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Everything posted by mississippichem

  1. Tom's free physics advice: Over 20,000 served Thanks for your unrelenting efforts. Maybe after you retire from SFN we can get Brian Cox to give a speech in your honor.
  2. These days even the Martians are outsourcing labor to China!
  3. Yeah, I often use the diamond anvil setup. The word "panel" made me think reflectance but you're probably right.
  4. Sounds like an attenuated reflectance IR experiment?
  5. Wow! That's dedication. You would really rather evoke a tennis conspiracy than admit you were incorrect. I think a far simpler hypothesis would be that your OP was mistaken. Maybe you are not eric555...maybe you are jim444! I have about as much evidence for my hypothesis as you do for yours.
  6. The periodic table is more about the atomic electron configurations of the elements. It has about zero to do with whatever it is you posted. It's really more of a "peridic table of orbitals" than anything.
  7. Who created the devil? How did God not see this one [hell] coming? Your argument doesn't even stand up to trivial scrunity.
  8. I wonder the same. Perhaps they mean make it an eigenvalue equation with a distcrete spectrum for the operator (non-continuous set of eigenvalues)? Don't know, just a guess.
  9. The product "uv^T" gives an r x r matrix. You then have a sum of lamdas times that r x r matrix. Distribute the matrix over the sum of lamdas. I'll LaTeX the matrix out explicity if you neef further clarification.
  10. That and there just aren't any p-orbitals left on the oxygen atom.
  11. 1. Write a paper on one specific aspect of your work. 2. Publish 3. Write grant proposals for money 4. Rinse wash repeat ad infinitum Welcome to a career in science.
  12. As a kid making bad super-8 war movies I used to use 50:50 (volume) whole milk and decarbonated coca-cola with red food coloring added as needed. The whole milk gave it a nice thick texture and the cola added the dark color to the bright red food coloring. I seem to remember that it looked quite realistic.
  13. Can refute the papers cited by Arete? Why are so sure that there is a conspiracy? Pony up the scientific evidence!
  14. The MMR vaccine/autism link has been debunked countless times including articles in the peer reviewed literature. The original paper that attempted to establish the link had been retracted. What new evidence do you bring to the table?
  15. Gamewizard, Are you familiar with the Beer-Lambert law? If not google it. [math] A= \varepsilon c \ell [/math] You need a molar extinction coefficient [epsilon] to get concentration from absorbance though. You get that from the slope of the calibration curve prepared from solutions of known concentration. You also need the path length "l" of whatever type of spectrometer you are using. As far as I know, this can't be found with just the information you have posted.
  16. If you would please show your attempts at finding the answer, then I or some of our other chemistry people would be glad to give a suggestion. It's hard for me to give a hint outright as this is really a question that is easily solved if you understand the R/S system and what constitutes an optically active compund. Do you understand these definitions?
  17. I suspect evil system boundary definition devilry. Define ydoaPs' house as the system. Define your yard as the universe [math] \rightarrow [/math] free energy! Some say I live in my own universe anyway so...
  18. We calculate that by 2037 Cap'n Refsmmat version 7.6 will actually become self-aware ushering in a Terminator style technological singularity.
  19. I think "tentative evidence" is the key word here. I readily admit that I know next to nothing about cosmology, but I really don't see how this link supports any of your above assertions. If you are going to link to a technical paper it would be nice if you could take the time to explain its relevance to the topic and how you interpret it as support for your claims. But be careful, we are not in the speculations sub-forum and I'm unsure if this has strayed off topic.
  20. What do you mean by durable? Stable with respect to radioactive decay? Material hardness? Chemical stability of the elemental form? In this context durable needs clarification.
  21. I word of advice: The universe doesn't care about your opinion. I mean that in a helpful way. I think you have deep conceptual misunderstandings about what science is and how it is conducted.
  22. Is there any experimental or theoretical motivation for your proposal?
  23. ewmon, What about the numerous biblical instances of Yahweh directly ordering the killing of entire nations or ethnic groups? Certainly the people executing those acts were following "God's will"?
  24. I would still like an answer to my questions as well. You are making a mathematcal statement but offering no math in support of it. I refer you to any elementary linear algebra text.
  25. dapifo, How much do you know about basis sets of vectors? Can you write down a basis set to describe a point in your (x,y,z,m) space? If not, how are you planning to make your definition have any concrete consequences? Dimension has a pretty strict meaning in mathematics. Can you show us the linear algebra?
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