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Everything posted by ewmon

  1. Minimizing the second equation means minimizing a+b+c+x. All instances of x cancel out of the first equation leaving a/2 = b/3 = c/4. Thus, the lowest values of a, b and c are 4, 6 and 8, respectively. The lowest value for x is simply 4, thus the second equation equals (4+6+8+4)/2 which equals 11. No?
  2. All the answers you seek require data on volume, which you have not shown.
  3. The phylum names are often physically descriptive (using Latin and Greek) of some characteristic of the animals, so it seems helpful to learn the English meanings of the Latin and Greek parts of the phylum names. A threadlike animal might begin "nemato-", a flat animal might begin "platy-", etc. Even if you end up inventing a phylum name based on an animal's appearance, the teacher might give you partial credit.
  4. Such postings seem to come from someone named Dennis Markuze who lives in Montréal Canada and who may have also made death threats. There is more here on this phenomenon. Of course, others may simply copy and paste his stuff, but who would want to?
  5. Why do you want darker castings?
  6. Nuclear threat, overpopulation, the environment, Wall St vs Main St, making ends meet, the rat race, etc … take away the causes of our melancholy, and the self-medicating need for drugs will seriously decline. Otherwise, wherever a need exists, a capitalist society will find a way to supply it.
  7. Absolutely. And America's earlier sulfanilamide disaster enlightened us in time to prevent the thalidomide disaster here. America did not miss it. I'm in biopharmaceuticals, and I'm all for Phase IV studies. It concerns me that a drug may have dire consequences regarding the reproductive success of future generations as with DES (diethylstilbestrol). It might happen with a reproduction-specific drug such as Gardasil, but not necessarily. Ironically, Gardasil is basically lauded as essential to reproduction, but it could horribly backfire ... the stuff of disaster films. I'm always skeptical of wonder drugs. Do animal trials consider the offspring born to the test subjects? It would be a less disastrous if a drug administered to the entire world caused everyone to produce a mentally deficient monoculture of offspring. So maybe it sets the world back to the Stone Age. But the ultimate disaster to me is a sterile monoculture, where there is no future for humans except for a handful who are artificially fertilized and gestated.
  8. ewmon


    I hadn't thought of this until now, but if they had to go to Egypt to avoid the massacre, then it seems to have affected such a broad area that it would have included where John the Baptist lived (unless they went to Egypt too). Otherwise, Gabriel could have told them to live with Elizabeth until it all blows over. This implies that John was older than two, and so it follows that Jesus was close to two. PS -- What is meant by "midrashic"?
  9. ewmon

    ear size

    ...and along those lines, Allen’s Rule states that within the same species of warm-blooded animals, individuals from populations living in colder environments tend to have shorter appendages (limbs, ears, tail, etc) than do those from populations in warmer areas because of the selective advantage it provides. Short arms, legs, and other appendages have relatively less skin surface area and radiate less heat into the surrounding environment. In the warmer environments, longer appendages provide greater surface area and can radiate more heat so that the animal does not overheat. Thus, smaller appendages retain more heat and larger appendages radiate more heat. Allen’s Rule is a corollary of Bergmann’s Rule.
  10. We do nothing perfectly, so we could say that today's drugs are "safer". I see this debate as part of the larger mandatory "now-for-later" phenomenon. We will see it again when mandatory national healthcare insurance is instituted. We already see it now for other insurance ... pay a little now to avoid a possible catastrophe later. At some point we feel they're nickel-and-diming us to death ... we pay out so much for mandatory insurance that we have too little left for discretionary spending or for saving. So, with vaccines, take a very small risk now to avoid a catastrophe whose risk is debatable (seeing as how we've nearly eradicated the disease). Remember too, that governments and pharmaceuticals seem to run on the "polio mentality". Less than 60 years ago, polio was the modern-day scourge of children, parents dreaded the summer months when the disease would strike, and folks rushed their children to get Salk's vaccine. "Splendid Solution" by Jeffrey Kluger is an excellent read. Also ...
  11. Yes, zero is not as innocent as it seems. It means “nothing” – literally -- “no thing”, and so in units, no x, no y, no z, or no atoms, no grams, no wombats, no meters, no galaxies, … So when taking the reciprocal, what are the units of the quotient? The possibilities are infinite. This is another way of looking at infinity as “undefined”. It's only when we step slightly away from zero or infinity do we find ourselves on a dimension in reality.
  12. Oh ... I thought we could just take the derivative of the exponential decay ... So, if a Carbon-14 isotope has a 50% probability of decaying every 5,730 years, then it has about a 1.2% chance of decaying every 100 years.
  13. Just some related points to ponder to flesh out the thought process here … I had a son who served in the Marines. Let’s say, for example, that he died in some obscure location in Iraq, and that his remains were eventually found. As it turns out in this piece of fiction, the local Muslims gave him an Islamic burial with all the ceremony and trappings that an Islamic funeral would have. Even though I have a deep and abiding objection to the Islamic faith, I sincerely believe that I would say, “Wow, they thought well enough of him to consider him as their own and to give his remains their utmost respect.” That is, instead of treating his remains like a piece of garbage left to rot or thrown to the dogs. Also, let’s say I had a loved one buried in a cemetery with a gravestone. So, as this fictional story goes, I visit the grave and find that some Jews, who also knew this relative, had left pebbles on the gravestone, as is their custom of respect when visiting a grave. Again, this would also gladden me instead of making me fly into a rage because someone supposedly desecrated the grave. Finally, the tree-belts of our roads and the verge of our highways are owned by either the local, state, or federal government. As I travel the roads and highways, I see many crosses permanently erected by their loved ones on these public properties that honor those who died in automobile accidents. I would also venture to guess that some of the dead were not religious at all. It’s strange that I don’t see those crosses stolen or removed with the rest of the roadside trash, and I don’t hear about lawsuits to remove them. Regarding offensiveness, anyone who has read Huckleberry Finn knows that it contains several instances of the “N-word”, which is universally considered offensive (unless, for some strange, it appears in a rap song). Yet, I can go to almost any public library (ie, government-run library), pull a government-owned copy of Finn off the shelf, open it, and see this offending word. I believe in separation of church and state, but the Mojave Memorial Cross seems like a gray area because it clearly has a history of sincerity and reverence to it. Perhaps grandfathered rights, or squatter’s rights, or something long-established or traditional? Should we erase all the native American religious symbols that appear everywhere on public lands? Because they are religious structures, should various churches and synagogues in Boston, New York City, etc be stricken from the National Register of Historic Places where they receive official recognition by the United States government?
  14. We can look at radioactive decay in more than one way. We can look at numbers of isotopes that decay over a certain amount of time, or we can look at the probability of a single isotope decaying. It's like flipping 10,000 coins, and realizing that you'll end up with about 5,000 heads and 5,000 tails. Or, you can look at only one coin and realize that, when you flip the coin, there''s a 50% probability it'll be heads and a 50% probability it'll be tails. Same thing for isotopes. Over the course of 5,730±40 years, there's a 50% probability that a Carbon-14 isotope will decay to Nitrogen-14, and a 50% probability that it won't. When you look at large populations over this time span, half of them will decay and half of them won't. This decay has a non-linear relationship with time, which is called an "exponential decay". Personally, I'm disappointed with this question, as I assumed from the title that it was about the Half-Life computer game.
  15. I am repelled (pun intended) that Nye plugged the product itself so much, essentially turning his show into an infomercial. He could have easily de-labeled the product or perhaps made one of his own. And, unless it kills germs, I doubt it'll gain much popularity. People have grown accustomed to "disinfectant clean", and they like the smell that proves it.
  16. Haitians and Jews also tend to have first names as last names, and he has mentioned "crystal night", a translation of "Kristallnacht", a persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany and Austria in 1938. Something is torturing this guy.
  17. I am among many Christians who would rather see separation of church and state, and so, would have no cross on any public land or building. But if they plan on erecting a replacement, I think it fair, realistic and also less argumentative that they use a replica of the original structure and plaque. I wonder if anyone has a good photo of it. FYI, the federal government has authorized the use of 41 religious emblems for use in the Arlington National Cemetery, representing the world's and North America's major religions, and these include emblems for wiccans and atheists. (To me, a natural conclusion is that atheists wouldn't have any symbol at all. Hmm....)
  18. I think it would behoove us as scientists to develop a Markuze Scale, sorta like the Richter Scale, where M = log(number of asterisks) rounded to one decimal place. For each of his posts, determine an M value, insert it at the beginning such as: “WARNING: This post measures 2.8 on the Markuze Scale” and then delete all the instances of asterisks and multiple empty lines. This is all for the sake of saving him and the environment. His overuse of asterisks will give him repetitive strain injuries, and all those glowing screens of white space are a waste. For anyone trying to decipher his “last names like first names” stuff, it might refer to radio personalities who go by two first names on the air, such as “Kevin Michael” or “Emma Jane”, or maybe he’s referring to other people such as Ron Paul. You’ve got to admit that he is civilized in one little itsy-bitsy way … he doesn’t seem to hijack threads but creates his own. By the way … yes, his post here contains 626 asterisks and rates 2.8 on the Markuze Scale.
  19. ... and modern science has produced some really nice substances called recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins (rhBMP), or simply bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP), that speed and strengthen the fusing of the two vertebrae. The armed forces also successfully used this substance to replace massive amounts of bone loss in limbs rather than resorting to amputations! The word "recombinant" means that scientists use the human DNA that contains the instructions to make this natural human protein, insert it into the DNA of cells from another organism, and grow those cells in a culture, which then unwittingly produce this human protein. They then isolate the protein from the culture and purify it. Physicians then surgically insert an amount of this protein between the vertebrae after removing the disc, causing the discs to fuse quickly and strongly to one another.
  20. Because you seek the answer to your question, you seem to have answered the question about seeking the answers to questions.
  21. Did you consider BioTechniques: The International Journal of Life Science Methods ?
  22. SEC and exchanges consider creating a unified circuit-breaker system for all exchanges.
  23. In fact, some nuclear power plants use hydrogen to cool their massive generators.
  24. 5 American quarters = 0.996 ounces.
  25. Everyone, please note that throughout all my posts that I have never said that homosexuality is a mental illness. Sayonara, as the OP insinuated at the beginning, the mental health establishment (ie, the governments, the religious institutions, and the psychological/psychiatric industries) had, for a very long time, considered homosexuality a mental illness, which invalidates your claim that this connection has “suddenly” appeared. What has suddenly appeared is Trike, in effect, apparently calling heterosexuality a mental illness. Trike, I wholeheartedly agree that the glorification of aggression and violence is a “social mental illness”, for lack of a better term — and oddly enough, the most highly decorated war veteran I have ever met (and he was very highly decorated) was a homosexual named John who eventually committed murder. You also question “How does one arrive at the idea that heterosexual reproduction should be understood as a defining factor of optimal mental health”, and yet, homosexuals seek fulfillment in life by imitating reproduction (ie, adoption, etc). You say you “know that religion plays a large part in devaluing all drives but reproduction”, and yet, this is a patently false generalization that ignores mainstream American Christianity and the Bible. You say that “sexual relationships among men have the marked effect of minimizing aggression and violence”, and yet, gay men have told me again and again about gay-on-gay and other violence by homosexuals. Brian told me that his partner often forced sex on him (ie, raped him); Gary told me that his partner always forced him to be the bottom (ie, again, raped him); Jules ended up killing someone, and as stated previously, John was extremely violent. You say that “heterosexuality can’t be realistically separated from aggression and violence ... [and that it] destabilizes/threatens society and the ecosystem upon which the species depends on for continued existence”, and yet, this is patently false and unsupportable, and of course, heterosexuality actually perpetuates the species. And you say that “gay people are just as psychologically well-adjusted as hets, and somewhat more well adjusted in some categories”, and yet, my personal experiences, which involves many homosexuals, does not support this. I think that everyone should strive to understand all sexuality, but we must do this scientifically using fact, not fiction. I know that I provide personal facts on this subject, and I can provide more, but I have not made false statements. And, for example, just because I have an FTM relative (who I care for dearly), doesn’t suddenly make me an expert on FTMs, but I could relate my personal experiences about it (for example, it didn’t surprise me when he came out).
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