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Everything posted by Illuminati

  1. I meant more that dogs can see the objects, no matter the color, but in the case of the lazer pointer, being that the dot has no depth he wouldn't be able to see it against a backgrount of similar color seeing as the two would blend. In any case, I'm basing these ideas off of the two other dogs I tried it on. At any rate, thankyou for the clarification bascule.
  2. I've been told before that dogs see in black and white, however in light of recent evidence, I believe that some dogs see color (atleast in partial color). My reason behind this is the other night, I was teasing the cat with a lazer pointer. My dog (who is lab/golden retreiver) had seen the lazer pointer and took chase with the cat. Now, as you can imagine, this was very comical, but thats beside the point. The lazer pointer is red and not that much different in brightness from the carpet to the wall, however the dog chased it the entire time. I tried this on two other dogs and the others either ignored it or could not see it. So, I came to the conclusion that this dog has the ability to see in color, this is completely against what I've been told in the past. Could anyone shine a little light on this situation?
  3. Although this may be considered prying, it does not stiffle my curiosity. But, I was wondering, what do you all do for a living? Nothing too specific, I know how important everyones privacy is nowadays, especially with the rampant wire-tapping. With all the intelligent people in this forum, I can assume that most people are relatively successful in their own respects. I suppose as a show of good faith; I, being only 17, work at the subway in the next town over, but I will be quitting there as soon as I graduate and will be working for a wiring company through my cisco class. I'll be wiring the new wing of the high school and completely re-wiring the elementary, they're hoping for 100 mbps. $4,000 over the entire summer, that'll help with college costs and I'll hopefully be able to deck out my dorm room and not have to worry about money for atleast the first year. Now it's your turn. Curiosity killed the cat. ...meow... =^^=
  4. No, I suppose not, but I just wanted to get some clarification before I went ahead. No sense in wasting my time and a cd-r if it doesn't work. But yes, thankyou for the help.
  5. I was just wondering if I were to be able to play downloaded movies on my dvd player if I were to convert the files into .mp4 format? However, the thing is, I only have a cd burner, not a dvd burner, so could I play the .mp4 files even if they're on a cd-r/cd-rw? And yes, my dvd player can play cd-r's but they've only been music cd's, and any .avi files that I have burned onto the cd-r's won't play on the dvd player. So will .mp4 work?
  6. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8976160/ Although still expensive, they've been able to churn these out at several meters a minute. Heh, just a little speculation thrown out there.
  7. hmm, I was just thinking, carbon nanotubes, I wonder how hard it would be to get a hold of a sheet of that. I wonder how it would hold up as the skin for a wing. ^^ Heh, I wonder if it'd even be legal. Still, an interesting thought.
  8. well, I suppose it would be an interesting party trick... say, at a party, the magician is failing, you just break out pi and boom... everybody is interesting, but after the first 10 digits, everybody leaves. oh well, still interesting. On a related note, has anybody seen Pi: Faith in Chaos? Excellent movie in my opinion.
  9. hmm, I'll have to try that just to clarify, use the pda cradle to format the entire device? or just the card. Because, the pda doesn't even detect the card anymore.
  10. So, you think it's the card and not the pda? I suppose it's the lesser of two evils.
  11. Never tried that one, however, when I'm on the verge of sleep, I can, for some reason, create music in my head that sounds like a real symphony orchestra. I suppose you could call it a pre-sleep dream, I create what I want to hear in my head then I can actually hear it. It's so weird. I've also read in some of my meditation books that you can have an out of body experience by staring onto one focal point and "changing your viewpoint to that object". I've never tried it, although it certainly sounds interesting.
  12. I just have a quick question. I have a 256 mb sd card for my pda, and for some reason, it did not detect it yesterday. In addition to that, sometimes I would lose data although it would still say it was taken up even though I could not find it in the sd card folders. Can sd cards go bad after a certain period of time? I hope so, cause otherwise, my pda card slot is bad. And I don't feel like paying for a new one, or a repair job on it.
  13. Actually, I was big into meditation last year. Heh, if you get good at it like I was, you could do some crazy things with your mind, it was a serious trip, lol. Perhaps I should get back into it.
  14. This is an odd problem I sometimes have that some of you may have as well. Certain nights I am kept from sleep, I know I need to sleep but my mind won't let me, and not for any particular serious problem, not like insomnia or nervousness from facing the next day. No, normally when I'm kept from sleep, it's because I can't stop thinking. If I have had a particularly inspiring day or when I have a eurika day, I can't get to sleep for atleast two hours after I want to. My brain is riddled with thoughts and concepts, for instance, when I thought of a couple experimental designs for aircraft, I was thinking about them and how they would/could work in the real world. Or when I had an idea for a zombie survival videogame, I was thinking of the concept and design of the game and couldn't get a wink of sleep till I felt all problems and black spots were resolved. Now, my question is, does anyone else have this problem? Or am I just weird.
  15. Hahahaha *half hearted laugh* ...foot humor... ...feet, thread, unravel... I get it
  16. Am I the only one who finds a thread about tube socks lasting more than one page strange?
  17. Heh, I love the japanese culture, their fashion kicks ass, plus, they have sushi and anime, you can't beat that.
  18. Yea, I can vouch for that, tube socks are great. ...but I prefer these... p.s. not my legs, not even my gender or race, still, cool socks.
  19. I can imagine, however, I'm something of a reniassance man, I want to try a little of everything. In addition to the 3 I mentioned above, I'd also like to dabble in psychiatry, electrical engineering, and computer programming (mainly game programming). This is the reason why I think I'll be in school forever, lol.
  20. Thankyou, that is very enlightening. However, a good amount of these require a doctoral, atleast all the high paying ones. Heh, I'm going to be in school forever.
  21. Alright, I already know I'm going into physics. I plan to major in physics and double minor in business and mechanical engineering. Yet, I have no idea of the job market. So, could someone please enlighten me to the jobs available in the physics field?
  22. I was actually considering that, however, what advantage will that give over the flat wing design?
  23. Haha, alright, just wanted to clarify. I thought you knew something that I didn't.
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