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Everything posted by iglak

  1. i have... 10 points... and i've always had 10 points... what i want to know is how some people have -200 - 300+ points... i am inclined to suggest that this system is being treated unfairly, and special attention is given to select few people. on a side note, do i have any influence in reputation points? in the first few posts it said that 50 reputation points were needed to add or take away points, so i haven't been trying. <edit> don't hurt me >_<;
  2. what i want to know is why it tells you to hold your breath... and why it tells you to look at your hand before and after staring at it... and why it tells you to keep your hand on your mouse at all times... those have absolutely nothing to do with the effectiveness of staring at the center of this for 30 seconds then looking elsewhere. oh, and i don't know why it works.
  3. hehe... that's a good question.
  4. iglak


    sorry, had to point this out. classic
  5. ah yes... because animals could easily run away, humans would need good leaders to organize an attack. they would get very little food otherwize. it's also possible that the best leaders got the most mates. and i just thought of something somewhat off topic, but relevant to human evolution. most, if not all, of the animals humans hunted migrated, right? all migration paths in africa include crossing a river at some point (almost all, if not all). almost all rivers are inhabited by crocidiles. humans would probably have to cross these rivers quite often. i would imagine the slowest swimmer would get eaten by crocidiles (the easiest one to catch), and the stupid humans would walk up to the river's edge without identifying crocidiles nearby and get eaten (on average). that could be one factor in our intelligence (maybe, maybe not though), but mostly that could explain the AAH (aquatic ape hypothesis) yeah yeah, somewhat offtopic... but thanks for that mini-revelation
  6. iglak

    Happy Easter!

    jesus died so that i could have a holiday! ^^ (disclaimer: i don't mean this)
  7. mutation = a change in DNA/RNA in one organizm. evolution = change in DNA/RNA of the norm of a species.
  8. the most common example would be the peppered moths in some forest somewhere (i forgot where, but it doesn't matter). they used to be mostly white, because the trees were white, and all of the dark ones would be eaten by birds. then big factories came in, releasing a lot of soot, covering the trees. the trees are now all dark, but most of the moths are light. the light ones are now eaten by the birds, but there was enough dark mutations to keep the species alive, forcing most of the next generation to be dark. that's only one generation's time (maybe 2).
  9. it has to be something that you can always do better at and get a higher score. in that sense, chess wouldn' work, there is a limit to the score. i'd recommend Centipede, or PacMan... or something along those lines
  10. hmm... that's interesting <edit> look at the forum to find a lot of others
  11. umm... i was going to say something, but it turns out i was wrong, could a moderator delete this? this post has no meaning now.
  12. popping = pulling on a joint possibly pulling it out of it's socket, i can't pop any of my joints. cracking = bending a joint i COULD say bending beyond normal, but that's not really what it is. bending beyond the point at which it cracks... that's the best description i can give they create slightly different sounds, and cracking is common on all joints.
  13. on a quick search, i found this site. the first bit is about a game of some type, i have no idea what, but the second part is a quick description about all of the martial arts listed. i recommend you take most of this information with a grain of salt, but it's still useful for a basic understanding. what martial art do you want to know about? you could prabably just search for it if you know precicely what you need. <edit> oh, and the third part is mostly about that game too
  14. if someone loses or gains points, do they see the comment? hehe, nm. i just checked my User CP and found a comment under "Latest Reputation Recieved". i didn't understand exactly what people were talking about until now...
  15. wait... are we talking about finger "popping" or finger "cracking"? they are different.
  16. He (it's a he right? i didn't check...) makes it sound worse than it is. according to two chiropractors that have visited my school for whatever reasons (the ONLY 2... for subbing and speaking) cracking knuckles a lot is bad, but doing it every once in a while (about 5 times a day or less) can actually be helpful, specifically for the reason that MD said it was bad (stretches ligaments and tendons beyond normal, makes them stretchier. doing it in excess makes them longer and less stretchy). it seems like the MD was implying this, though he never "said" it.
  17. the most important part of that link, when looking for a definition of plasma. plasma = nuclei of atoms (protons + nuetrons) and free electrons.
  18. iglak

    Time travel

    i subscribe to the "time is linear" theory (which supprisingly few people believe in, oh well). basically, you go back in time... this means that you are back in time, why would it mean anything else? and if you DID turn on the TV/reciever exactly 20 minutes before you left, then you would either see something or see nothing. if you see something, then you will think "cool, so it does work!" then you will send the person back in time 20 minutes and keep monitoring. if you don't see something, then you decide not to go into the past because you now think that it won't work. (which is the exact reson you didn't see something) or maybe you either hooked the reciever up wrong or your time machine doesn't work, those are possible. this isn't one of those "unsolvable paradoxes" like killing yourself. (in which my viewpoint is the same)
  19. i don't think you can give yourself points. that's what i was counting on when i clicked the scale on my post, and i was right, all it says is how many points you have, and what rating that particular post is. i wouldn't cheat... *shifty eyes*
  20. >_<; oops, you're right
  21. it says nothing... there isn't a "latest reputation recieved" to click does that mean i have no reputation points? except when i click the add reputation points button on my post it says i have 10 points, is that default?
  22. actually, i have a few questions how can we find out how many points we have? how can we find out where we lost/gained points? i guess that's it...
  23. yeah, all the negative means is that your experiment results were higher than the theoretical results.
  24. hehe... and generally, the reason one is more of a genius than someone else is because their brains are wired differently... actually, i should rephrase that. [iMO] a genius is someone who can make connections between 2+ pieces of information [more easily than others]
  25. i was iglak then i tried logging out and back in "thank you for logging in, iglak" (or whatever it says ) next page: (upper, right corner) Welcome, Gglak.. next page: (after pressing "Post Reply"; upper, right corner) Welcome, iglak.. press back button: Welcome, Gglak.. press foreward button: post is gone, but it says Welcome, iglak.. <edit> after i submit reply: Welcome, Gglak.. edit screen: Welcome, Gglak.. *sigh* i shouldn't have logged out and back in, my name is messed up now
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