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  1. I am currently a junior enrolled in High School and had a school project on cloning. I wrote up ten interview questions and contacted a local Medical college and got in touch with a cloning expert. I e-mailed him the questions but recieved no response. That was two weeks ago and now I am without answers to these questions and at the edge of the due date. Quick Responses please! If you could please take the time to answer some/all of my questions it would be immensely appreciated 1. In your own words could you please describe the cloning process. What does the cloning process involve? 2. How difficult is it to successfully clone someone? Does it become more difficult to clone humans? How long? 3. Dolly was the first successfully cloned mammal. How was this accomplishment perceived in the scientific community? 4. Cloning doesn’t only refer to reproductive cloning. Therapeutic cloning may be extremely beneficial in the future to combat disease. Do you see this type of cloning more beneficial than reproductive? Does therapeutic still have its ethical problems? 5. Chinese studies revealed that cloned mice have a weaker immune system and have a shorter lifespan. If this cannot be changed does reproductive cloning still have it’s value? 6. Studies revealed that human beings normally have eight defective genes. Do you think it would be unethical to eliminate these genes to create the “perfect person”? 7. Is the cloning process resource intensive? Does it require large sums of money? 8. The value of stem cells is known, but ethical problems stop us from further research. What do you have to say to people that are against the further study of stem cells? 9. If cloning was industrialized what would be required? Science fiction books such as Brave New World exemplify humans being made rather than born. Would this be a future worth pursing? Could we avoid the pitfalls displayed in science fiction stories? 10. How do you respond to ethical concerns on human cloning? Thank you so much if you decide to help me! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedbump
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