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Everything posted by iglak

  1. lol, too bad you can't just multiply and divide numbers to get 666. 666 has to be the number of a name of a man, not the derivation of a number of a name of a man. and for 666 to actually be the mark of the beast, it has to be placed in your right hand or forehead (i don't know if the number/name has to be used, or just any mark that symbolizes the number/name, and i don't know if "right hand" can be replaced with "dominant hand" or not), and not having it there would have to restrict what you can buy or sell.
  2. ooo, good question. although residual chemical burning could be considered "mixed", as emotions are more the result than the body functions used to achieve it. let's look at surprise. surprise party: initially, fear + surprise, wich quickly changes to happy + surprise. but what about less noticable surprises, such as if your favorite band was going to play at your next school rally, or you favorite author is going to sign books near where you work. those are surprise + happy, and no fear is involved. hmm, surprise doesn't seem to acually mix with anything other than fear or hapiness, and it almost needs one of those to actually be seen as surprise.
  3. surprised is the response someone has to something unexpected. it can be a good or bad or scary thing, but it's still surprise. surprise is it's own category. fear is also it's own category, and has a couple of distiguished subcategories all by itself. happiness is basically the absence of fear, so it would go on the opposite side, and it can mix with surprise sadness happens when something happens that harms you or someone else, and can easily mix with surprise and fear. anger usually coincides with fear, and the type of anger depends on which subcategory of fear is involved, but it can also mix with sadness. disgust is... i'll continue when i'm less tired, and i might try to categorize every emotion on that huge list. i'm intrigued.
  4. for monogamy. the purpose of sex is to create children. the purpose of attraction is both to create more children and to identify the person who is the most evolutionarily fit. after the child is created, it needs at least 12 years with one or a few mother(s), because the mother identifies the place where shelter, food, water, and learning can be found. it is the father's job to protect the mother(s) and child(ren). males generally feel the need to physically protect family. this is possible in harems, communities, and monogamies, but not in situations where the mother or father moves to a new area and never come back to the others. so as long as the community is close-knit, and no emotions of rejection and fear result from mating with others, something other than monogamy is fine. in current civilisations, however, monogomy is the easiest way to fulfill these criteria. for emotions... hungry is indeed an emotion. if it isn't, then the definition of "emotion" needs to be changed. here's a good list of emotions.
  5. basics of society? well, first we have living basics: food water shelter (including comfort, such as heat) waste disposal language then we have the necessary extras: health system edcation system government system money isn't a necessity. the government system could be communist or socialist in nature, in a way that gives people the necessities in full. art and technology can be distrubuted by trading things other than currency, currency is just a way to trade now and decide what you want later. although money would indeed be a good idea. money is also hard to impliment initially, and usually starts out as an art product.
  6. i'm doing some physical training with a friend, and he said ballistic stretches are under debate as to whether they are good or bad for you. i had heard a couple years ago that ballistic stretches are bad for you as initial stretches, but good for you after a work out. for those that don't know, ballistic stretches are when you stretch a muscle in a burst, like bouncing when touching your toes, or doing front kicks in a quick swings. so does anyone know the most recent opinion, or does anyone have a good idea of the truth?
  7. Speaking of new stuff coming out. I am in a Music Technology class in high school. We make music. It's mostly electronica type music. And we have an internet radio station that hosts our own music, as well as some music from various independant artists who we chose because we like their music. and i've been instructed by my teacher to spam people to get more listeners, so here you go If you like electronic music, check out www.live365.com/stations/mtproductions! This internet radio station contains music from the students of the Music Technology class at Sir Francis Drake Highschool, along with plenty of songs from independant artists. Do you know what that means? Most of the music you hear will be something you've never heard before! This week's DJ is Oscar Steiner, "I play the guitar myself. I'm into lots of different music, essentially Rock/Funk". You'll be listening to songs like Ghost, by Rave Spirit; Nullistic, by Urban System; Emotions, by DJ Trax; and Desert Walker, by FrostRAVEN. also with songs by students such as Ressurection, by Brian Groza; Hugs, by Jeremiah Oaks; and 102804, by Tom Lopez. Just click here to quickstart the station and listen in! if you want to join our mailing list for future updates on the station, go to mtproductions@yahoogroups.com. The Music Tech Class is still making new music for the staion, so listen in! hey, spam works. listen in, it's cool! this is the music that gets me rockin' (*prays that he doesn't get banned for this >_>*)
  8. "help" hehe, i said that when i wanted my mom to pick me up.
  9. why would anyone ever make a square wheel? if anyone where to try to make a wheel, they would have, at the very least, a basic concept of physics, or they would never have wanted to make a wheel. a basic concept of physics is all that's necessary to realize that a square wheel would never work, ever. just drop some rocks and they'll learn that square wheels won't work.and it's 1000 times better to tell everyone WHY square wheels won't work than to simply tell everyone THAT square wheels won't work.
  10. iglak

    Sci-fi Shields

    it's more of a point than an exaggeration. plasma or molten metal throwers: close enough, only more force and heat. what if the helicopter lands and the submarine surfaces?
  11. i have some comments/questions on your title's philosophy/psychology. "Ignorance is the Root of All Evil" how can that be true? there are hundreds of millions of people around the world that don't have a clue about anything that's happening in other places, but are extremely nice and do nothing but help their communities or family/friends when asked. i'm very ignorant myself on quite a lot of things, such as politics, but me being ignorant doesn't somehow cause evil, or even enhance it. although i agree that in evil hands, ignorance doesn't help, neither does knowledge.
  12. iglak

    Sci-fi Shields

    we don't currently have a way to gain propulsion purely from stored electricity. it still requires some mass as fuel. ion engines are the closest thing we have (that i am aware of), using a very small amount of fuel extremely efficiently. and i suppose light sails are very close as well.
  13. btw, three 6s has absolutely no correlation with the number 666. the bible specifically mentions the number as 600 + 60 + 6, not three random 6s. not only that, but 666 is a way to identify the anti-christ, it's not a symbol of evil. like TimeTraveler, i was completely turned off of this thread when i saw that date with the 9s marked in red and inverted to get 666.
  14. Canadiands don't lock their doors. Americans do. and more to the point: Canadians don't feel that they NEED to lock their doors. Americans do. and even further to my hidden point: Canada = not much fear. America = way, way too much fear.
  15. iglak


    in which case you'd be technically stealing the decoder card, which they have copyrighted and liscenced out. you can get the signal, and take it, and do whatever you want with the signal, but the information to decode it is copyrighted material, that someone stole and put on the internet. so the downloader and user of that copyrighted material is using stolen property for their benefit.
  16. doesn't matter, the point is that you can never know for sure what shape something is in a photograph. and if the room is evenly lighted (i should have said that instead of fully), then you can't see shadows, so that won't help to discern it's shape.
  17. if you consider turning off the light though, you have to consider the opposite. what if you have the ball in a fully lighted room, and take a picture of it? and that picture is all you have to make your decision. how would you know if it's spherical or not? or just do what callipygous said a few posts ago.
  18. yeah, force seems to be the thing that works best and fastest with them... but we can't do that. even if it's justified. even if it's in self defence. even if it helps everyone, including the person you hit. you'd likely get expelled.
  19. fear. it's always fear with bullies. and it's almost always a fear of losing social power, especially in school. they are usually also spoiled. [edit] there really isn't another kind of bully, just degrees of fear, and some may be afraid of something other than social status, but very few. [/edit] the only thing i can think of to get him back would be to NOT give the rubber band back, and tell him you won't specifically because he is trying to bully you. and don't let him grab your arm, you have to be fast enough that he won't succeed in bullying you. and the biggest tip i can give: stay calm, and always talk to him calmly, he'll feel intimidated that way, because he isn't having an effect on you. and if you are fast and strong enough, when he points the rubber band gun at you, you could try to yank it out of his hand. then you could take the rubber band off and give the gun back to him if you want to do something a little bully-ish. throughout this though, stay calm, don't laugh, and don't be afraid of anything he does. or if you want to make him cry you would have to use bullying tactics on him instead, which requires a possy of people that will laugh when you laugh for no apparent reason. but i highly recommend you don't bully him, because that will only make him mad and more of a bully, and he may even try to hurt you (punching, or with a real weapon). also, you won't even see him cry, he'd cry when he gets home, if ever.
  20. iglak


    oh, ok, my mistake.
  21. iglak


    the iPod has 4 faults (that i know of): -you can't create folders and playlists 'on the fly'. (*edit* i was wrong, you can create playlists 'on the fly') -you can't change the volume level while navigating the playlists. -if the battery breaks, you have to send the iPod to the company to have it replaced. there is no way to replace it yourself (unless you take it appart i suppose, voiding the warranty) -it breaks somewhat easily, you are likely to have to use the warranty to send it back to the company and get a new one a few times. the good thing is that they always replace it with the newest version though. i don't know anything about iRiver though, all of my friends have iPods i asked for a Creative NOMAD jukebox Zen NX (30GB) for christmas. one of my friends has a Creative NOMAD Jukebox Zen Xtra (30GB), which he got most specifically because "you can't navigate the iPod when it's in your pocket." and because it's less than half the price of an iPod.
  22. iglak

    Rolly Eyes

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