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Everything posted by entwined

  1. I would not "attack" her as you put it in the title of this thread. I would take that same bible that she quotes as the reason for not allowing her daughter to wear jewellery and point out to her the part about a woman being absolutely submissive to her husband and ask her if she believed in that also? If she says no, then ask her how she feels entitled to pick and choose what to believe in and what not to believe in. If, on the other hand, she says yes, then just tell her that you, as the head of the household, as her husband, have decided to allow your daughter to wear jewellery and than is pretty much that.
  2. How many states were in the union on November 12, 1889?
  3. What would be the value of a national ID card to the government -or to anyone else- if it was not biometric? I think that it has been amply demonstrated that anything made from plastic or paper can be faked. Without retina scanning equipment in a LOT of places, all hooked to a national database, what would it really mean for one to flash a national ID card ? Now, WITH the proper scanning equipment, in airports for example, I can see where the lines could be made shorter.
  4. entwined

    Zarqawi dead

    I think what is most important about Zakawi's death is the fact that our side was able to nail him because of tips we got from iraqis and some of Zak's own people. To me, this spells the beginning of the end for AQ in Iraq.
  5. I just think that what these widows think about foreign policy is irrelevant unless one of them has had some kind of special training or experience that makes them an expert in the field. Bear in mind that I am not saying that they don't have a perfect right to their opinions, just that I fail to see the news worthyness in what someone thinks about the war in Iraq, for example, just because they lost a loved one in the event that we now refer to as 9/11. The same thing goes for movie stars and country singers.
  6. A friend sent me this picture, along with several others of the same thing. It was said that the photo was taken at the instant of breaking the sound barrier. I did not know that breaking the sound barrier was accompanied by this sort of visual effect. I thought one of you guys or gals could explain it to me?
  7. I have always wondered why Mexico is so poor. They have resources and obviously the people are willing to work. From what I have read, the government is so corrupt that only a very few have anything at all. How about if we formented a revolution in Mexico so the people could establish a government that might create an economic system that produces more wealth for them to share in? Or, how about if we approach Mexico and see if they want to become our next 7 states? (I understand there are about 7 states in Mexico?)
  8. It looks like congress is stalled about what to do and it also looks like this is one issue where Bush and Kennedy are on the same side (or at least close). Building a wall would be expensive and probably wouldn't work very well anyway and even if we did staunch the inflow, what are we going to do about the 11 million or so who are already here? Some of those already here have been here for a decade or so, some are married to Americans, some have children who are American citizens and I don't think we are capable of rounding up 11 million people for deportation anyway. Anybody got any bright ideas?
  9. Well, for what you might think it is worth, here is a guy who says that Zinni, for one, talks out of both sides of his mouth....... http://www.americanthinker.com/articles.php?article_id=5415
  10. entwined

    Scandal de Jur

    What does the "normal declassification process" entail?
  11. entwined

    Scandal de Jur

    In a nutshell, Joe Wilson goes to Niger to "investigate" the allegation that Saddam had attempted to purchase yellowcake from Niger. He found out that in fact, Niger had been approached by Iraqi officials to do so, but the deal never went through. He came back and gave an oral report to the CIA to that effect, then started writing articles, saying that there was nothing to this claim and that the now-famous "16 words" were wrong--perhaps even lies. Bush decided to declassify and release information through Libby that supported the "16 words." This was reported at the time in the press. In my opinion, the Democrats are only hyping the issue because they know that JQ Public is not up to speed enough to separate it from the Plame affair. Here is an article from the Washington Post writtin in '04. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A39834-2004Jul9.html?referrer=emailarticle
  12. I really didn't know where to post this, so since abortion is, to some extent, a political issue here in the US, I put it in politics. The reason I posed the question was, that I have seen the position of the unborn not being able to feel pain, raised as one of the justifications for abortion in past discussions of the ethical aspects of the abortion issue.
  13. According to this article, unborn babys can feel pain. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4875196.stm Does this change anyone's attitude about abortion?
  14. There is a system of navigation locks that allow ocean going vessels to go all through the Great Lakes system, clear out to the western tip of Lake Superior. This animal could have gotten into any of the lakes that way, but it would have probably been a lot smaller when it did so and was unnoticed. Personally, I doubt that there is any such animal in Lake Erie because it is heavily fished and quite shallow (about 30 ft. deep). Someone would have seen it or been eaten by it.
  15. Sports, at least professional sports is just show business. Much like film stars and television actors, professional athletes command a high price for their performance because their owners can get fans to pay high prices to watch them perform. Also, their working lifespan is short compared to other professionals. It is a matter of supply and demand. When the price gets too high, the demand -and the price- will go down. But in as much as the advertisement cost of a 30 second ad during the last Super Bowl was around 1 million dollars, doesn't that put these wages in perspective?
  16. Cross an owl with a female goat and you have a HOOT&NANNY.
  17. I am told that a scuba diving tank is measurably heavier (on a common household scale) when filled than when empty.
  18. take a small fan and turn it on. If you can feel the air moving, if has weight.
  19. I understand that the employees in these ports will remain the same, at least as far as the stevedores are concerned. There will probably be some changes in the management staff, but it has not been revealed to what depth. In any event, this company was vetted by the panel created in 1975 to review foreign investments. This panel is comprised of some fairly high cabinet officials including the Secretaries of State and Treasury. The UAE have a good political, diplomatic and military relationship with the US and are perhaps our best friends in the Middle East along with Isreal. Of course any country can produce people who are anti-American--even the USA, but from what I have read about the UAE, I would trust them as far as I would anyone else. The deal is being postponed for a while to allow the US Senate to be edified on how these deals are conducted:rolleyes: and to allay the fears of the general public, many of whom see anyone from the Mid-East as just another "towelhead." I think it (the takeover) will go through and I see no reason-at this point-why it shouldn't.
  20. I think that we already have the line item veto, at least in a way. The constitution calls for the president to sign the bill if he approves of it, and if he does not approve it, to send it back with a message telling congress why he does not approve of it. It seems to me that this is fine and dandy. If, after all, we allowed a line item veto, wouldn't any such altered bill be re-submitted back to congress to see if it passed congress in the altered form? Actually, it is moot because a line item veto is unconstitutional, absent, of course, a constitutional amendment.
  21. Rarely, why?
  22. The main reason that I doubt the existence of these things is because if they do exist, that means that there has to be a viable population of them and that they must have been there all along. If that were the case, I would find it incredible that no one has found certifiable evidence in the form of hair, bones, corpses or other artifacts of their presence. These guys are not spider sized insects deep inside some unexplored cave, they are represented as rather large animals. There may be places in the world where something like this could be as yet undiscovered, but not inside the continental US. In my opinion........
  23. It has been said that time must pass for anything to happen. It has also been said that at the speed of light, time ceases to pass-for whatever is going at light speed. Therefore, once a photon achieves light speed does time cease to pass for the photon? And if it does, how can it continue to move?
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