Perhaps i should be doing this myself yet ive drawn a blank.
What i have to do (for an assignment): Is from each Kingdom choose a species then from that species go up to its class. Then from that class choose 2 other orders and 2 families from each of those orders ending with species from those families.
Order 1 -> species 1
Order 2 -> Famliy 1-> Species 2
Family 2->Species 3
Order 3 -> Famliy 1-> Species 4
Family 2->Species 5
All orders from same class
Now, I must do this for each kingdom. Ive done it quite easily for Animaliae, Plantae, and Fungi .. Yet Protisai, Eubacteria, and Archaebacteria ive come up with nothing. The problem is i cant find any info online. Now i dont necesairly need someone to do it for me ( but if u want to im not stoping you ^^). I need at minimum some websites that will give me this info. Its hard to find good classification websites. Either they are to simple or they are just a list of species, ect.
So thanks for any information at all. I REALLY APRECIATE IT!
PS: If you do decide to give me actual info( ie do it for me^) then please include the Phylum, and CLass for the orders. Thx a bunch