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  1. I agree, as long as you know the naming system that you learned in your country of origin, then the exam is not too difficult. I remember when I took Orgo Chem 1 (and 2), there were several retrosynthesis and mechanism type problems.
  2. Thankfully, it seems as if the equation on Wikipedia has been corrected. Of course, there is no way aqueous ammonium nitrate could decompose into nitrous oxide and water (at least not at any appreciable rate, as John Cuthber mentioned).
  3. Try mixing a solution of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide. Heat is produced as a result (amongst other things).
  4. You can make water more conductive by simply adding ions to the solution (i.e. with sodium chloride, water becomes much more conductive); there is no need for sodium hydroxide
  5. It is unlikely that you made any appreciable amounts of sodium hydroxide. The only danger I can see is from inhaling the ammonia fumes when you tried to boil it off.
  6. Well said Fission is certainly reversible, the reverse process is called fusion. But, as John mentioned, you'd require a tame star in your lab.
  7. Perhaps you meant manganese dioxide? If you add it to hydrogen peroxide, it acts as a catalyst for the decomposition of the peroxide.
  8. As thedarkshade mentioned, the reaction is a catalytic oxidation which requires the presence of a platinum gauze catalyst. Also, the reaction occurs at ~800 C.
  9. If you cannot figure out the first reaction, I strongly suggest you not carry out the second!
  10. Hydrogen peroxide often has an acid stabilizer included when it is sold over the counter, i.e. in pharmacies. I have seen the mechanism in an introductory organic chemistry textbook (McMurry), but it's 4:10 am local time, and I don't want to be bothered looking for the mechanism (of both acid and base catalyzed decomposition) at this time....
  11. I don't understand something; if you are trying to make ferric oxide, would it not be easier to produce it in other manners?
  12. Oooh, a helical stair case. We have one on the university campus as well
  13. Thanks for the wallpapers thedarkshade! Maybe it's just me, but I have a weird liking for chemistry equipment!
  14. Sea water tastes salty due to the dissolved salts that are in sea water; a large contributing factor is the amount of dissolved sodium chloride in sea water.
  15. Sorry to be the one to say this, but I don't think anyone will help you with your assignment unless you show that you've put some thought/effort into it.
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