete for the receptors on the cell surface and so a greater amount of anabolic steroid would have to be administered to have an effect)
and would anti-androgens block the release of more testosterone into the bloodstream?