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Everything posted by FX

  1. 15.89 megajoules per liter of water, or 4.4 kilowatt-hours of electricity. Of course it depends on the equipment used. With modern super secret catalysts based electrodes it takes a lot less. With crappy little bare wires, it takes more.
  2. The internet became available for my use in 1986, through the University I worked for. A VAX terminal, orange text. Maddening to use. Mostly email. There was also dial up BBS, which was in looking back, quite horrible, but at the time seemed cool. It also led to a real world conflict spillover for a buddy of mine, over of all things, an argument on an Amiga based BBS. We're talking actual physical violence and lawsuits over comments on a message board. That you had to reach by dialing to it. Oh good times, good times. I saw the Mosiac www in '93 through a supergeek friend of mine. He knew about before anybody else I knew. I can still recall the awesomeness of seeing a picture and text on the same page. I was like, "Oh man! How do you do that?". When he showed me how to view the code and how easy it was, it was on. Still is. Internets. They is awesome. Tried to find an image of what the old VAX looked like. It was something like this. Except orange text. Making pictures out of text was all the rage. Then printing them out on a dot matrix printer. Oh man I feel so friggin old now. For clarity, I hated the VAX. There was like one terminal for 16 people to share. And "the internet" was pretty much email to other Universities.
  3. I don't know anything about Cold-FX (though I am going to Google it as soon as I finish this post). Drinking = so many bad things, it would be best not to drink while ill, or in excess at anytime. (It not only damages the brain, high levels of alcohol damages the new neurons being formed, which will cause learning problems about 30 days later) As for real medical advice, seek a real medical expert. It would seem wise to avoid drinking while fighting an infection of any kind.
  4. It's possible, but not probable. Even in immunodeficiency, the cold virus doesn't often win. Our bodies learn the new nature of the mutated virus, and once we have antibodies (and other mechanisms) in place for a specific cold virus, it doesn't have a chance.
  5. OK that is incredibly awesome. I want to see video now!
  6. That is quite simply ... awesome.
  7. It's the focal length of the camera. Somebody figured this out and applied the same effect to real scenes, making them look like miniature models. It's called Tilt-shift photography, and both stills and videos are available all over the internets. As well as instructions on how to do it yourself. Put "Tilt-shift photography" into Google and enjoy.
  8. http://www.commoncold.org/undrstn3.htm http://www.commoncold.org/undrstn4.htm
  9. http://fishindex.blogspot.com/2009/01/frogfish-strangest-fish-in-ocean.html
  10. New person here. I play guitar! And love science. Played Pro when young, now just for fun. That is YOU? Seriously? That is awesome. I saw that years ago and was blown away. I wish I had thought of that.
  11. Hello strangers. Odd internet people reading this post. Maybe some normal people too. Hope springs eternal. I often avoid the intro thread, jumping head first into whatever topic was interesting enough to Google my way into a forum, and in advance, I have prepared a bio and all kinds of fun stuff for the interested who click on my user name, wanting to check me out, going " who is this new person?", and having close to 25 years of internet experience, I know a few things about being the n00b, as well as being the regular. Not this time. I'm getting lazy I think, or perhaps I just don't care anymore. For those who have little interest in newcomers, this would be a good time to stop reading this post. There will be no big reward. No seriously, go look at something interesting. This is going downhill from here. I popped into the chat a couple of times, testing the waters. The hostility level was acceptable. Oh, and just to put your mind at ease, I am certainly and with out a doubt not anybody who has ever posted here before, not a puppet, not a sock, not some old enemy returned. I might be a new enemy, but I am sure I never joined this board before. I can't really remember how I even found it now. But I did and signed up, because that's just what I do, I see something and I sign up. Sometimes I never even post. I've been a member of slashdot for over ten years, and I posted once. I keep thinking I am supposed to do something here. Oh right, introduction. Hate them. Intros. Both because it requires effort, typing and all that, but even more so, because I often feel like it's when you go to a 'meeting' and they go around the room and have everyone introduce themselves. The people who are ALWAYS at the meeting, who all know each other, they don't want you to really introduce yourself, they want you to say, "Hi my name is Dave and I am addict", or "alcoholic", or whatever label the group is going to slap onto you, because you are there. And then they want you to shut the hell up. If you actually start introducing yourself, talking about why you are there, what's the problem, you know, who you ARE, they tell you to shut up. Nice. That is so welcoming, isn't it? Poor sod finally drags his sick self to a meeting, and the first thing you know, you are told to shut up. But 'keep coming back' and all that. So I figure anyone who is reading the intro thread and actually wants to know something will check me out, everybody else will just ignore me. Hence the bio thing. Saves time, doesn't annoy people. It's all good. I should have done it. Oh well, I blame this horrible weather at the moment. Unbelievable cold and snow. Sucks big time. (pause) What I really want to do is start a thread. An awesome thread. The kind that makes interested people go, "Wow, I did not know that! Thanks FX! You are cool", that's what i want to do. I've done it before. It's won't even be a new thread for me, it has already happened before, but I can tell from my reading here it would be a good thread here. An excellent thread even. How cool is that? And THAT would be a much better intro than this post, which I did tell you was going to not be all that great. Which brings up the obvious question, why are you still reading it? Haha, I hope that is as funny to you as it is to me. Oh that's a real important point. I often amuse myself. And if I think it's funny, then that is a good thing. If you hate it, well, I simply don't care that much. You must not have a sense of humor. So there. Haha, I win. No really, now your rage makes me laugh even more. Obviously the internet is a grand source of amusement for somebody who is actually that funny. Like me. I'm hilarious. Oh not to you maybe, but to me, and that is the important thing when posting. That you are amused. The best I can hope for others is that they get some small measure of knowledge, if not about themselves, at least about science. And science is awesome. it's more awesome than anything, because it is at it's small dark heart, about knowing what actually IS, what is happening, in the real world. And the world is awesome. The Universe is so big and awesome, it's more awesome than anything. You know this is true. OK maybe some don't know this, but I WANT you to know it. That makes me happy. Oh, and when you see a word like THIS, all caps, it's for emphasis. It's faster than color, bolding, italics or any of those fancy text tricks we can use. It also can make you look a bit nuts of course. This would not be that far from the truth at times. (the following said in a facetious and funny Russian accent) Haha, that is joke, now you laugh. OK we are reaching the point of mendacious or tedious long windedness, so lets wrap this up. Haha, spellchecker doesn't think windedness is a word. Stupid spellchecker. Always thinking it's so smart. Red squiggly lines, suggesting I made a mistake. Well, let me tell you spellchecker, I can just add that as a word and now what are you going to do? Huh? Huh? You want a piece of me? Huh? So here is what got me interested enough to post this long intro, this topic --> http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/53309-tides/ Something I know a little about. Good stuff. The tides. Oh this is going to be so awesome. And fun. It has to be fun, or what's the point? I'm doing this because i LIKE it, nobody is forcing me to do it, nor will anyone force you to read it. As it should be. So, ask me anything. I won't lie, ever. I may refuse to answer, or ignore you if you seem like an idiot, but I am all about reality, not deception. Reality is good. Reality, truth, what actually IS, always is beautiful. Lies are always ugly. Unless it's a white lie, they are OK, because really, nobody wants to know the whole truth when it is about them. But when it's about our world, our Universe, let truth shine, let knowledge prosper, let idiots be exposed, and lets have some fun with science. It's a big Universe, and according to many, it's getting bigger all the time. So hello there, how are ya? If you skipped to the end (good move), I am an educated science based male American who enjoys the heck out of internet. I have a wicked sense of humor, which most won't ever grasp, and if you can stump me or show me where I am wrong, I will respect you and even if I can't stand you, will enjoy your posts. A lot. If you are annoying, a timewaster or avoid the give and take of intellectual discourse, I will ignore you. Everybody else, well, nice to meet ya. Hope you are doing well. Seriously. I always try to assume good intent. I could go on. And on and on and on, but we all know that isn't a good thing. The end
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