I know I said I was going to leave, but I figured this topic would be good for discussing.
I got the article from CNN.com
I want to know how you guys feel about this. I don't want to know if you're pro-choice or not, I want to know how you feel about someones right to make a choice being taken away? Granted, partial birth abortions are inhumane, I still believe it's a her body her right her choice type of thing.
“the right to life cannot be granted or denied by government.” Is what Bush declared as signing the bill. Now correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the banning of partial birth abortions granting the right to life by the government? I understand it all depends on if you believe the fetus is life at conception or not (which is a moral debate and it's not the governments responsibility to force morals upon us). I also believe (after reading the article a few times) Bush basically said that the fetus inside the mother is a life. If he didn't believe that it is a life, he wouldn't care if partial birth abortions are or aren't "cruel to the fetus". Him stating that it's cruel to the fetus leads me to believe that he believes the fetus inside a mother is life. If it wasn't life, how could be cruel to it? That's like saying cutting up paper (assuming you don't believe of disbelief that paper is life) is cruel to the paper. Also, if he didn't believe it was life, there would be no reason for him to sign the legislation to ban partial birth abortions. Technically they shouldn't even be referred to that since we're not trying to allude to the "fetus" having or not having life.
Also, these women who are losing this choice are still going to go about the partial birth abortions, just not in a safe or legal manner. It will just be done like it was back when abortion in general was illegal. I would rather see it done safely than unsafely.
I would also like to point out that I in no way whatsoever approve of abortion, however I do not approve of this ban.