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Everything posted by jeskill

  1. I think it's because our concept of species is entirely subjective. We don't have one species definition that can be used for every organism. Chimps and humans seem to fit into the biological species concept well (they don't inter-mate in nature) but bacteria and fungi tend to hybridize or mate with individuals that have larger relative genotypic differences. This is most likely (partially) due to the differences in mutation rates. In my opinion, there needs to be a definition of species that can be used across phylums. I heard that someone (I forget who) suggested using divergence times to denote species, genus, family, etc. It might be a more useful definition for taxonomy, but then the problem becomes, how do we accurately measure divergence times of organisms that aren't in the fossil record (like fungi, for example)?
  2. jeskill


    I think so. In a host-parasite relationship, killing the host is usually not beneficial to the parasite because the host is either the habitat, food source or both. In a predator-prey relationship, it is necessary to kill the prey. I can't really think of a situation in which the parasite benefits from killing the host, unless killing the host allows for better dispersal of the parasite. But it's still not a predator-prey situation, because the host is not killed in order to consume more energy.
  3. Morality is subjective, right? To me, if a couple is in a monogamous relationship and the guy is getting lap dances from a third person, then I call that cheating and hence, immoral. I guess that's just where I draw the line in my personal relationships. There's something about sexual physical contact with a third person that bothers me.
  4. I don't know if this query warrants a new thread but ... I'm a Canadian, and interested in doing a Master's, PhD or both in Germany, the Netherlands or Britain. I've found in my research that, except for the Max Planck Institute, most research is only funded for EU students and the tuition tends to be prohibitively high. Also, people have told me that it's not worth going to the EU for a PhD because EU PhDs are "worth less" than North American PhDs. Any thoughts on that? Anyone know of any good funding organizations for Canadians wanting to go overseas? My marks are low 80s so an international NSERC is out of the question. I've read a bit about the British Council but I haven't found anything else. if anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be much obliged. Has anyone found FindAPhd.com to be useful? My problem stems also from the fact that I can't really decide what I want to do. I'm interested in mycorrhizal symbiosis, fungal phylogenetics, fungal pathogens and fungal secondary metabolites. I've tried looking up people who are top in their field, but I haven't had much time.
  5. I guess the question is, how do you know if the women (or men) are being exploited? How do we know that porn isn't psychologically damaging for the pornstars? I used to be very anti-porn but now I'm more open to it. I still don't know if it's completely morally acceptable. Maybe that's why it's exciting? To me, porn is more morally acceptable than sleeping with multiple partners (when the agreement is monogamous) or getting lap dances.
  6. I think Agrobacterium tumefaciens is pretty cool.
  7. jeskill


    Hi there, I'm having the same problem this year -- no ability to concentrate. I think it's because I've basically stopped doing physical activity in the mistaken attempt to free up more time. The lack of exercise has significantly decreased my efficiency. My suggestion for you (and me): take a physical activity class like yoga, martial arts or dance, play a competitive sport or rock climb -- anything that requires both physical output and mental concentration will probably help.
  8. hi there, I'm Jeskill, a 4th year ecology undergrad in Toronto, Ontario. Nice to meet y'all.
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