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Radical Edward

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Everything posted by Radical Edward

  1. you never said whether you enjoyed the dream or not Hades. Umm, well we don't want to know. despite being Radical Edward, my name is not Edward. I am a physicist by trade, doing a PhD in some physics thing, although biology is vastly more interesting.
  2. you should become inebriated and require tomorrow off work.
  3. could the default position be set to off, please? poll for you all to see if you agree or not.
  4. With the X-Prize rapidly hotting up now, and expected to be won within the next few months, could we be at the dawn of a new age for man? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3700855.stm Taking space out of governmental control will undoubtedly be one of the most revolutionary events seen in the past hundred years since the wright brothers first took to the air.
  5. fields and fields of Fusarium gramineurum.
  6. as I pointed out, the light would just get absorbed by the material making up the sphere and the spehere would warm up slightly. you should want to know the important length of a photon is its wavelength. If a photon has a wavelength of 20cm, it isn't going to fit into a 5cm sphere. photons do not interact with one another, so this isn't so much of a problem. The only force carrier that does interact with itself is the gluon. The biggest problem is interactions with the walls of the container, and the material inside the container (assuming there is any) which will begin to react in a nonlinear manner. it's called a laser sadly it looks like it has all been done
  7. today you are an old man! at a whopping 27 years old! happy birthday
  8. is Quon a misspelling of something, or should this be in pseudoscience?
  9. which is why I am locking it. If anyone wants it opening again in order to discuss the OP, feel free to PM me or any other moderator/admin.
  10. then you just need a bigger reflector to catch all those winter rays
  11. and you need distance to single out movement too, so why the bias? One is two temporal coordiantes, and one is two spatial coordiantes, and as GR shows us, space and time can be treated as equivalent.
  12. how about using it to boil a set quantity of water i.e. 1 litre. otoh, if the judging criteria are pretty subjective though, it shouldn't matter too much, I am more interested in seeing peoples' designs than how rapidly they cook, especially given that people from hotter countries already have a significant advantage over people from cooler climates
  13. exactly. the quote refers to abiogenesis and the "facts" criticise "evolution". The first "fact" is completely baseless and the 2nd again criticises abiogenesis, while calling it evolution.
  14. same goes for space too. without space there would be nothing to measure, hence space is just a by product of things not being in the same place.
  15. Every mention of that quote I find comes from a creationist book by Schroeder (who is a physicist I might add - not exactly qualified to discuss origins, but lets not get into an argument from authority here) so that in mind, how old is this quote? The reason I ask, is that there is an awful lot of evidence for abiogenesis now, in that a number of the processes we know to be required in abiogenesis models have been observed. and most likely, observed since that particular quote was made.
  16. take the compass and keep enlarging it until it touches the other side might be another way of doing it.
  17. if you have a set square it is alot easier, since you automatically have a right angle there, which you can arrange on the circle to get your tangents.
  18. don't you have a set square? draw a tangent on one side, and one on the other, parallel to the first. check they are parallel using the ruler (since you can extand the lines as far as you like) and then you have the diameter. hald that and you have thee radius.
  19. it's not so much inability to survive long periods of time, it is the inability to survive whatever conditions face them at that particular time. Those conditions might be either weather related, predator related, food/resource related or a host of other things.
  20. I thought for any new members that we have, it might be nice to introduce yourself. feel free to do so here
  21. wear boxing gloves? seriously though, breaking habits takes alot of willpower and concentration. I used to had an annoying habit that was subconscious (picking spots - I don't get many but when I did I would pick them), and I asked people who I hang around with alot to stop me of they see me doing it
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