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Everything posted by FX

  1. Number still haven't changed. This entire overwhelming lack of actual data was at first surprising, then I remembered, we are dealing with radiation, and governments, and there is little chance of science winning when it comes to politics.
  2. http://www.tohoku-epco.co.jp/electr/genshi/onagawa/mp.html Numbers haven't changed all day. I am suspicious of the accuracy. http://www.bousai.ne.jp/vis/index.php Numbers don't update, most important station not reporting. If that is the extent of their monitoring stations, things are worse than I thought.
  3. There doesn't seem to be any monitoring stations in Japan itself. Certainly none around the nuclear plants.
  4. That's an interesting point.
  5. Why would you say that? Observing nature can lead to an understanding of what is happening. We may even determine how nature works. Is it just a linguistic problem when we ask 'why'? Examples abound, but sticking with magnets, asking why they attract each other is certainly valid.
  6. Just like Dark Matter. It's such a strange Universe.
  7. I guess i should have used the sarcasm tag.
  8. I'm known for killing threads. Nothing like facts to just crush a good discussion.
  9. I won the thread!
  10. From http://www.coolmagnetman.com/maghow.htm Emphasis mine.
  11. We know how nature works. What is really interesting is why.
  12. If the nail doesn't stay in the wood, you can be sure the scientific question will be 'why'? Asking why is the essential question, when faced with something that can't be explained. Or something that CAN be explained, but you don't understand yet. Returning to the nail that won't stay. After 'why' has been answered, the next question might be something like, "Well how can we fix that?".
  13. Maybe you are confused. Asking why, when you observe something in physics, is a very good question. One that is still being asked about magnetism. It's never silly to ask why. In regards to physics. What is silly, is thinking you don't need to answer the question.
  14. Why is never a silly question.
  15. Are you talking about http://ams.confex.com/ams/91Annual/webprogram/Manuscript/Paper180230/ClimategateThoughts4AMS_v2.pdf ? (pdf file) In html format here http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/01/13/trenberths-upcoming-ams-meeting-talk-climategate-thoughts/ (with additional commentary of course) Is that the source?
  16. This page should clear everything up. http://amasci.com/elect/charge1.html
  17. FX

    Queensland floods

    I went to Google images looking for airplane view of the flooding. Found this! October 30, 2009! http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/brisbanes-most-floodprone-suburbs-revealed-20091030-hoym.html What? What the hell?
  18. Seek medical help. Lots of pus filled glands on the skin is a sign of a medical problem.
  19. "the lust plant growth"? Where can I find some of them lust plants?
  20. That seems quite logical. Never thought of that, but it certainly makes sense.
  21. More importantly, why is a fool considered a bad thing?
  22. All rotation is labeled from the POV of the person doing the turning. If you turn a bolt and screw around, rotate it 180 degrees, relative to you, the direction used to unscrew it seems to be reversed. It's just how things work.
  23. You can search the internet for the not so secret stuff. Like http://www.greenoptimistic.com/2010/05/19/gridshift-electrolysis-catalyst/ or http://newenergyandfuel.com/http:/newenergyandfuel/com/2010/05/07/a-new-electrolysis-catalyst/ obviously the really secret stuff won't be available.
  24. Oh snap.
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