First part:
1) Used SDS page - size of protein: 4kilodalton
2) Used SDS page again - this time using reagents to break disulphide bonds - still 4kilodalton
--> What does this mean? why are the results the same?
--> how many peptide strands should i expect given 36 amino acids from the first SDS- page, which assumed 110 daltons/amino acid (4000/110 ~ 36)
Second part:
protein was analyzed: amino acid sequence as follows:
A^2 C^2 D^2 E^4 F G^3 H L M N^2 P^2 Q^2 R^3 S^4 T^3 W, dansylated-R, and dansylated-K
does this make sense given results from the first part??
Is it possible for two amino acids to be dansylated (I thought there was only 1 N-terminus amino acid?)
Thanks- stumped here!