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Dr. Zimski

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About Dr. Zimski

  • Birthday October 3

Profile Information

  • Location
    Saint Paul, Mn
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Astronomy, Physics


  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. ... and explain any implied wisdom (or possibly duhr-duhr-duuhrhrhr) regarding... Pi = n[sin(180/n)], lim n approaches infinity
  2. Dr. Zimski


    I have a funny problem here... Solve for X: (sinX)/X = 0.5
  3. I was just wondering, why isn't there a Geology forum?
  4. If you integrated that, wouln't it be r'/720(theta)+r'(theta), since 1/2 of 1/360 is 1/720?
  5. ^^^I already thought of that, but it seemed too easy an answer to be true. I'll look more into that though... if it turns out to be right, thumbs up.
  6. I might have already posted this in this forum quite some time ago, but the problem just came back to me, and now I want to solve it again, or at least know the solution. Here it is, more in depth: Arc length of a spiral Say you are givin a spiral with an initial radius r' (read r-prime), where r' is any real number greater than 0. As the radius "spins" it grows at the same rate as it "spins". So for every degree it rotates, the radius gains 1/360th of it's initial length (r'); exapmle- if r' = 1 cm, after 90 degrees the new radius is 1.25 cm, then after a full revolution it is 2 cm. And this goes on for however many revolutions. What I need it a solution for any number of revolutions, and partial revolutions. Or a nudge in the right direction at the very least.
  7. I have never heard of that. It kind of helps, but I still have to weed through hundreds of articles to find some that are helpful at all. I'm looking for actual websites, not seach engines. (.edu, .gov, or .org would be best, .com's are fine if the site is reliable). Sorry if I'm being too difficult, I'm trying hard enough on my own as it is.
  8. Ok, here's my story... I'm a Senior in highschool, I have to do a Senior Project in order to graduate, and I've choosen my topic to be physical exercise. My only problem I have is I can't find any sources exept a few referecne books and the rare plausable website source. I can look for more books at my school library, and the one near where I live as well, but the internet is a problem. Search engins are unreliable, since the first 10,000 results are aimed torwards fat people who need to loose wieght, or anorexic people who THINK they need to loose wieght. More specificly, I need to do research on the physiological effects of exercise and whatnot. So if anybody knows any good RELIABLE and PLAUSABLE website that have such information, or could find a few for me, that would be great. Thanks in advance.
  9. First of all, everyone who took high school physics knows that acceleration can be modeled by the slope of a line gragh, where the x-axis designates time(s), and also where the y-axis designates velocity(m/s). But I have a little paradox that kinda bugs me. Let's say that an object is moving at a constant speed of 5m/s, and then for some reason, (the reason is irrelevant) it just stops without slowing down. Now I plotted it on a graph, and apparently, the acceleration of the object is infinite. Am I missing something here?
  10. Yep, that's the theory. I kinda find it a little confusing to, but I hope this can explain it further... When you stand on a spinning platform and hold two lead wieghts away from you, you will start to spin faster as you draw the wieghts closer to yourself. According to E=mc^2, the increased speed will increase your mass, and thus increase your gravitational force. The same concept works for the particles of dust and rock that created the Earth. Though, a person who actually go to college for physics might explain it better then me.
  11. I think this would make sense... In a null-G enviroment (in other words, space), tiny loose particles, such as dirt, tend to "clump" together. It would be my best guess that that is the gravitational force of the tiny particles acting on each other.
  12. For the first one, I made an equation setting (kx^2 - kx - 6)/(x + 1) equal to (kx^2 - kx - 6)/(x + m). You can solve it, but it's obvious by just looking at it that m = 1.
  13. That's a big misconception. Yes, a number can be divided into infinite fractions, but that has nothing to do with an object's motion. For example, let's say an object is moving at a speed of 10 cm per sec. In order for the object to follow your theory, it must slow down constantly and never stop moving. But in the real world, the object would keep a consistant speed (assuming it isn't acted upon by an outside force) and eventually pass whatever barrier you designate.
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