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Everything posted by mississippichem

  1. You should read about the Aufbau Principle, particularly the Madelung Rule. You'll find that the periodic table is arranged in a very specific way. Elements are in "blocks" that correspond to the angular momentum quantum number, [imath] \ell [/math] of their highest energy valence shell. The orbitals fill from left to right in the periodic table as well. Nitrogen is in the "p-block" and is the third member of the p-block in period 2 so it's configuration is [math] [He]2s^{2}2p^{3} [/math].
  2. You're not Dovoda by any chance are you? If your are, then you would be a sockpuppet and the hounds are probably already on their way.
  3. I'm not laughing at you. What gave you that impression? If anything it saddens me when people keep using a bronze age text as evidence in a science forum. I was trying to point out that the Bible is written such that once you believe in it, it is difficult to let go of by design of its authors. The only evidence you have of God was supposedly written by god in his book. Where does God's book get it's authority? Well evidently from God's book as well. Do you not see the logical error here? Moderators are most certainly more strict with religious posts. This is a science forum and we don't allow proselytizing. You can argue for your faith as much as you want, please do. Just don't be surprised when people demand evidence of your assertions. It is in our forum rules. Dovoda has since been banned. He is unable to reply to this.
  4. If I started a religion I would write that in my holy book too. "Don't listen to anyone else, don't listen to logic, if you are reading this you are right", don't you think it will help me from losing my followers to other religions or secularism? It's like evolution for religions. Religions that have verses like that in their official scriptures have a defense mechanism against logic. Convenient to say the least.
  5. Compare their phase diagrams. Be careful though, the axes are flipped between these two diagrams and the pressure units are different but for the purposes of discussion they are the same. Run your finger along the isobars. An isobar is a line of constant pressure. Do the isobar at 1 atm then find the boiling points for iron an water at 1 atm. Then try it at a higher pressure. Does the boiling point go up or down? Iron water source for water phase diagram source for iron phase diagram
  6. Alright owl so I've spent some time reading about the "Intention Experiment" and Lynne McTaggart's work. It is my opinion that most if this is nonsensical quantum pseudoscience. Most of the things I've found involved the measurement of so called "bio photons", well known quackery. Many biological molecules do emit photons, atoms and molecules that happen to be in a biological organism are often excited thermally or by incoming photons, and said excited states decay with radiative transitions. But there is nothing special about these photons. The fact that anyone claims that biological molecules can be made to emit more photons per second (or more watts which is energy/time, called power) by thought alone is ludicrous and blatantly violates thermodynamic laws. It's beyond bad science really. Claims of healing at a distance are ludicrous as well. Asking the question, "can we heal someone by intention alone from a distance" is even an ill-defined question. There is no conceivable mechanism of how that would occur. How do you quantify peoples "intention"? How do you quantify "healing"? One would think that much more fundamental research should need to be conducted first before such questions could be addressed. Consciousness must be a material thing. There is no evidence otherwise. But why must it be a "force"? Isn't that an awfully anthropocentric assumption that the universe would work in such a human like way? Look out, there is a lot of quantum consciousness pseudoscience out there.
  7. yeah Dr. Rocket is pretty cool for an old man :P

  8. Agreed completely. Before the "race to produce offspring" of living things there must have been a race to chemical stability and or race to autocatalysis. Unstable compounds degraded while the stable ones that were able to undergo some type of copying or amplification process are still around today. A great example is DNA's chemical stability advantage over RNA.
  9. I don't really consider it a life science either. But then again, the stuff I do never has anything to do with living things.
  10. That pretty well captures the majority of what I was trying to convey. I tend to play fast with jargon as I'm usually surrounded by my kind. Your explanation is a good one though and better communicated than mine.
  11. I'm quite certain that said unicorns are actually magenta. Damn John get it right.
  12. If only some of those assumptions extended to the en vivo world...biology and biochem might actually be comprehensible .
  13. I started college and wasn't into mathematics and I was quite ignorant of its splendor. I took a calculus course, made an A and loved it. I now have a minor in mathematics and appreciate mathematics in all its frustrating beauty. I blame my highschool and myself for not developing an appreciation for mathematics early. A wonderful teacher made all the difference for me and sparked my interest enough to pursue advanced mathematics outside of the classroom. Don't be disheartened Andeh!
  14. In some cases some of the bonding electron density of the adsorbed molecule gets donated to the metallic surface's conduction band. The bond gets weaker as a result of the bonding molecular orbitals being less occupied.
  15. A thermodynamic function CAN depend on path. A thermodynamic state function does not depend on path by definition.
  16. Is he saying that some of these compounds display XRD disorder? I'm not sure I understand the question.
  17. Google shows that the practice is common. Whether or not it was appropriate for that situation I don't know and won't pretend to.
  18. I was trying don't eat anything that is not supposed to be food. Bad wording, good catch.
  19. In addition, it is NEVER a wise practice to consume anything that is not manufactured to be food grade. Do not consume chemistry experiments...period. No good has ever come from it.
  20. The NaCl can be bad if you are a ten pound terrier and you ate a LARGE order if them. Not sure really. Girlfriend freaked out though. I was along for the ride as resistance was futile. Im sure the dog would've been fine really. The peroxide did in fact induce vomiting though.
  21. My vet told me to give my dog a teaspoon of 1% hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting (my dog had some french fries while I wasn't looking). Just a small anecdote for perspective.
  22. I do the same...seems to work most of the time. Keeps you at the urinal all night though.
  23. Don't hold your breath. Remember the "arsenic bacteria" findings by NASA. Once again they've blown it early by making a premature media announcement concerning a less that reputable project. This is what happens when people get desperate for funding. Shameless public opinion pandering.
  24. What about mathematical objects? I can never directly observe a vector norm or a metric but they can both be used to define a notion of length in a vector space. These objects show up all over mathematics whether you look for them or not. Everytime you measure something with a ruler, the Euclidian vector norm and whatever metric it came from ensures that your observation of a length is well defined. I guess this gets into whether math is invented or discovered...which its own can of worms really.
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