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Mike Falken

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Everything posted by Mike Falken

  1. Vapor Deposition?
  2. Someone please define (in Undergraduate-level terminology) what "Synthetic Biology" is. How does it differ from regular Molecular Biology? Mike
  3. Whats the word on this class of pharmaceuticals? Hype or is there something concrete to it? Stuff like Piracetam (Nootropil) or Modafinil. Mike
  4. What counts as previous lab experience, on the Undergrad level? Directed study? Research assistancies?
  5. So, if I wish to have a major role in R&D, the Doctorate is the way to go? Which begs the question: what type of Doctorate? Can you (with a 3.3-3.5 science GPA) jump straight from a BS into a PhD program, skipping the MS level? I'm aware of the combined MD/PhD (Medical Scientist) programs at several Universities. How advantageous are they, compared to regular doctoral programs in a single field, for someone who wishes to do his primary work in human-related biotech fields? I was aware that some grad students get stipends, but do they really approach cost-of-living? Thanks all.
  6. I'm 3 Semesters away from my Bachelors (Biology w/concentration in Molecular Biology), and am beginning to wonder where I go from there. I'll be doing 4 years in the US Army immediately following graduation. After that, I'd like to be involved in Biotechnology. Human applications, such as genomic studies (bioinformatics) and genetic diseases research. What options does my BS afford me? How employable am I? Should I shoot for an MS or PhD? What programs/schools are good? Thanks for any advice, Mike
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