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Everything posted by ewmon

  1. I'm happy to give credit due for virtue and valor to Newark Mayor Cory Booker who rushed into a burning house and led a woman inside to safety. Plus, the tweets about him are funny. Anyone seen any others? Superman Wears "Cory Booker" Pajamas. Booker claims he was nowhere near the N. Korean long-range missile that broke apart after launch. I don't believe him. Ghosts sit around the campfire and tell Cory Booker Stories. When Chuck Norris has nightmares, Cory Booker turns on the light & sits with him until he falls back. Cory Booker takes his martini shaken, not stirred. After the incident, Smoke was treated for Cory Booker exposure.
  2. I agree with davey2222, it's somewhat like a swing carousel ride at an amusement park. The heavier air that's usually in the lower part of the car will move to the side of the car opposite the turn (eg, moves right when turning left), forcing the warmer air to the side of the car in the direction of the turn (eg, moves left when turning left).
  3. ewmon

    Tutoring a Twit

    I firmly believe that you owe it to potential students of hers that you do not earn her degree for her ... the same as her studying brain surgery. I don't know about now, but "when I was in high school", I know for a fact that the kids in the lowest cohort in high school barely functioned above the institutionalization threshold, IQ~50 (one, for example, who graduated without knowing how to divide!), who received high school diplomas. Afterwards, I know of a few who eventually reached an acceptable level of incompetence in the workforce, thus giving them stable, although low-wage, employment. It's one thing if they're working in retail, manufacturing, etc, but it's a totally different story if they're working with minors — especially SPED kids. You owe it to the kids. As for transferring the responsibility of learning onto onto her, you can simply tell her that she learned material in a previous course/semester/etc that she must apply to gain the new knowledge in the present course/semester/etc. If she wants more "help" from you, as you gave before, you can tell her that you were helping to introduce her to the material, but that she needs to work through it from now onward. If she continues to complain, you can tell her that, if she can't remember/use last semester's learning, she'll never be able to keep a job once she's graduated and you're (obviously) out of the picture.
  4. I'm not sure what "broken" means, maybe crippled (and need a crutch), or wrong/incomplete. I found two TED videos by Brené Brown recently about shame and vulnerability. In addition to realizing how very funny she is, I realized that she had restated the Christian faith in scientific terms. Everyone's imperfect, and the shame of our imperfections can cripple us from the inside out, and the fear of vulnerability can likewise paralyze us. Look at the fear of public speaking (a type of vulnerability), and whether it's apocryphal or not that most people are more afraid of public speaking than dying, I'd guess they're pretty closely ranked. According to Brown, shame highly correlates with addiction, depression, violence, aggression, bullying, suicide, and eating disorders. Some people want to believe that the Son of God came down among us and paid the price for all our sins (like a scapegoat or a whipping boy), so we don't need to feel the shame of our shortcomings anymore (ie, receive God's forgiveness), and that we are to embrace the vulnerability of loving one another (ie, do God's will). Or, to quote Brené Brown quoting Teddy Roosevelt, to be the man in the arena daring greatly. I can't call that "broken". Daring greatly ... I can't call that being broken.
  5. It's also a simplification that the Earth's surface for short trajectories is very nearly flat, thus the gravity vectors are very nearly parallel (even though they're converging toward a center ~4,000 miles away), and you can model the trajectory as a parabola and obtain almost perfect results.
  6. I'm not fully acquainted with EMA (Europe's agency that's similar to the US's FDA), but I'm assuming that, like the FDA, they qualify the generics to be the same medicines as the brands. I would say that a letter/announcement from the EMA would help calm concerns about generics. In fact, from what I know, they can run into counterfeit drugs (fakes) when dealing with the brands because there's more call for with them, and more profit to be had. The generics might actually be healthy because they're more likely to getting what they're supposed to be getting.
  7. Perhaps I misspoke. It may be that there are so many genes involved with race that it's next to impossible, and so it almost never occurs, but yet it does happen. It's not as though there's one gene for skin color, one for hair texture, etc. I understand from my studies that most racial traits do not involve Mendelian genetics (dominant/recessive genes), and instead, seem to be "blends". Consider something outside race, such as stature. One tall parent and one short parent don't have either tall or short children, but usually something in between.
  8. If you google EDTA anticoagulant, it should get you where you want to go.
  9. The authorities could have at least analyzed the voice recordings to determine who was crying for help. They seemed to treat it like an internal affairs case.
  10. Generally speaking, your "½,¼,¼" description is more accurate than your friends description. He may feel, or had been taught/raised to believe that one ancestry is no more/less important than another, especially with blacks and Hispanics being minorities. His numeric response might be an attempt to say, "part white, part black, and part Hispanic", because he is a mix of significant quantities of all three. It's not as though he's only 1/16 black, for example. An offspring gets 50% of its genetics from each parent, and although the gene expression may differ slightly, what the offspring donates to its own offspring is its 50/50 mix. And sorry, two Afro-American people cannot have a white baby. I agree with Xittenn though, that most people ask and tell with respect to culture. What should we think of you as? Same thing with "nationality". On the other hand, a doctor might ask as a medical question to get a feel for what sort of genetics a person might have. For example Tay Sachs: A couple has a baby with Tay Sachs, and the doctor asks each of them if they have any blood relatives who are Jewish.
  11. I think one of worst-case scenarios — although a most likely one — is that the authorities will find that a lot of evidence and testimony has been lost or significantly degraded (including chain of custody), such as people's memories, any injuries to Zimmerman, the condition of Zimmerman's clothing, the Skittles and iced tea, etc. From there, the authorities could say that, unlike previously, now there's not enough evidence to try Zimmerman or that trying him would be unfair to Zimmerman. Another outcome could be that they try Zimmerman and find him not guilty due to the inability to make a sufficient case against him due to the lost/degraded evidence and testimony. This could cause mass discontent/rioting.
  12. The police released Zimmerman the next day without charging him, apparently without taking a mugshot (as the police haven't released any mugshot), and the police seemed to release him without confiscating his gun (after his release) or determining that it was his gun that shot Martin. I doubt Florida's state crime lab completed a ballistics test in less than a day. Now there's two voice forensic experts claiming that the calls for help were not made by Zimmerman. I'd expect to find a few forensic experts who would make such a claim because it's somewhat easy to claim it's not Zimmerman's voice when you don't have Martin's voice for comparison, so I question their opinions; however, this is bound to stir the public. It looks more and more like authorities tried to sweep this killing under the rug. Did they even keep Zimmerman's clothes? There's a huge vacuum where evidence should be.
  13. Of all the things I know about physics, I get confused in problems like this between energy and momentum, but I think we need to look at energy here. So Xittenn, in terms of grams∙meters/second, can you compute the kinetic energy of the lion and of a bullet, and then take the next step to determine how many bullets would have the KE of the lion, thus canceling out its motion? As for the gun, let's assume that the hunter is using this nasty beast of a weapon by Metal Storm, a multiple-barrel weapon that works like a roman candle and fires more than 1,000,000 rounds per minute.
  14. ... and you need to take more care in every step of your derivations, for there are multiple errors in what you show.
  15. I guess I exaggerated a bit about mathematicians cringing about the method. It is acceptable as Schrödinger's hat points out, and here's a graphical example of a similar method where two functions have the same value. You can see the method starting at zero and converging on the intersection where both functions have the same value. In your case, Vay, the functions are y=cos(x) and y=–x. Schrödinger's hat, would you be able to give these methods a name. I have forgotten it myself.
  16. 24) What do you mean by a red and green sweater?
  17. I do something probably horrible in the eyes of true mathematicians. I use Excel, put a beginning value in one cell, and put the negative cosine of that cell in another cell, and I put their average of the two in a third cell. For a beginning value, zero is a good place to start because it's the mid-range of the cosine, which runs between +1 and –1. In five iterations, you should get three place accuracy.
  18. And they weren't. Take a look at the video of them getting out of the police cruiser and walking into the offices. If they thought he was guilty of something, they'd be all over him like white on rice. They'd be pulling him out of the cruiser and physically escorting him (by hand). As they walk past the motorcycles, the cop behind him wasn't even near him, and Zimmerman walked to the right of a motorcycle and the cop walked to the left of it, not even watching what Zimmerman was doing. Criminals like to do bad things like kicking over a police motorcycle. It's like watching a bunch of cops ambling into a doughnut shop for coffee. They considered him "one of them", that's the reason. He was community watch. One of them. However, Zimmerman's call to the police is delusional. Let me define delusional: belief in something that is contrary to fact or reality, resulting from deception, a misconception, or a mental disorder. Myself, I'm leaning toward mental disorder. Zimmerman says about Martin: "a real suspicious guy ..... up to no good ..... on drugs or something ..... has his hand in his waistband ..... something's wrong with him ..... he's got something in his hands ..... these assholes ..... always get away ..... these fucking punks". In his own words, the would-be shooter Zimmerman already sees Martin as a "[possibly-armed, doped-up] fucking asshole [criminal]". Just maybe, Martin was walking home with Skittles and iced tea and frightened about this delusional wannabe cop who was stalking him. Zimmerman was right about one thing though when he said, "something's wrong with him" ..... yeah, that "something wrong" was Zimmerman.
  19. I've wanted to post here for some time. I'd say that I have had a wider experience with other people's sexual identity than most people have had, and what people clump together as "LGBT" etc to me are very different. I've had gay roommates, I've been propositioned repeatedly, I've had gay and lesbian coworkers, I've had gay neighbors, and I even have an FTM transgender cousin. To me, gay men who act like a woman ("swishers" or "flamers" -- pardon me if these are derogatory words to you) are very different from those who don't make a pretense, both of which are very different from MTF transgender people. For example, you can't tell me that such pretenses are "natural" because I saw a swishing/cross-dressing neighbor downshift into his regular voice when he thought no one was around. I had another swishing gay neighbor who swore up and down that he was allergic to anything with eggs (whites and/or yolks) in it (it makes him vomit), and that he loves mayonnaise of any type -- natural or artificial. Of course, eggs come from a female animal and mayonnaise resembles semen from males (even though it's mostly egg). To me, the pretenses are all artificial. To me, even straight people who use sex "toys" are different to than straight people who don't. In general, modern society accepts women behaving as men much more than men behaving as women. Women wearing pants, women supporting themselves, women dancing with women, women calling each other girlfriends, women giving each other hugs and kisses, etc. Among transgender people, FTM men (at least my cousin's type, which I'll explain) seem different to me than MTF women. A woman can show physical reasons for their choice to choose being transgender (at least my cousin's type can). My female cousin seemed straight up through her 30's, including being married very briefly and divorced. I'd look at her, her low manly voice, her manly build/musculature, and her facial hair, and I think that, for the nicest women you could ever meet, she just didn't present as a woman. We didn't see her for years, and then she wrote to us about her life. She said she had always had a secret gender confusion, yet she persevered as a girl/woman. She married a guy as a virgin, but physically couldn't have sex due to lack of lubrication. It turns out that she had never had a period, which she kept from her mother and her doctor, and she later found out that she had never ovulated and could not produce children even if she had sex. Her breasts were small hardened masses that would never produce milk. Her facial hair, manly build and low manly voice were obvious. She choose gender reassignment, had her "breasts" removed and took male hormones to complete the effect, except for the genitals. If you didn't see him naked, you'd never know. I was actually relieved, although somewhat shocked, after reading the letter. I could accept her as a man; it seemed natural. So, where am I in this thread? I thank you Xittenn for your openness. I think you are in the group of people who face the greatest difficulties in the broad LGBT grouping and in finding social acceptance with your decision. I elaborated about my cousin, thinking how little scientific evidence MTF people seem to have to back up their decision for gender reassignment. I appreciate your troubles, and I condemn the violence perpetrated on you. I accept you as a person, as I do all people. Please stay with us.
  20. Interestingly enough, it all hinges on the fact that the game's host knows where the prize is. I ran a simulation on this years ago, and it turns out to be a 50/50 chance if the host didn't know the location of the prize. If he didn't know and opened the door with the prize, there would be that "waah waah waah" sound, and the host would voice condolences for the contestant picking the wrong door.
  21. Well ... you can score two birdies with one golf ball, if that's what you mean. Or, if you're clay pigeon shooting, you can hit two clay pigeons with one shot.
  22. Okay, you probably know more about casting than I do. Include in your details how to make the mold, and a part that puzzles me is the core, which seems separate from the molds in your diagram. Is the core loose, allowing it to move around? If so, how would you steady it? Also, you mention adding the thickness of the core, which I don't understand.
  23. So, the second part is volume by the shape, and you think you know how to compute the volume. Good. But, the first step, show exactly how to cast the part. I think there's two halves to this answer. The first half is how to make the mold. The second half is how to cast the part. Because you (and not me) are reading the book, you probably know better what it said about castings. To begin with, there's a few different methods of castings, so which method will you use? Then what are the mold's dimensions? And then, of course, what steps would you perform to cast the part?
  24. Yes, at least manslaughter, although the shooter provoked the situation. Zimmerman effectively stalked Martin (in Martin's eyes and those of potential bystanders) by not revealing his involvement with Neighborhood Watch. When Martin confronted him, Zimmerman did not reveal his involvement with Neighborhood Watch and probably did not "back down" or walk away, seeing as he had a gun and still considered Martin as "suspicious". And then, when it was Martin (!) who seemed to invoke the Stand Your Ground statute, Martin reacted wrongly. So here you have it. Two people under a gross misinterpretation by one, both apparently invoking the Stand Your Ground statute, and the situation degenerated into two gunslingers in Dodge City, except that one of them never had a gun. Conclusion: It's a bad law.
  25. Perhaps enough time has elapsed since the killing that people will not riot. I think that the most reasonable concern here isn't necessarily that a killer/murderer is "getting away", but that the authorities did not process this situation properly and allow a court of law to decide the matter. The authorities basically acted as prosecutor, judge and jury and found the shooter not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The amount and completeness of evidence provided to the public in police investigations is much smaller than in a criminal trial. The procedures are not well known, so who knows if they followed procedures properly. One of the purposes of a public trial is to inform the public of an incident, and for potential witnesses to come forward and possible evidence revealed. Contrary to a criminal trial, the public has no/little opportunity to provide input, either in the form of evidence or testimony or in adjudicating the facts (sitting on the jury). And so, the "verdict" can appear very, very shady ... as it does here. The decision by the authorities may very well be right, but they aren't giving the public the satisfaction or assurance over this homicide. There's also the appearance that the police effectively treated it as an internal affair, treating Zimmerman as a police officer. To me, George Zimmerman made several mistakes. Zimmerman choose to carry a weapon while volunteering. Zimmerman choose to follow/stalk Martin while volunteering. If Martin asked Zimmerman if he had a "problem" (concern), I think he had a duty to say that he was a Neighborhood Watch volunteer and wanted to know what Martin was doing. The whole thing could have been defused then and there. Zimmerman followed/stalked Martin, and then gave no explanation why. To a third person on the scene, Zimmerman's stalking of Martin and then claiming he had no concern would seem bogus, as it apparently did to Martin. The appearances would have looked even worse if Zimmerman had been following a teenage girl whom he thought had, for example, shoplifted something. What if she decided to pepper spray Zimmerman, and he pulled his gun and shot her dead? Pretty much the same thing. The Neighborhood Watch program is responsible for not promoting vigilantism beyond a don't-ask-don't-tell attitude about whether volunteers should(n't) follow/stalk people or carry weapons. I think there's apparently conflicting activities here. Zimmerman acted a Neighborhood Watch volunteer but did not state that fact. Zimmerman said Martin was acting suspicious, but he apparently was not. Zimmerman is not a police officer, but he seems to be treated as one.
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