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Everything posted by iglak

  1. iglak

    Just a thought

    gravity does have an equal and opposite reaction, it's called "bouncing" . gravity is a force applied to an object at a constant rate. when things bounce, they also transfer some of the energy into heat and into the material they bounced off of. so they lost the required energy to bounce the same distance in the air. and if you are positioned on the "ground" there is still an equal and opposite reaction, it's called "weight" . and about the mobious thing. the expansion of another area would only work if space was not the slightest bit elastic. we know that gasses, vacuums, and perfect vacuums can expand quite easily. so, considering the large volume of space, any and all gravitational contractions would likely dissipate very quickly, and could only reach... well, within one galaxy or solar system (that is, after all, why they are galaxies and solar systems). it's hard for me to imagine the spacetime universe on planetime, but i can imagine black holes being a tear in spacetime, possibly ending up on the other side of a mobius strip. i gave up on thinking of gravity as balls on a plane with an extra dimention of gravity, i figure that will just screw it up for me when i learn the truth, whatever that may be.
  2. iglak

    Live Forever?

    ... unless nothing kills it, including itself and aging by loss of telomeres. i heard that trees don't have telomeres, and they don't need them somehow. this would likely mean that some outside influence has to kill them, and would explain the rare, but very real 5,000 year old trees.
  3. that not only defeats the purpose, it screws up your answer. you could have thought of carrot first then chose something else (many people would do that). or you could have thought of a carrot subconsciously, but blocked it out, thinking that you thought something else. btw, i thought carrot first. i think it is the >'s, just the repeated thought of a triangle, and something long. some people might put more emphasis on long (cucumber) and some people might but more emphasis on the triangle (turnip or something). and some people might have thought of something else, but most of those people probably didn't realize that their subconscious thought of a carrot first...
  4. why isn't the opposite of green the absence of green from white? green is the absence of red and blue from white (light, not paints), so shouldn't those two be opposites? black is just in the middle of those two.
  5. iglak

    Color Changes

    ouch, no, but i have put off a lot of homework before...
  6. iglak

    Color Changes

    lol, i watch SciFi, and all of those alien discovery channel speciels. grey is now the name of those aliens (i'll have to check to see if it's grey or gray).
  7. iglak

    Color Changes

    stress makes you feel bad. your brain/body becomes bad when you feel bad.
  8. iglak

    Color Changes

    REALLY?! i always thought grey was correct, and gray is the steryotypcal grey, big headed, big eyed alien.... or is it the other way around. i never knew both were valid for the color (and probably the species too).
  9. with paints, red is opposite to green because they mix to make brown. similarily, blue is opposite of orange, and yellow is opposite or purple. but with light, there are different rules (plus they are just wavelengths, like Rad Ed said.
  10. i tried to do it, but it seemed like for every question, my answer was #5... something else, so i just gave up, knowing that it would be inacurate
  11. lol, the simplest at it's best
  12. umm... i'm way behind... since this post is reffering to something 2 pages ago, but that's okay. i agree that most people would not want to learn the little intricacies of every drug. and that for the time being, keeping drugs illegal is the correct choice. what i was saying is that spouting a list of symptoms does absolutely nothing to help the problem, who the heck wants to memorize a long, boring, useless list. and classes designed to make people afraid of drugs only furthers the problem. we need classes that provide an outline on what the drugs actually do to you, a dumbed down version of the specifics. and untill that time, there will be only more and more drug users, abusers, and deaths. of course, it can never be stopped completely, but it will be better than it is now. oh, and yeah, riots would probably break out in the US if nicotine was made illegal... and alcohol...
  13. Elliott
  14. Radical Edward, the point is that since the drugs are obviously available to anyone that wants them anyway, why not make them legal? and if they are going to remain illegal, why are the two most overall destructive drugs still legal (alcohol and nicotine)? and my point is that if we were to make them legal, there would only be more abuse, and more complaints. if we were to teach people about drugs (not those half-a$$ed drug awareness classes), then abuse would drastically drop, and we could make them legal to drop it even more. it all has nothing to do with us wanting to take drugs. it's just that if we did, no one's going to stop us anyway, and making them legal might even lower drug abuse and deaths, since it will result in better drugs. and may i point out that i can't see any inclination of your point. your last two quesstions contradicted eachother. your question: "well would you risk doing something that is illegal, which could result in prisoners arse?" fafalone's answer: "Yes, because I believe it should be a freedom." your next question: "what? you are going to take drugs just because it is a freedom?" let me see here... you asked if people would risk taking drugs and going to jail. he said yes. you interpereted that as people would take drugs just because it's legal... i'm confused. i would be just as evasive, because i can't figure out what you are asking.
  15. i believe i might be able to touch on the answer to all of the whys. let's face it, the U.S. is a land based on fear. the parents fear that their kids will do drugs and die or become murderers or something. at the same time, the DEA and similar administrations fear that everyone who does drugs is evil and will become a murderer or something. both of these groups see the statistics of drug users in jail, and fear what could happen if someone they knew did drugs. so they decide that they should try to make people not want to do drugs. the problem is, they try to do this be telling people their fears and trying to make them believe the same fears. but it doesn't work, why? because those that fall for it are afraid that they are being controlled, and that they are doing what everyone wants them to do. since they were never actually told what the drugs do, they think it won't hurt them too badly, and do drugs just to prove that they can. what we call drug "awareness education" is nothing more than people standing up and shouting random statistics, and saying "umm... drugs are bayd, m'kay?" if these "drug awareness" classes gave precise descriptions of what drugs do, and on a molecular level as well, not just listing the symptoms, then people would actaully become aware of the problem, and wouldn't do drugs even if it was legal, except maybe once in a while in correct dosages. but this will never happen because "people" are too stupid and afraid to think clearly. P.S. for example, i have no idea whatsoever what any of these drugs do. there have been classes in school where people say this is what the drugs do, and give a list of symptoms. i don't care what the symptoms are, i wanna know what they do! why the heck would i want to memorize a list of symptoms. all that says is that they want me to be afraid of drugs, well i'm afraid of being afraid, i wana be brave. i'm not gonna cower in fear of them drugs, i'm gonna stand up. fortunatally, i grew up with very minor allergies to almost everything, and i know not to consume anything that makes me cough, vomit, feel bad, or whatever. i want to be in control of my life, and i know alcohol lowers my reflexes... somehow, so i wouldn't take any more drinks than one or two at parties and special occasions. i am lucky in that i understand these things... better than most my age, and that i am one of the few who are actually not afraid. <edit> lol, i should be a psychologist or something ignorance is bliss, knowlege is hell, understanding is heaven.
  16. yeah, lol, me too. the HowStuffWorks forum ended a while before and i needed something to fulfill my lust for learning.
  17. if this is true, then horomone flow drastically effects how you grow and who you grow up to be (i assume). i know for almost fact that adrenalin flow is controlled mostly by the brain, sometimes semi-consciously. are other horomones controlled by the brain, or is it just adrenalin? putting these two together (assuming that they are correct), the environment effects how you grow and who you grow up to be through horomones. so, the brain is built from genes (basically, very basically) which determines, basically in what way one learns. the brain reacts to stimulus, using what the brain learned, by causing or allowing horomone flow, which directs protien synthesis and toggles genes. since our cells grow and act based on protien synthesis, our bodies, being a collection of specialized cells, grow and act on protien synthesis, thus horomones and genes not controlled by horomones, thus the brian and genes, thus the environment and genes. P.S. my evidence for adrenalin being controlled by the brain: 1) the fight or flight response, 2) i noticed that i can induce certain emotions in myself (namely anger and panic i'm also good at stopping them), and the end result is a feeling that i believe is caused by more adrenalin.
  18. I'm still in highschool! i'm a junior but a am taking A.P. Biology and Honors Chemistry and i took A.P. Calculus last year (got a 3 on the test. not good, not bad). but in addition to that, and the most important thing is that i subscribe and contribute to this forum (and i used to subscribe and contribute to the HowStuffWorks forum, before they shut it down). so i'm not "qualified"
  19. i have a question. (which leads to a hypothesis/theory, but it might be wrong so the question first) what exactly are horomones, and what exactly can they do. i know they "activate" things (at least i think so), but how and why and what kinds of things? and, is addrenalin a horomone?
  20. when has it ever ben observed that god could create anything? there is little or no evidence for creationism, we haven't been brainwashed into evolution. my personal feeling is that i am resisting the brainwashing of religion. you have been talking about evolution being wrong and creationism being right. please, state evidence for creationism.
  21. Hey! i am not a magical elf! i did make the universe last tuesday... but that's not the point! i, in no way, am an elf! dang, sorry, the nickname for my fake name is Iggy, i thought i was using that on this forum.
  22. i remember that. zim stopped it the tallest said "But i like snacks" the the other tallest said "You hear that? He likes snacks, Zim" or something like that. i think it was mostly candy bars 'n' things
  23. i would say that it would make little difference. orbiting a huge planet, and not being able to tap it for resscources might make us more docile, accepting that somethings are bigger than us, or it could make us more agressive, wanting only more to take control until we are able to tap that planet, and after that feeling powerful because we were able to do something huge. but i have no idea really.
  24. i see two protrusions above normal eye area (assuming the top space is the forehead), but no pupils. i see a protrusion where a large nose would be relative to the mouth, but i see no nostrals. and i see a definite mouth, that seems very easy to recognize as a mouth. the two eyes are the protrusions at the top the nose is very wide, and actually, now that i look closer, i see two wide nostrals where a very wide, big nose would have them. wait, no, one of them is made by the... riverlike ridge. the mouth is very visible though. it is outlined on the left by a bright reflection, and shown on the right by a slightly draker indent (although the right could possibly be "runoff" from the "river") <edit> i just saw the picture on the source page, it is a very different face than i see. the picture on the source page looks almost computer edited, especially the eyes and nose. on the source page, the nose is much smaller, and the mouth is where i thought the nostrals were. also the source page shows the nostrals as being very visible, and the pupils as well. it looks kind of like a sphinx head on the source page.
  25. use string to make a straight line
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